DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 394: The ownership of first blood

Zhao Dingguo fell into a small dilemma when it came to the initial outfit.

There are many heroes suitable for the middle lane in the lineups on both sides. For example, the Poison Dragon and White Tiger on the Guard side, as well as the Invoker and Warlock are also good. Natural Disaster is not bad here either, Clockwork and Fire Girl can both have a nice rhythm. But in this case, Zhao Dingguo's Tianwu was a little embarrassed.

The Wrath Mage is also a hero that relies on level and needs to be in the middle.

Who to put in the middle and who the opponent is has become a small problem at the moment.

Fortunately, Huo Nu was the first to make a statement: "My replenishment skills are not very good. If I move in the middle, I may not be able to suppress the opponent. It is better to go to the top to protect the Phantom Assassin and leave the middle to you."

Speaking of this, he also bought an animal messenger and opened sharing, obviously to play support.

In this case, there are more choices available. Prophets generally go to the jungle, and then teleport to the lane to support when needed. Zhao Dingguo's Wrath of Heaven and his teammates' Clockwork can both have their own way, and they can be distributed in any way.

"Let me use lighting rockets to open up the field of view!"

Clockwork didn't seem to want to face off against Poison Dragon, one of the road hogs, so he kept releasing illumination rockets at the enemy's three high ground positions in the spring before the troops were dispatched. Although the damage is limited, the short field of vision can be used to check the opponent's hero's lane situation. Soon, through the vision provided by the rocket, Zhao Dingguo and the others saw the guards' separate paths.

The one in the middle is the Poison Dragon, and one of the people in the bottom lane is a puppy.

Clockwork noticed that the opponent's puppy went out with ax and buckler. In this case, it should definitely be wild. In other words, the opponent's bottom lane may only have one person.

"I'd better go down..."

Although Clockwork is a powerful hero, facing the poisonous dragon, with the illumination missile skill, he will be at a disadvantage after all. If you make another mistake in positioning and replenishing troops, the opponent may take the opportunity to cripple you. So, Clockwork decided to avoid the poisonous dragon.

In this case, the middle lane will become Zhao Dingguo's Skywrath Mage.

Because there are animal messengers, the damage of the Skywrath Mage's skill is related to the intelligence attribute. Zhao Dingguo forcefully bought an intelligence cloak, plus three branches and a large ointment. In this case, while taking into account the attributes, there is still roughly two hundred gold on the body, and the magic bottle can be quickly used before the ointment is used up.

The trumpet for dispatching troops begins to sound!

Because it was the regular season, Zhao Dingguo came directly to the high ground in the middle of the natural disaster and began to jam his troops.

Since this was not the first time he had used it, Zhao Dingguo was also quite familiar with this little trick. If it is the mid laner. If he does it five times, he can usually do it three times, successfully controlling the line of troops on the downhill slope in front of his first tower. In this case, by being condescending, you can maximize your advantage!

However, before the troops passed the second tower, the battle on the top road had already begun.

The warlock on the guard side chose to go on the road. In order not to give the Phantom Assassin too many opportunities, he went out and bought a group of reconnaissance guards. One of them is used to see the talisman in the upper river, and the other one is used near the wild spot of the first tower of the natural disaster. Prepare to seal that wild spot.

But at this moment, the phantom assassin who came to Luhe Road to see the talisman happened to bump into him!

Relying on his long-range ability, his first-level skill is Shadow Word, which can both restore and damage. The warlock began to chase the assassin and attack without hesitation. If Phantom Thorn gets scared, he can follow the trend and hit him a few more times, and consume one of his eating trees before the official battle.

However, the assassin was not afraid at all!

His first skill was the Choking Blade. When he saw the Warlock chasing him, he threw one at the Warlock, then rushed up and started attacking. Noticing the confrontation on the top lane, his teammate Prophet immediately teleported and prepared to come over to assist.

Saw signs of teleportation starting. The warlock immediately stopped struggling with the assassin.

Since the teleportation point of the prophet is good, it is in the upper half of the river rune. If the warlock wants to return to the top line of troops, he must go around the wild area of ​​​​the natural disaster. Otherwise, walking along the river will only lead you to the prophet. Realize this. Warlock decisively got into the wild area of ​​​​the natural disaster.

Seeing that the goal was achieved, the prophet immediately stopped the teleportation skill and began to reselect the teleportation point.

This is also where the prophet's teleportation is most superior to other teleportation abilities and props, that is, it can be interrupted at any time before it is activated. Whether it was being knocked unconscious or actively stopping. It will not put the skills on cooldown. Therefore, many master prophets will use the precursors of teleportation to deceive and intimidate the enemy. Only after the other party was fooled did the teleportation actually start!

The warlock fell into the trap and was forced to go up into the wild area of ​​​​the natural disaster.

Phantom Thorn would definitely not let go of the enemy and chased them all the way. The prophet who reactivated the teleportation also happened to appear in front of the warlock and began to chase him. At this time, the Phantom Assassin's second Choking Blade has also cooled down. Although the damage caused is limited, the short slowdown provided gives the prophet more time to output.

How much health does a level one warlock have?

The prophet was hit several times by the ethereal pendant, and the warlock's health began to drop rapidly. The assassin also caught up at this time, relying on his slight advantage in speed and the deceleration of the suffocating blade to hit him one after another. As the warlock ran to the line of troops, his health seemed to be half exhausted!

But at this moment, Bai Hu, who was also stuck in the lower lane, arrived in time.

His first-level skill was upgraded to the Arrow of the Moon God. He had already shot an arrow from a distance before he reached the first tower. The prophet walking in front obviously didn't expect this sudden arrow, and was chasing the warlock almost in a straight line. Needless to say, the result was that he was hit from a distance by this arrow!

The damage is secondary, but the most important thing is that the stun for three to four seconds is terrible.

Seeing his teammates coming to help, the Warlock, who had added Shadow Word to himself on the way to escape, immediately ate a tree and began to turn around and fight back. Just at this time, the guards' line also came over. White Tiger and Warlock cooperated with several tree soldiers and began to besiege the prophet.

A level 1 prophet looks as fragile as a warlock.

Although the prophet's stun was lifted after one round of shooting after the tree soldiers rushed over, the attacks from the warlock and the white tiger still caused his blood volume to drop sharply. The Phantom Assassin helped him block and began to cover the Prophet's retreat. Of course, the two guards refused to let go of the opportunity and followed the line of soldiers to pursue them. They wanted to fight back!

But at this moment, the third person from the natural disaster party arrived.

Huo Nu, who was also stuck in the line of soldiers, took advantage of the gap between Warlock and White Tiger's counterattack and went around from the jungle to the back, and launched an outflank on the two of them from behind. The Phantom Assassin threw a suffocating blade at the right time, slowing down the movement of the Warlock. Although it was only a second, it was enough for the fire girl who just joined the battle to release the light attack formation!

This delayed stun skill is released impeccably.

Although the warlock deliberately tried to dodge, but with his speed being slowed down, he was still unable to escape the range of the light strike array and was stunned by the flames emerging from the ground. The Prophet and Phantom Assassin took the opportunity to come back and kill the Warlock and White Tiger who had just gained the upper hand!

The addition of Huo Nu caused Bai Hu to give up rescuing his teammates.

Although the prophet's own blood volume was also disabled as a result, the natural disaster party finally succeeded in getting the first blood of the warlock. At this time, Zhao Dingguo in the middle had just begun to confront the enemy.

Zhao Dingguo was still very excited about his side getting first blood. Although the first blood was not given to Phantom Thorn and was obtained by Fire Girl, it was still a good start. Moreover, after the fire girl gets first blood, her early equipment will be formed faster and she can join the battle earlier. This is also a good choice. However, when he noticed the opponent in the middle, he was a little surprised. What was supposed to be a poisonous dragon turned into a supplicant!

On the contrary, when the order was placed, the opponent he encountered turned into a poisonous dragon.

Perhaps it was the main fire-type supplicant who took the initiative to request the middle lane, or maybe it was the clockwork missiles that led to their impromptu exchange, but no matter what, Zhao Dingguo's opponent became the one he was most familiar with. This should be considered a good thing for Zhao Dingguo. Although the fire card's skills are powerful, their usability in the early stage is limited and they are not targeted. For him, those familiar routines are almost impossible to hit him!

Of course, the bottom lane is more depressing.

The super user who controls the Poison Dragon is pretty good, and he plays very powerfully. He also does a good job of suppressing and last-hitting. Although the clockwork was careful enough and assisted by lighting rockets, there was still a feeling of being depressed. What worries him even more is that the puppies hunting in the jungle are also a potential threat. God knows when he gets out and slows down, the clockwork will break!

However, when the two sides just started fighting, even if they wanted to change paths, they couldn't do it for the time being.

In desperation, Chongzhang could only rely on supplies while patiently waiting for Zhao Dingguo to reach level six.

At this time, the warlock who was on the road came back after being resurrected. At the same time, in order not to compete with Phantom Thorn for money, and because the jungle point had been blocked, the Prophet had no choice but to teleport to the natural disaster side's jungle point closest to the first tower in the middle, and use the special terrain there to start high-level jungle play. In this way, the top lane becomes a close guard and a long range, facing the natural disasters of Fire Girl and Phantom Thorn. Although the fire girl got first blood, he was a little weak when facing two ranged players who were relatively strong in the lane at the same time.

Before the Prophet can find a second chance, the development of the Phantom Assassin will be affected to some extent.

Except for getting first blood, both the upper and lower lanes are not ideal. In this case, Zhao Dingguo's middle lane must open up the situation. Especially the opponent is a fire card. Although the attack power is high and the troops are stronger, it also means that the survivability is weak and recovery is a problem. Taking advantage of the position advantage of the first wave of soldiers, Zhao Dingguo tried to control the army line while beginning to consume the supplicants!

The opponent who controls the Invoker obviously also knows the weakness of the fire card, so he brings a lot of supplies when he goes out. And after adding two soldiers, a small magic wand was quickly delivered by animal messenger. This made Zhao Dingguo pay more attention to controlling his skills. In this way, although Zhao Dingguo had a successful confrontation with Huo Ka in the first two or three levels, he failed to gain any advantage.

After all, when it comes to last-hitting and attacking, the fire card is no weaker than him!

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