DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 376 Necronomicon Karl

This is the first highland war since the start of this death team battle!

Since both sides had no ultimate moves, this highland battle lasted relatively long. On the guard side, there is AOE such as Divine Bull's Gully, Electric Soul's Plasma Field and White Tiger's Stars Fall, so there is no shortage of damage. But the natural disaster side is not bad at all, not to mention the two major piercings of Sand King and Ryan, the captain's water knife and torrent, and the ice girl's crystal nova are even more powerful skills.

Because the situation was unfavorable and everyone had their own equipment, Ice Girl simply gave up her halo and focused on the first and second skills.

In this way, his output is also quite impressive.

As for treatment, there is a Dark Priest on the Guards side. Although the Scourge is worse in this aspect, at least there is a Mekensm from the Ice Girl.

For a time, various skill lights lit up on the high ground, and the magic wand points of the heroes on both sides also increased rapidly. At the same time, equipment such as pushing sticks, Macon, and war drums were also used frequently, and the fighting was very lively.

However, outside of this main battlefield, there are still cores of both sides competing secretly.

Although Zhao Dingguo never showed up, he could provide skills such as Sky Fire, Assault Hurricane, and Lava Elf from a distance to help fight. Of course, his rapid cooldown skill is on the list of derived skills from beginning to end, ensuring that it can be used at any time.

In contrast, the assistance that the mystery can provide is much smaller.

Although he was very dissatisfied with this situation, Zhao Silang was helpless. Although he could ignore Zhao Dingguo, once he joined the battlefield, without the sudden threat of jumping swords, Zhao Dingguo could deal with it calmly. therefore. To a certain extent, his own absence also limits the other party's core, which poses a greater threat.

Now I can only hope that my teammates will do their best.

Amid such expectations, Zhao Silang continued to watch the battle with a cold eye. It has to be said that with its own high ground at its back, the natural disasters fought very effectively and methodically. Notice the tight end lineup. Electric soul is the main output force. Therefore, the Wuhua team's main output was also targeted at him first. Ryan's 600-point damage ultimate move was thrown at him unceremoniously, severely damaging the electric soul!

Although the Dark Priest treated him in time, he was buried. But the electric soul, which had been drained of blood, still had to retreat and was temporarily out of the battle.

Among the remaining people, only Bai Hu and An Mu still have output.

Of course, when the Scourge focused its output on the Electric Soul, their heroes were also under attack. Ryan was the first to run out of health and luckily escaped with Wind Step.

Although the ice girl also wanted to run away, she was stunned again by the ravine of the sacred cow. Then he was harvested by Zhao Dingguo's sky fire.

However, just as Ice Girl died, the important support of the Konoe side, Anmu, became empty blue. Without the guarantee of treatment, White Tiger and Divine Ox had to retreat. Since the second jump has cooled down, moment of truth. The white tiger managed to escape by jumping away. The Dark Priest, who had no life-saving skills, was caught up by the captain and killed by a water jet splash, becoming the only victim of the Guards.

A hero died on each side!

The bloodless Electric Soul saw that the contact between the two parties had separated, and he safely circled into the shadow of the jungle and returned home. The Divine Ox and the White Tiger also retreated slowly under the cover of Zhao Dingguo. It's a pity that the Highland Tower on the road of natural disaster is a little less durable. But in the end I didn't push it away.

Enigma's ultimate move was still there from beginning to end. Although he wanted to fight back, he only relied on the captain and the out-of-form Sand King. It's a bit unrealistic to chase down a supplicant with full health. Considering that it was difficult to secure the high ground, he did not pursue them rashly.

This wave of advancement was unsuccessful, and the Konoe side may have to wait a while if they want to make a comeback. Taking advantage of this period, the key is to continue to improve your level!

Under the command of Zhao Silang, the teammates quickly took action - someone was responsible for closing the line. Some people go to the field of vision to insert protective eyes, and the rest go to the jungle to develop. In short, you must not stay in a daze without knowing what to do.

In a team fight, especially when you are at a disadvantage, wasting time is accelerating your demise!

At the same time, the Biscuit Team was also deploying intensively.

Godox's ultimate is going to be on cooldown soon, so it won't be long before they can push again. The reason why it was not activated immediately was because Dianhun was saving money to make flutes. The natural disaster side's magic burst is still sufficient. If the electric soul can bring out a flute, the difficulty of advancement will be greatly reduced.

At the same time, Zhao Dingguo himself was also working on a piece of equipment that was rarely produced - the Necronomicon.

The basic attributes of this piece of equipment are to increase strength and intelligence, and it has summoning skills that can find a Necronomicon warrior and a Necronomicon shooter. Both have effective skills and output, and more importantly, when the Necronomicon is upgraded to the third level, the summoned melee Necronomicon warriors will have a wide range of real abilities and will not be Mystery’s Transformation Instant Kill!

This is equipment specially made by Zhao Dingguo in order to restrain the opponent's mystery.

The reason why Zhao Dingguo was so afraid of the big jump of the mystery was because he was invisible and hiding. If he couldn't see it, there would be no way to prevent it. But if you have the True Sight Gem, you can make a third-level Necronomicon and let the two Necronomicon villains and their lava elves go there to open up their field of vision. In this case, the mystery will be completely invisible, and the Necronomicon villain and the lava elf alone will be enough for him to drink a pot!

Due to the continuous killing of people by knocking down towers, Zhao Dingguo had enough gold coins to directly make a first-level Necronomicon.

For the next upgrade, as long as you purchase two more Necronomicon synthesis scrolls, you will be able to make equipment that can perfectly suppress the mystery!

At this moment, with the electric soul taking over a wave of soldiers on the bottom lane, he successfully saved Dizi's nine hundred gold coins scroll money. After he made this key item, Zhao Dingguo immediately summoned his teammates without saying a word and started to advance on the road again. Because there are almost no highland towers on the natural disaster road, it will be much less difficult to choose this road.

Facing the comeback of the Guards Corps, the people of Wuhua Team were highly vigilant.

The previous disastrous defeat in the second tower on the road was because they were a little careless and were taken advantage of by the sacred cow. This time, since we are defending on high ground, as long as we are careful not to be attacked first by the sacred cow, we have a chance to defend it. After cheering up his teammates in the communication channel, Mystery found a place to hide again, waiting for the battle to come!

However, the Konoe side did not rush forward as they thought.

As the ordinary tree soldiers rushed into the high ground, what appeared in front of them were two lava elves and two Necronomicon warriors. Regardless of anything else, these four summoned creatures headed straight for the highland defense tower, which had a little durability. Under their attack, the durability of the highland defense towers dropped rapidly!

In desperation, the natural disaster party could only activate the newly cooled runes immediately.

In just a few seconds, they quickly cleared away the four summoned creatures. However, even though they temporarily saved the defense tower, they had no bottom when facing the next wave of offensive from the Guards.

Just like the interval between dispatching troops, the cooling time of Zhao Dingguo's lava elf is also thirty seconds. As a new wave of tree soldiers arrived, Zhao Dingguo's lava elves arrived at the tower again and attacked the defense tower together with the catapults. In desperation, Ryan could only take a step forward and take the risk of denying the defense tower.

Without the presence of defense towers, the difficulty of getting to the high ground was greatly reduced.

The heroes of the Guards activated the flute's magic shield at this moment, chose to rush to the high ground, and relied on their equipment and level advantages to fight!

Undoubtedly, the flute shield, which could absorb 400 points of magic damage, greatly affected the confidence of the natural disaster party.

In order to avoid the situation where the sacred cow takes the lead again, this time, the heroes of the natural disaster side were spread out enough, and the captain also sailed early, which not only disrupted the charge of the guards, but also provided teammates with damage reduction and acceleration of 10%. buff. At the same time, Ryan's piercing was also shot. It's just that although the stun effect is still there, the damage is completely absorbed by the magic shield. Ice Girl's Crystal Nova was released at the same time, but was also absorbed by the magic shield.

After using several skills, the effect of the shield had been almost offset, and the captain's ship roared in at this moment.

Unfortunately, the ship hit two enemies - the dark animal who was caught in the torrent after using the weaving skill, and the white tiger who made a mistake in his position!

Discovering that the Dark Priest was accidentally hit by the captain, the heroes of the natural disaster party immediately turned their attention and transferred the output to the Dark Priest. But at this moment, the Divine Bull hit the gully in time and successfully rescued the dark animal husbandry. Next, seeing that there was no suitable opportunity, he did not blindly zoom in, but temporarily watched from behind.

The battle lines gradually moved forward.

Without the obstruction of the Highland Tower, almost all members of the Biscuit Team rushed to the hinterland of the Highlands to fight against the heroes of the natural disaster. The Sand King learned the lesson this time and tried to expand from a distance and dig in to penetrate it. The shadow priest, who had no time to interrupt him, could only retreat while preparing for treatment. White Tiger shot an arrow in that direction from a distance, but in the chaos, his arrow's aim was slightly crooked and failed to hit the Sand King.

Just two seconds later, the green light flashed, and the ultimate move was successfully launched!

Seeing the first seismic wave appear, the Sand King immediately pierced through and joined the battlefield. Although several earthquake waves were wasted, he finally managed to deal some damage from his ultimate move. But facing the white tiger that jumped away, the electric soul with the flute, and the dark animal husbandry that left early, even if the king of sand came out, the total damage was very average - what made him feel relieved was that the sacred cow also seized the opportunity to jump to the big one. , but also only as big as two people.

Because they were deep in the highlands, there were no ordinary ghoul soldiers around, and the divine bull's ultimate move didn't deal decent damage.

However, due to the advantages of equipment and level, even if both sides' ultimate moves do not achieve perfect results, the guards can gradually gain an advantage through the subsequent battles.

The weaving and healing effects of Shadow Priest are not limited, and Zhao Dingguo's long-range skill support from time to time can also play a key role. As the plasma field of the electric soul was the first to be killed, the heroes of the natural disaster party began to fall one by one like dominoes!

In this case, the mystery is really urgent.

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