DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 351 Resolving the crisis

The foothills of the northern valley are 400 meters above sea level.

After rushing here in one go, the monsters following Zhao Dingguo and Yan Yuelan could no longer be described as a group. From a cursory glance, you can tell that the number will definitely not be less than a hundred. This is because many monsters were pulled too far and eventually gave up pursuit.

Among these monsters, two or three elite monsters followed closely.

At this time, it would be much more convenient for Yan Yuelan to have a stealth skill. It's a pity that there are not so many ifs in the world, so facing these pursuing soldiers and monsters blocking the road, the two of them can only be as careful as possible. Generally speaking, judging from the first half of the entire mission, their performance was quite good.

Except for some stops and short battles, the two of them almost didn't waste a single minute.

Such smoothness made Yan Yuelan a little more confident in completing the task with high praise.

However, as a difficult bloodline mission, it is normal for accidents to happen in a temporary secret realm. When Zhao Dingguo and Yan Yuelan turned a corner along the spiraling mountain road, two Cester mages appeared in a row at the narrow intersection in front of them. Moving his gaze forward another thirty or forty meters, there was a third one there!

There is a cliff on the left and a cliff on the right. On the winding mountain road only seven or eight meters wide, there are enemies with powerful deceleration skills!

Up to three purification skills...

Zhao Dingguo and Yan Yuelan's hearts sank in unison, and they were keenly aware of the sudden crisis.

Even without looking back, Zhao Dingguo knew that the nearest monster he was chasing was only twenty meters away from him. If you don't handle it well, let alone the final racing mission, it would be nice to get back alive. In desperation, Zhao Dingguo instantly thought of a way to deal with it. As he accelerated towards the mage, he said to Yan Yuelan: "Knock these two guys down the mountain before the purification is activated!"

"Then you can control me!"

Yan Yuelan responded knowingly and rushed over with him.

Based on previous experience, the maximum casting range of the Cester Master's purification skills is thirty or forty meters. However, they will not choose to release at the extreme distance, but wait until the super user is halfway through before taking action. This puts the target between a rock and a hard place and maximizes the slowing effect of Purge.

This means that the safe distance between Zhao Dingguo and Yan Yuelan is roughly twenty meters.

For insurance reasons, Zhao Dingguo released the recently cooled down hurricane before approaching them twenty meters. The direction of this hurricane was just right, and it blew up the two scattered Cester mages together. Taking advantage of this short gap, the two men rushed forward, one on the left and the other on the right, corresponding to the two Cester mages respectively!


Yan Yuelan gathered some strength and hit him with a heavy shoulder, just at the moment Master Cester landed. Before the guy could react, the huge force knocked him away. The tragic Master Cester was rolling in mid-air, but unfortunately he could do nothing. He could only scream and fall from the cliff on the other side.

Compared to her clean and neat movements, Zhao Dingguo's performance showed a slight flaw.

In terms of strength attributes, Zhao Dingguo is definitely much higher than Yan Yuelan. If they were all used up, Zhao Dingguo's impact power should be higher than Yan Yuelan's. However, having power is one thing, but whether it can be fully utilized is another. After all, Zhao Dingguo is a mage, and in terms of skills and timing, he is far superior to Yan Yuelan. But now that he was colliding so close, he was inferior.

Although Master Cester was also knocked away like a cannonball, the moment it turned over and fell down the cliff, it struggled to raise its hand and release purification at Zhao Dingguo.


Seeing the white light in Master Cester's hand, Zhao Dingguo immediately felt danger. However, the purification skill is instantaneous, so Zhao Dingguo reacted a moment too late and was hit directly. The monster that was also knocked away by Yan Yuelan completely lost control in the air. Zhao Dingguo allows the target to still have the ability to release skills, which shows the difference between superior and inferior.

Yan Yuelan was shocked when she noticed that Zhao Dingguo's pace suddenly slowed down.

You know, purification is a five-second slowdown skill. In the first two seconds, the slowing effect of purification is very terrifying, and then it will weaken over time. But despite this, a five-second deceleration is still fatal under the current circumstances!

In the blink of an eye, the pursuers behind him closed the distance.

Facing hundreds of monsters of all kinds, Yan Yuelan was a little overwhelmed and asked, "What should I do?"

Zhao Dingguo actually wanted to make a cold joke, but the current atmosphere was really not suitable for telling cold jokes. He pondered for a moment, and then said resolutely: "You go first, and take out the mage in front of you by the way. Don't worry about me, I'm invisible!"


Yan Yuelan knew that she had no time to hesitate, so she immediately put down Zhao Dingguo and rushed forward alone.

The life-extending skills that Zhao Dingguo currently retains are ice wall and powerful hurricane. While there was still time, he switched out Strike Hurricane in advance and derived Ghost Walk instead. When the large group of monsters behind him were about to catch up and surround him, Zhao Dingguo released the ice wall and tried to move forward.

We must be thankful for the narrow terrain!

On such a winding mountain road, the ice wall is simply a magical existence. Countless condensed ice elements completely blocked the seven-eight-meter-wide mountain path, forming an ice zone that the monsters had to pass through. As long as they dare to step in, the deadly cold air will condense into a thick layer of ice on their bodies. Before the ice wall disappears, everyone who wants to pursue Zhao Dingguo must enjoy this bone-chilling deceleration.

However, these pursuers are not easy to offend.

Although most of them are melee monsters, there are also a few that have long-range attack methods, such as the Cester Soul Assassin. This monster has average strength, but can launch energy balls like star bombs for long-range attacks. Although there are not many of these monsters, if they jointly attack the same target, the damage will be very objective.

Seeing that his blood volume began to drop rapidly, Zhao Dingguo quickly used Ghost Walk.

Because Zhao Dingguo's ice element level is not enough, when using this skill to become invisible, in addition to slowing down the surrounding units, he himself will also be affected. Fortunately, due to the influence of the ice wall, the special monsters with anti-invisibility abilities in the monster group had not caught up, allowing Zhao Dingguo to escape this most deadly attack.

Taking advantage of this time, Yan Yuelan had already rushed to the third Cester Mage in front and had been purified by it.

As long as she is given a few more seconds to knock the Cester mage off the cliff after the purification effect ends, the two of them will be done.

However, as the effect of the ice wall ended, the monsters from behind began to swarm over. Seeing that a monster used its soul gaze ability to gain his invisible vision, Zhao Dingguo quickly canceled the ghost walk, cut out three balls of thunder element, and activated his phase shoes to speed away.

If he was a step too late, he would be surrounded and killed by the large group of monsters behind him.

At this time, Yan Yuelan in front had already pushed the Cester mage all the way to the edge of the cliff. Although the time Zhao Dingguo bought her was limited, with her full force collision and the free landing of a certain mage monster, the two of them were able to completely eliminate this major problem at the bend in the mountain road!

While the ultimate move was cooling down, Zhao Dingguo summoned a lava elf and used it to slightly attract the firepower of his pursuers.

The ice wall's CD time is 25 seconds. After finally waiting for it to cool down, Zhao Dingguo immediately released it behind him. Only then did the two of them seize the opportunity to distance themselves from their pursuers again. Fortunately, they didn't encounter any elite monsters during this section, otherwise the two of them would be ten times miserable than they are now.

However, these costs are still worth it compared with the time saved on the road.

After seizing the opportunity to use the magic bottle and recovering a little, Zhao Dingguo and Yan Yuelan stepped up their pace. Although the familiar elite monster, Sester Dark Dancer, appeared in front of them again, and there were two of them in a row, the two of them ignored them at all. Let the two of them deal some damage as they passed each other, and they forced their way past the blockage.

The cost of saving time is that there are two more elite monsters chasing behind him.

Feeling the fiery gazes of the monsters behind him, Zhao Dingguo missed the long and narrow valley pass and the mountain ridge on the cliff next to it before opening the temporary secret realm. If there is such a shortcut in this temporary copy, then he and Yan Yuelan can get rid of all the monsters behind them in one fell swoop!

There must be a terrain shortcut that can be used!

Zhao Dingguo shouted in his heart while nimbly dodging the monsters on both sides of the mountain road. Finally, when the two of them rushed to the top of the mountain in a somewhat embarrassed state, they saw the long and narrow valley road that seemed familiar to them.

It’s that familiar terrain!

Although there are many differences in the terrain details in this temporary secret realm, the most important place at the moment is no different from the foothills of the northern valley outside. Seeing this long and narrow valley and the steep cliffs tens of meters high on both sides, Zhao Dingguo and Yan Yuelan breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"Quick, the ridge on the right."

Blocked by endless monsters, the two of them had only been able to gain a few seconds for this moment by running so hard for half a day. At the critical moment, Yan Yuelan stood up without hesitation, preparing to be the first to jump over.

However, when she first looked at it, she immediately noticed the difference.

The mountain ridge outside the temporary secret realm was only more than twenty meters away from their position, and the raised foothold in the middle was roughly in the center. In this way, they only need to jump more than ten meters at a time, which is a relatively easy distance to grasp. But now, the mountain ridge is farther away. If they want to jump over, they must cross a distance of twenty meters in the first jump!

If placed on flat ground, without any psychological pressure, super users will definitely be able to grasp the strength and distance after trying it several times.

But now, with only visual distance measurement, they must succeed once and for all!

The difficulty increases greatly.

However, Yan Yuelan cannot afford to fail as his bloodline mission is ahead of him!

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