DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 322: Facing the Naga Tribe

Originals: Okay, this is actually the second one yesterday...

Zhao Dingguo didn't know which section of the defense line he needed to garrison. The aborigines responsible for the assignment had long been surrounded by countless super users on the inner and outer three levels.\u00261\u0026 With that original posture, even if they squeezed in for a long time, they might not be able to squeeze in. go. But then he knew that his organization would definitely make arrangements. Therefore, Zhao Dingguo did not blindly run around the thirty-section defense line, but found a commanding height to check the flag with the Illuminati emblem.

This is certainly not an easy task.

Since the recruitment of the Southern Wilderness Defense Line was issued to all members of the Guards Corps, major organizations and even foreign allies showed up. Not to mention the blond foreigners and swarthy Africans who can be seen everywhere, the battle flags of each color are blocking the sky and the sun. It took him more than ten minutes to find the Illuminati's defense zone.

"Dingguo is here."

Zhang Tianshao was sweating profusely and was busy talking about something back and forth. Seeing Zhao Dingguo coming, he quickly said hello to him.

"Master Tian, ​​my defense zone?"

Before Zhao Dingguo finished speaking, Zhang Tianshao already understood what he was going to ask and said with a smile: "Don't worry, the people assigned to the defense area are not just the aborigines, there are also people from our Illuminati inside. All members of the Illuminati have been They have been deployed to our defense area privately. You don’t need to run around, just rest and get familiar with it first. The outer defense line will not last long, and the war will spread in two or three hours."

Zhao Dingguo nodded and said, "That's good."

Since the Illuminati has made arrangements, the people cooperating here are all of their own people, so Zhao Dingguo can feel relieved. However, such a defense line is five hundred meters long, and it is obviously impossible to hand it all over to the Illuminati. Also, it will take at least three days to be stationed here. How to arrange rotation and emergency reserve teams is also something that must be considered.

Fortunately, Zhao Dingguo is not the specific person in charge, so the directors will naturally take care of similar matters.

Seeing that Zhang Tianshao was busy, Zhao Dingguo didn't bother him anymore. Instead, he wandered around the defense line alone.

As the focus of the Naga tribe's main attack, the battle fortress at the outpost is undoubtedly a place of great pressure. Although there are tall walls and they are reinforced by magic, they are not necessarily any safer than other places. In comparison, the temporary defense line chosen by the Illuminati is much better. Although only a temporary stone wall five or six meters high was built crudely, there were three trenches in front and the terrain was relatively high. Basically, within two or three kilometers nearby. This should be an area that is easy to defend and relatively easy to spawn monsters.

If the Illuminati can win such a prime location, there must be Twilight gods fighting behind it. And it's likely that the Illuminati are not alone in their efforts.

As Zhao Dingguo expected, as more and more super god users were in place, he saw people who were allies of the Soul Stone on the left. Needless to say about the right wing, some Russian foreigners are Yakov of the Far East Gang. The other part are Americans. The chairman who has arrived here is dealing with those big-nosed Americans. They should be organized by typewriters.

So many allies joining forces. Captured such a 500-meter-long defense line.

In comparison, other forces that do not have the support of a great god are relatively bleak. Either they occupied a place at will, or they simply followed the arrangements of the indigenous people. Distracted and disrupted. There are also some second- and third-rate small organizations occupying poor terrain, but they stand out on the terrain. It can be said that they are the first to bear the pressure of the Naga army. If one fails, he will become cannon fodder.

It is not an easy task to complete the task there.

"People in the 17th Section Defense Zone, listen up, we are now setting up a temporary coordination group."

"Everyone from the four major organizations of the Illuminati, the Soul Stone, and the Far East, come here and follow the arrangements. You will be divided into three groups. You will take turns to complete mission objective 1 first, and then reserve a part of the reserve team. The others can freely You have done your best. If you are not a super user of the above four organizations, we also welcome you to join. If you can obey our command, please complete the task seriously if not, and don't make trouble."

"The lists of the three groups of people will be announced below..."

"Everyone with halo-type skills and equipment comes to report. The entire 500-meter defense zone will be divided into ten small sections. We want to ensure that people in each small section can enjoy as much halo bonuses as possible, without As for the situation of overlapping waste.”

"Pay attention to the coordination of firepower, each covering the area directly in front of him, and do not attack other people's targets at will."

"Remember not to go out and pick up dropped items at will during the battle. After the staged battle is over, we will organize special people to clean up. This is not an online game, and dropped items will not be recovered. Please pay attention to your behavior. Repeat , don’t rush out of the defense line to pick up dropped props at will, it’s a joke with your own life!”

With the advance coordination of several major organizations, similar cooperation terms soon spread in the 17th section of the defense zone.

If Zhao Dingguo had not participated in it personally, he would not have imagined that there would be so many things to pay attention to in a joint defense mission. After all, large organizations have their own unique features. If it were replaced by those small and loose organizations, they would probably fight on their own and open fire at will when they see monsters coming?

Zhao Dingguo did not think that this attack by the Naga tribe would be easy to deal with, so he was secretly glad that he had joined a large organization.


As time goes by, more and more super users come over.

Under the coordination of the dusk masters of the four major organizations, members of Zhao Dingguo's defense zone were divided into three waves. Even so, this 500-meter defense line was still crowded with thousands of super users. There were several other unorganized lines of defense with many people in disarray. It is conceivable how many thousands of super users have gathered in the entire Southern Wilderness.

It is said that the offensive and defensive battles in the Aktura island chain were no less than the scale here.

Unknowingly, the time reached one o'clock noon.

The glow of skills on the frontline defense line has dimmed, and a large number of super users can be seen returning in confusion. Although some other people are still persisting, the overall defeat is inevitable. It is foreseeable that a large number of Naga monsters will come over soon. Even so, some bold super users are still rushing forward across the defense line, obviously wanting to take the opportunity to kill a few more.

A few Naga monsters that slipped through the net have also appeared sporadically, and have begun to fight against the frontal defense line.

There was a mess everywhere.

The seventeenth section of the defense zone is pretty good. Under the command of experienced experts, the super users are finally in place, and the halo effects of all major skills and equipment are also turned on. Almost instantly, Zhao Dingguo gained more than a dozen aura enhancements: strong attack, command, glory, blood-sucking, sacrifice, assault...

Due to reasonable arrangements, almost all super users in the entire defense zone can receive similar improvements.

In addition, some supports with skills such as bloodthirsty and frost armor have also begun to support them one by one. For example, Frost Armor is mainly released for melee power-type people, while Bloodthirsty gives priority to long-range DPS output. Some group buffs, such as the werewolf's howl and the troll warrior's ultimate battle focus, are prohibited from being released at will. In times of crisis, such a powerful buff can play a decisive role.

One fifteen.

More and more super-god users came back in defeat, and some were even killed by the monsters that were following them. Although enthusiastic people came to help from time to time, such as the elf guards who used their ultimate moves to come, they could not save everyone. These greedy and visionless guys used their own lives to teach many super users who were experiencing such a huge scene for the first time.

The successive deaths made the noise on the defense line quieter, and the air was filled with tension and the momentum of a war.

As the latter group of about 400 to 500 super-god users withdrew, the Naga army officially approached the Southern Wilderness defense line of the Guards Corps.

To be honest, although the Naga clan is strong, the number of troops is still far behind compared to the guards who have a territory of thousands of miles and dominate half of the continent. The reason why they dare to attack the guards is that in addition to the instigation of natural disasters, the countless sea monsters and amphibious monsters in the endless sea are their biggest support. Although only some of these monsters can temporarily leave the water, the Naga tribe will not care so much. As long as they can land for battle, they will drive them all over to die.

What can be expected is that in the first two days of defensive battles, the real elites of the Naga tribe will not appear at all.

However, even if it is just an ordinary sea monster, it is by no means that easy to deal with!

Soon, the first batch of tens of thousands of unknown amphibious fish-man monsters rushed forward in a loose formation. Although this makes them look less imposing than an army, it can effectively avoid the firepower of the Guards Corps.

Even though such a group of murlocs were just cannon fodder for testing, some people who had been waiting for a long time and were impatient still couldn't wait to take action. Especially those super users with super long-range skills began to release their skills one after another. In just half a minute, more than a dozen blows of natural power flashed in the sky, as well as the fury of thunder and so on. Zhao Dingguo also symbolically threw a sky fire, and unexpectedly found another one, but the monster's body was instantly submerged by the following murlocs, and not even a wave was seen.

Two hundred meters away.

Some super-god users with long casting distance and range of effects began to pour out firepower.

As the distance got closer, everyone with long-range strike capabilities rushed to take action. Even if the skill has deformed out of control at the extreme distance, it doesn't matter, as long as there is still damage. In an instant, fire, frost, thunder and lightning, poison, shadow and arrows, various skills, instantly devoured the rushing murlocs!

Zhao Dingguo in the crowd has the bloodline of a supplicant and a divine staff. The three elemental balls emitting brilliant light are extremely dazzling. You can tell he is a master at a glance, so he is naturally the focus of the assistants' care. With so many buffs, Zhao Dingguo's strength skyrocketed, and he felt vaguely like he was losing control of his power. Fortunately, he doesn't need any detailed operations later, he just needs to use his skills and output against the monsters coming towards him.

This is a mindless moment! To be continued

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