DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 341 A Busy Beginning of June

"My recent performance has been very good, well done!"

On the top floor of the headquarters building, the two presidents and chairman sat opposite Zhao Dingguo with warm expressions on their faces. Compared to their performance, Zhao Dingguo was a little restrained. Even though it wasn't the first time I met them, they were the two great twilight gods after all, and their powerful auras were impossible to ignore.

As for their praise, this was something Zhao Dingguo expected.

Since officially joining the Illuminati, Zhao Dingguo's several key performances have been remarkable. Whether it was his solo victory over Xu Zhiguo in Night of the Gods or his victory over Peng Cheng in a cross-level challenge, it was an amazing performance with unlimited potential. As for the top 500 in the individual competition, it broke the record of previous Super God qualifying competitions and became the first Rising Sun rookie to reach the finals of the top 500. Under this situation, if the two presidents don't stand up and say something, then Zhao Dingguo will doubt their sincerity.

After all, Zhao Dingguo is still very popular these days.

"It's not just popular, it's simply hot!"

The chairman smacked his lips and seemed to be sighing: "There were more than a dozen people who were stopped by people in the meeting, and even more who asked for contact directly. As of yesterday, you jumped over the rank and killed that high-ranking person in the evening. Queen Sand, even the people in Throne and Bingyan couldn’t bear it anymore, and came in person to make terms, it’s really..."

He shrugged, as if he didn't know how to describe it.

Zhao Dingguo also knew these situations. Even though people in the organization helped to stop many, it was impossible to stop everyone. In the past few weeks, there has been an endless stream of representatives from other organizations trying to contact him privately. Especially after reaching the top 500 yesterday, more people tried to contact him. At the beginning, these people were a little hesitant. Always avoid the sight of the Illuminati. But later, when they saw everyone coming, they became unscrupulous.

Just this morning, when Zhao Dingguo was having a good breakfast, dusk level masters forced their way in. I am willing to give him a purple resentment, or a mysterious staff that is a necessary accessory for synthesizing magic weapons!

The mysterious staff is a divine accessory that can increase intelligence by 25 points, and its value is immeasurable.

Choose one of the two benefits!

To say that you are not moved would be a lie. But Zhao Dingguo is not the kind of person who can be bribed easily. He also has his own principles. What's more, if you want to be famous in the super god circle, credibility is essential. If Zhao Dingguo can betray the Illuminati today, he can betray any organization in the future. For such a master, I am afraid that no one will truly trust him easily.

Therefore, Zhao Dingguo did not agree, but he did not completely refuse to meet with them.

This is where Zhao Dingguo is smart. Cleverly borrowing the hands of others to put pressure on the top management, the top management of the Illuminati must have felt this, so they urgently summoned Zhao Dingguo.

The three giants meeting together is enough to explain everything.

However, their worries came after seeing Zhao Dingguo's composure. Basically, most of it has dissipated. But understanding this is one thing, and taking your own actions is another. The two presidents know very well that with Zhao Dingguo's dazzling performance, the support they give must also increase, so that they can retain people's hearts and not be easily bribed by people from other organizations. so. Calling Zhao Dingguo here today is certainly meant to encourage him, but more importantly, it means making a promise to him.

As long as they work hard enough, the Illuminati will never treat their trump card badly.

"Now that you have the Scepter, your strength is quite good. Then, think carefully about the next big piece of equipment you need. After you make a decision, I will help you solve some problems."

Man Lou personally expressed his position. Although he did not directly mention how many victory points or specific equipment, Zhao Dingguo knew it very well. The value of this promise may not be much worse than a mysterious staff.

"Thank you very much."

Zhao Dingguo was quite satisfied with the attitude in the meeting and stood up to express his gratitude to the three giants.

"You're welcome. A large part of the support given to you in the association is earned through your own efforts. The resources of any organization are limited, and it is impossible to be absolutely fair to every member. So, please continue to work hard, I Both you and Director Kai are very optimistic about you."

As he said that, President Manlou looked at each other and the other two people, and after exchanging glances, he made a new request: "By the way, there will be an internal party of the Soul Stone next Friday night, mainly together. Let’s chat and connect with each other. Although we usually only send invitations to our own members, as die-hard allies, our people often go there. For next week’s gathering, they have given quotas as usual. Originally, the chairman planned to personally I went there, but he was quite busy. If you have nothing urgent to do, could you run for him?"

"Next Friday?"

Zhao Dingguo thought about it and found that it was nothing important, so he agreed.

Manlou nodded slightly and took out an exquisite invitation letter from the nameplate, with the red emblem of the soul stone on it. Zhao Dingguo took it and took a quick look at it. He didn't see much information. The time and location were simply written on it. He just regarded it as an ordinary benefit and didn't take it seriously, so he put away the invitation letter.

"Remember to go when the time comes. The girls at the Soul Stone are pretty good. Maybe you will have some romantic encounters."

Seeing Zhao Dingguo's somewhat careless farewell, the chairman said something to his back from a distance.

By the way, is it necessary to be so serious?


June is destined to be Zhao Dingguo's busiest month of the year.

The day after talking to the Big Three, the first week of the regular season came as scheduled. Because it was a free selection mode, Zhao Dingguo chose a Shadow Shaman and prepared to cooperate with his teammate's Death Prophet to advance the lineup. Unfortunately, one of the opponents happened to choose the Forgotten Mage (Bone Technique), and upgraded the passive skill of Nether Guard to the full level early, which made Zhao Dingguo completely miserable.

Nether Guard is Bone Mage's signature skill. Its anti-propulsion is very powerful, and when used well, the effect is incredible. After releasing the guard, Bone Mage creates a magic rod in place, which greatly reduces the mana recovery speed of surrounding enemies. At the same time, whenever an enemy casts a spell, it will cause him damage proportional to the mana consumption of the skill!

This damage coefficient can reach a maximum of 1.75!

Shadow Shaman is an out-and-out legal hero. He has four active skills and is an absolute mana hog. For example, a level three ultimate move consumes up to 610 magic points once released. Being fed back a 1.75 times damage, it can be said that if the blood volume does not exceed 1,000 points, you will die instantly...

On the other side, the Death Prophet is also a mana-consuming man, just as tragic as Zhao Dingguo!

It has to be said that that Bone Technique is indeed a master, and he has a good grasp of the release of the Nether Guard. Coupled with the control and cooperation of his teammates, Zhao Dingguo and the others were never able to defeat the guards first. In this way, both masters would not dare to use their skills casually during a team battle, and the result would naturally be a tragedy.

The unfavorable first match poured a glass of cold water on Zhao Dingguo's recent overheated state.

However, although he lost, Zhao Dingguo's performance was not bad. It can only be said that the lineup was restrained by the opponent, and they did have experts. Therefore, Zhao Dingguo was not affected, but started the next busy work in high spirits - entering the main plane and assisting Yan Yuelan in completing the bloodline threshold task!

Because the time had been arranged in advance, Zhao Dingguo could just go directly to the Yingcheng ruins to gather.

Due to the Naga clan, the time of the Legion War is likely to be advanced. As the party that encountered the Scourge's attack on the eastern front, Shadow City Battle Castle has now turned into a super large military fortress. Nearly a million Guards troops gathered here, and there were countless ordinary aborigines who were constantly building fortifications. Organizations such as Kinmen and TK who guard this place also come and go frequently, making this the busiest construction site in the entire Guards Corps!

Perhaps Zhao Dingguo was indeed famous. Along the way, several tk masters recognized him and took the initiative to say hello. Obviously, they are quite curious about Zhao Dingguo, who can defeat the master of Twilight in a higher level.

In this regard, Zhao Dingguo was also a little helpless.

Although the tk organization is not our own ally, our relationship is not bad. Zhao Dingguo could not turn a blind eye and could only respond one by one. If it is seen by a super user who does not know the truth, it may be because of how great Zhao Dingguo is in the movie theater.

After Yiyan arrived at the north gate of the cinema, Zhao Dingguo waited for about four or five minutes before he saw Yan Yuelan rushing towards this direction.

"Sorry, I'm a little late."

Seeing that Zhao Dingguo was already waiting for her, Yan Yuelan felt a little embarrassed. After all, Zhao Dingguo came to help her with the task, and she should wait for him emotionally and rationally, but now it's the opposite.

"It doesn't matter."

Zhao Dingguo didn't care about such a trivial matter. He simply explained it and headed towards the destination with Yan Yuelan.

Yan Yuelan's dress today is slightly different from the standard aboriginal dress of the past. She is rarely seen wearing a red light armor. Due to the decent cut, the delicate and light armor highlights her slender figure. In addition, a beautiful ruby ​​pendant hung on her fair neck, which looked particularly attractive. At first, Zhao Dingguo thought it was just an ordinary decoration. But after taking a second look, he realized that this was actually a piece of soul equipment!

Similar to the equipment Zhao Dingguo got from killing the Undead Troll Shaman, it has soul equipment that enhances skill effects!

Although he didn't know its properties yet, Zhao Dingguo could feel its power by looking at the faint magic power that the ruby ​​emanated. It seems that while he is making progress, the beauty of Sir Dragon Rider in front of him has not slowed down his progress.

Seemingly noticing that Zhao Dingguo's eyes were looking at some sensitive parts of his body, Yan Yuelan coughed lightly and then said: "The necklace I just got last week can increase the damage of the Ghost Blade by 20 points and extend it slightly. The Spectral Blade ignores the terrain's special effect duration."

"Good luck."

Zhao Dingguo couldn't help but feel envious when he heard the attributes reported by Yan Yuelan. Before I even got this bloodline, I already got the matching soul equipment. In contrast, although I also got a piece of soul equipment, I didn't use it for myself. There was still a gap!

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