DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 262 Direct demolition of the base

Not only Zhao Dingguo noticed this, but the guards also clearly felt that they were beginning to have the upper hand.

This is exactly what a piece of cheese does, either directly or indirectly. The direct effect is that the ghost has an extra life, and the indirect effect is that on the basis of cheese and immortal shield, the ghost can play more proactively and unrestrainedly. The two combined together made the Guards side finally lose the team battle in the bottom lane!

In addition to Ice Soul and White Tiger dying again, the Guards paid the price of four heroes!

Two for four, this is definitely a profit, and Zhao Dingguo's Immortal Shield has not been used yet!

With his last bit of blood left, Zhao Dingguo fought to the death of the prophet and retreated calmly. In such a team battle, he once again got two kills and added two assists. Counting the fact that he collected several waves of troops from the upper and middle routes after returning, Zhao Dingguo's Yaksha and Extreme Serve seemed to have been obtained!

Next, you only need one scroll to make a clone axe!

In the past, Zhao Dingguo did not dare to buy new equipment because he had to save money to survive. But now that he still has the Immortal Shield, Zhao Dingguo has an extra life, so he dares to buy more equipment.

This is definitely not good news for Konoe.

Moreover, due to the success in that battle, not only Zhao Dingguo gained a big thing, but his teammates also benefited one after another. For example, Yan Yuelan's White Tiger finally made the Soul Purifying Blade after saving money for a long time. Gondor also bought the scroll of the Black King's Staff before his death, and now he has Black and Yellow in his hand. The next time we have a team fight, we finally don’t have to worry about being instantly killed by Fatty Lan and Karl’s skills!

The other side.

The failure of the high ground battle in the bottom lane triggered a new round of conflicts on the Guards side, with several people blaming each other.

It's just that the quarrel is a quarrel, but the guards still think they have a chance to win. Because during the highland battle on the lower road, two groups of elite soldiers destroyed all the two defense towers in front of the Frozen Throne. Facing the lonely Frozen Throne. Maybe if they just drag on for two more waves like this, the natural disaster will be defeated!

Advantages of two lines of troops. It’s not that easy to make up for!

Of course Zhao Dingguo knew this. So he didn't think that he could make an immediate comeback by beating back the guards. Hearing the carelessness of his teammates in the voice channel, Zhao Dingguo quickly poured cold water on them and asked them to work harder to lead the line.

Only by bringing the line of troops far enough. Only then do they have a chance to counterattack!

As an absolute late-game player, Zhao Dingguo naturally leads the lower lane. Because the hero level of the Guards is very high. Resurrection took a long time, so Zhao Dingguo almost pushed all the way to the opponent's second tower, and then turned around and left when two TPs lit up one after another. But Konoe focuses on this side. The other two lines of troops will definitely not be taken into consideration. Zhao Dingguo’s teammates counterattacked and destroyed all the outer towers. Then he brought all the troops to the second tower of the Guards, and then withdrew and returned.

The Guardsmen were successfully mobilized.

The bad situation where the natural disaster has been suppressed by the guards finally eased a little at this moment.

Zhao Dingguo knew that if no one took care of it, the military line would be brought back soon. If they want to make any move, now is the perfect time. As for what to do. After his teammates were resurrected, Zhao Dingguo immediately made a suggestion: open the fog and catch a wave!

During the battle in the Dawn Zone. Although everyone knows that the fog of trickery is occasionally useful, in the end they don't pay much attention to it. Starting from the battles at the Rising Sun level, the use of the Mist of Trickery has become much more frequent, and super-god users have begun to value this item. Zhao Dingguo's suggestion at this moment is to use the Fog of Deception to actively gank, and then rely on the Immortal Shield to see if he can take advantage of the situation and break through the high ground!

In that case, the pressure of natural disasters will be greatly reduced!

Zhao Dingguo's proposal was quickly implemented.

After resurrecting, Ice Soul bought a Fog of Deception, and then rushed to the first tower on the bottom lane to join his teammates. After using it, the five people were invariably covered with a layer of gray mist. Then the five people got into the guard's wild area, and let Gondor, who had the stealth skill, explore the way at the front.

Bounty hunter Gondor soon finds his target!

The resurrected Troll Warlord got into the jungle and was busy fighting in the jungle. He didn't know that he had been targeted by Gondor. However, because the opponent had black and yellow, Gondor did not act rashly, but waited for the sacred bull and white tiger to make the first move.

It would be strange if the troll could still escape under such an ambush!

The sacred cow suddenly appeared from the darkness and raised its hand to smash out the ravine, stunning the unsuspecting troll. Immediately, five heroes swarmed forward and poured out their output madly onto the troll warrior. Although the troll successfully fired the black and yellow after being stunned for two seconds, the natural disaster party's output was too strong, and he was killed directly with the magic immunity!

After all, he is not a ghost, nor does he have a dragon heart!

The death of the troll warrior undoubtedly shocked the guards. The guards heroes who were still leading the line quickly returned, fearing that the natural disaster would take the opportunity to counterattack. Zhao Dingguo did have such an idea, but it was a pity that they had not even broken the second tower of the Guards. Therefore, it was impossible to take advantage of the opportunity to kill the troll to reach the opponent's high ground. However, after dividing the lane and leading the line, they still took the opportunity to pull out the second tower on both sides of the guard!

After this wave, the Scourge Legion regained a lot of its previous disadvantage. Moreover, it also provides conditions for directly attacking the opponent's high ground next time.

"The troll is resurrected, retreat first!"

Zhao Dingguo knew the principle of giving up when he was ready, and promptly called his teammates to retreat.

If you drag it back, you will definitely not be afraid of your opponent. Because the troll is not making money very fast, it is impossible to compete with him at this rate. Although the supplicant with the magic staff is capable of fighting, his opponent's use of it is obviously not good enough. After being attacked by him at close range, I became a little panicked, and the connection and accuracy of my skills were greatly reduced.

As for the other output points of Konoe, which one is enough to watch in front of a ghost in divine clothing?

To put it bluntly, with the three major items he currently has in his hands: Dragon Heart, Clone, and Glory, as well as an Immortal Shield, if the three of them on the Imperial Guard side were not together, they would have to make a detour when meeting him!

However, at this moment, Zhao Dingguo got a reminder that the Immortal Shield would disappear in one minute.

This resurrection treasure dropped by Roshan will be recycled if it is not consumed within six minutes. Zhao Dingguo obviously didn't want to waste it, so he immediately called his teammates and prepared to take the initiative to fight his opponents in the wild. Just at this time, the guards came to the bottom lane to gather again. Zhao Dingguo, without saying a word, led his teammates to stage an almost identical battle!

Still taking his greatness as the guide!

Because he deliberately wanted to give away this immortal shield, Zhao Dingguo did not activate the clone ax immediately. Instead, after absorbing enough damage and resurrecting on the spot after death, he activated the clone ax and controlled three identical ghosts to kill them. As a result, the Konoe side lost even worse this time than last time. Compared to the two-for-four result, this time the five members of the Guards team were wiped out, but only replaced by a careless Gondor after the effect of the Black Emperor Staff ended!

Five for one!

Of course, there is also an immortal shield that disappears immediately if it is no longer used!

The victory of two consecutive team battles, coupled with the effect of Gondor's tracking technique, almost brought the two legions back to the same level. However, two lines of the natural disaster side were destroyed, but at this time, three lines of the Guards side were intact, and there was still a second tower. As Specter becomes more and more powerful, can Konoe really hold on to the end?

After seeing the possibility of losing the game, they started to get serious.

At the request of the supplicant, the people from the Guards also bought the fog and sneaked over while taking advantage of the middle line of troops. Lan Pang even pushed himself with the push stick, and instantly appeared in front of Binghun, raising his hand and blasting it with flames!

A triple cast immediately reduced Ice Soul's blood volume by a large amount.

The following heroes from the Guards followed up, and Ice Soul was killed directly without any time to react. On the other side, the sacred bull who wanted to rush over to rescue Gondor was about to raise his hand to the gully, but a binding arrow from Windrunner hit the ghoul soldier who had just emerged from behind.

Later, Windrunner used Purple Resentment to silence the Divine Ox!

The fate of the sacred cow has also been determined!

Because the raid was too sudden, two teammates died one after another, and Zhao Dingguo had time to come back from the bottom lane. At this time, the guards had already swarmed up from the broken center!

They obviously want to set up a direct base!

Only Gondor and White Tiger were there, and Zhao Dingguo suddenly felt a little unlucky. Fortunately, after Shenniu made the jumping knife, he had been saving money to make the magic staff, and he had a lot of savings. At this moment, he directly bought the job. With such a controlling player, Zhao Dingguo felt much more at ease!

He himself can buy a living!

After noticing that Shenniu was buying work, the Guards' originally dense offensive formation quickly loosened up. Cooperating with two catapults, the five heroes of the Guards began to attack the base directly!

At this moment, Windrunner opens up!

Troll War will open up!

The prophet recruited five treants and gave himself the active state of Mjolnir!

The supplicant summoned a Pyroman in advance and gave himself agility and agility.

Fatty Lan also blessed his teammates with bloodthirsty skills beforehand!

The posture of Konoe was obviously discussed in advance, and he was determined to demolish the base at all costs!

The situation has reached this point and it can't be delayed any longer. Almost instantly, the durability of the Frozen Throne began to decline rapidly. Zhao Dingguo had to activate the defensive runes immediately, which delayed him for four seconds. Immediately afterwards, the newly bought earth-shaking sacred bull strode forward and launched a triple jump combo from a reasonable position.

The shocking effect of echo strike appears!

With more than two waves of soldiers, five trees, and guards of heroes, with so many units gathered together, one can imagine the ricochet damage triggered. Although the position of Shenniu Daodao was not ideal, it only hurt three people. But the affected Prayer, Fat Blue and Windrunner suffered fatal blows!

The Prophet, who mainly uses output equipment, does not sustain much health and is the most fragile among the five guards. Therefore, after being chased and beaten by the sacred cow three times in a row, he was the first to die!

It's a pity that his Thor's Hammer has almost never produced decent output since it was made!

And next, the highlight will be Zhao Dingguo's!

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