DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 298 Saving Allies

Anyone who comes in without greeting at this time must be his enemy.

The two men knew this very well, so they were shocked and angry. The Illuminati's support speed was already much faster than they expected, but both the prophet and the elf guard had long-range penetration skills, so they could understand if it came faster. But it had only been three or four minutes since they launched the attack, and other people had actually arrived. This speed was terrifying!

what to do?

Before they came to hunt down this target, they thought that the four of them could be killed instantly when they swarmed up, so they didn't make many targeted preparations. Since he didn't know that the opponent had a stealth skill, the only anti-stealth items he had were a set of pinks and one remaining true eye. But during the pursuit and escape just now, the opponent used Bo Burial's undead characteristics, the ejection of the push stick and the 15% acceleration of the elusive skill to forcefully escape from their pursuit.

There was still a group of fans fighting against the Illuminati reinforcements outside, but when they were chasing the target with only a little health left, they didn't expect that their opponents would be so difficult, so they didn't consider asking for fans. By now, we have entered an extremely embarrassing situation!

Without fans, how can we deal with the invisible supplicant?

But then again, why do we have to deal with the new reinforcements?

The two men were not stupid, and they reacted quickly. Their main target is the Dark Priest. As long as they kill her after her elusiveness ends, they can complete the mission and evacuate directly. As for the supplicant, whoever wants to take care of it can take care of it!

However, is things really as simple as they think?

A few seconds later, the woman wearing a white T-shirt and tight jeans appeared from the other side of the warehouse away from the two enemies. As soon as she appeared, she used the mana recovery skill that came with the arcane shoes and added a shadow wave to herself.

This move naturally attracted the attention of the two of them. They laughed ferociously and both rushed forward!

These are two super users of the melee route. One of them is undoubtedly a person with the blood of the Sword Saint; the other one, Zhao Dingguo, has not seen him use skills yet, but he should not have the blood yet, so his skills may be more complicated. But there is no doubt about one thing, that is, these two people are genuine dusk!

Facing their attack, the woman of Dark Shepherd blood remained unhurried. She dodged twice and launched the ejection of the push stick in time, pushing herself out of the gap between the two people rushing towards them and regaining the distance. As the shadow wave cooled down for four seconds, the woman once again added a mouthful of blood to herself, and at the same time received the frost armor from the lich.

This is a pure auxiliary route master.

In terms of output, she may not even be able to compare with some high-level Rising Suns. But in terms of its popularity in the main plane and death team battles, it probably beats the latter completely.

"Where can you escape to?"

Although still being slowed down by the ghost walk, due to the restrictions of the warehouse, the two of them moved to the left and right, and finally the woman's escape route was re-sealed. Seeing that the victory was in hand, the man couldn't help but laugh loudly.

"Hey, why don't you do something?"

In the critical moment, the woman shouted into the air with a clear voice. Although she was not sure of Zhao Dingguo's location, she was not slowed down by the ghost walk, which was enough to show that the supplicant who sneaked in was here to rescue her. Seeing that the situation was very dangerous, the woman had to warn the other person.

In fact, she didn't need to remind Zhao Dingguo that it was time to take action himself.

Astral Confinement is a skill that can be used to save people in critical moments, and Zhao Dingguo does not dare to use it first; the bloodline skill is reserved for Assault Hurricane to save people, and Zhao Dingguo also does not dare to use it. With his hands tied, he could only use ordinary arc attacks. With the bonus of thunder specialization, the ejection of the arc gave Zhao Dingguo the capital to attack two people at the same time. If they don't want to be hurt by the arc ejection, they must stand apart.

That's exactly what Zhao Dingguo wants to see, because if they are separated, the two people's oppression and pursuit of the dark animal husbandry cannot be synchronized!

Of course, the two Twilight masters also knew this, so they chose to withstand Zhao Dingguo's attack and planned to kill An Mu by force. Judging from the attacks of the two of them, it only takes one person to kill her instantly!

"I'm not ready for burial!"

The woman warned, while trying her best to dodge.

Zhao Dingguo knew the danger, saw that the two men had forced An Mu into a corner, and launched a powerful hurricane attack at the last moment. This hurricane saved the woman from death just in time, and directly blew the two enemies up and hit the ceiling hard.

The woman knew that the opportunity had come, and decisively took advantage of it and rushed out.

Because the level of the element is not high enough, the duration of the blowing is certainly not long. But for super users whose attributes are close to superhuman, this time is enough. What's more, in order to let her reach a safe distance as much as possible, Zhao Dingguo also turned on the war drum, and then took advantage of the moment when they crossed each other to stuff the magic bottle over.

After persisting for so long, she must have run out of supplies. With the magic bottle's three recovery times, combined with the shadow wave, it should be able to restore some of the status.

Because the war situation was urgent, the woman didn't show any pretense and directly took the magic bottle and started using it. Seeing that good things were interrupted, the two men who were blown up by the wind were naturally extremely angry. Perhaps it was Zhao Dingguo's arrival that made the two of them aware of the crisis. One of them gritted his teeth and took out a scroll from the nameplate space!

The scorched earth of Doomguard.

This skill has a large range of effect, can heal allies, while continuously damaging enemies, and can increase the caster's movement speed by 16%. In this warehouse, with the scorched earth effect, chasing the enemy is almost impossible. And just the continuous burns put the Dark Priest, whose blood volume was always at a low point, into deep danger!

If he had taken it out earlier, the Dark Priest would have died long ago. But this kind of private goods has to be paid for by oneself, and the man is very reluctant to part with it. Now that he couldn't use it anymore, he was forced to take it out.

However, Dark Priest also used his own equipment - Mekensim!

The more than 200 points of blood recovered instantly allowed the dark priest to successfully sustain it, and the skill of thin burial also cooled down at the last moment. With this five-second immortal state, the woman fought back bravely against the man's attack. The second before Bo Zian was about to disappear, she used elusiveness in advance and became invisible again!

The Juggernaut then activated his Blade Storm skill and started spinning around.

It's a pity that Dark Priest's Haunting has a 15% movement speed bonus. In addition, Zhao Dingguo's passive acceleration aura of the war drum is also open to her. With this 20% speed increase and being one step ahead, it will not be easy for the Sword Master to catch up with her.

Everything was like the scene happening again.

Do we have to wait another eight seconds?

The two men already had a bad premonition, but after finally chasing the target to this point, they felt uneasy if they just let it go. After all, people will be more vigilant after being attacked once. It is very likely that they will not be able to find a second chance for more than half a year!

She must be killed!

Seeing his ultimate move that had re-cooled, the sword master's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

The eight seconds of invisibility passed quickly, and during this time, the two ran to the center of the warehouse. This ensures that no matter where the woman is, they will arrive as soon as possible. The moment the Dark Priest appeared, two dusk masters immediately came to kill him, and one of them even used a piercing-like stun skill!

Zhao Dingguo glanced at An Mu's life halo and knew that she would not be killed instantly, so he let this skill work. But when he saw the man rushing forward like a dog, Zhao Dingguo couldn't remain indifferent and quickly created an ice wall. This ice wall greatly slowed down the speed of the two of them, and also bought time for the Dark Priest. After the dizziness ended, without saying a word, she used the cooled push stick to push herself away again!

"Great, now!"

The sword master knew that the opponent's skills that could limit his ultimate move were gone, and he immediately excitedly chased the shadow priest who pushed him to the other side. Juggernaut's first big move was wasted by Dark Priest's Thin Burial. For the second ultimate move, the opponent uses a scroll with the void skill sealed in it to dodge. He didn't believe that the other party had other methods in this case. The sword master seemed to have seen the scene where he killed the dark priest with an invincible kill and successfully completed the mission.

The woman with the Dark Shepherd bloodline indeed had no more means, and she also felt the danger.

However, at the moment when the Sword Master jumped up with the momentum of his forward charge, and then struck with an invincible slash, Zhao Dingguo grasped the time to 0.1 second and used the astral imprisonment to seal the dark animal husbandry!

Seeing the target disappear suddenly and stabbing into the air with his own slash, the sword master's excitement suddenly turned into dumbfounding. But as a dusk expert, his reaction is not slow. Seeing that he had overshot his head, he slammed his feet into the air on the wall of the warehouse, then turned back and continued to attack. The first-level invincible slash can be slashed three times. The first one was destroyed by Zhao Dingguo's astral imprisonment. The other two slashes were completely endured by Zhao Dingguo.

The Juggernaut's sudden response was not unpleasant, but in terms of purpose, Zhao Dingguo still won.

He saved the dark animal husbandry from being killed!

The magical skill of astral confinement was used by Zhao Dingguo at the most critical moment, turning the Sword Master's fatal situation in one fell swoop. Although his blood volume dropped like water, his extremely high three attributes were not just for show. Two slashes could not kill him.

At this moment, the Dark Priest who broke out of the seal immediately added Shadow Wave to himself, took some magic wand points, and accelerated his escape. Although the other person reacted quickly, the slowing effect of the ice armor was still there. He only took action once and could no longer catch up with the dark animal husbandry. Although the whole process was dangerous, the two dusk masters obviously lacked long-range damage skills, and the dark priest actually had a close call!

At the critical moment, a new round of reinforcements from the Illuminati finally arrived!

It’s still the Elf Guard’s big move coming!

This time, his link partner became the Enchantress. Because of Zhao Dingguo's logo, the elf guards came directly to the warehouse where Zhao Dingguo was. Seeing the critical situation, the Charming Witch immediately activated the help of nature to increase blood. At the same time, a man with ghoul blood emerged from the body of the Enchantress!

That's his ultimate move, Infection!

The sudden addition of three twilight masters completely changed the situation of the battle!

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