DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 110 Roshan’s Immortal Shield

The biggest advantage of Zhao Dingguo's plan is that while pushing one side, they can put huge pressure on the other side through the military line, but it also makes the opponent unable to cope with it at the same time.

But the guards were not as good as they wanted.

When they saw the four heroes of the natural disaster side gathered in the bottom lane, but there was no ghost, the heroes of the guard side already understood their tactics. It would be really difficult if they were allowed to successfully press forward to their own high ground and the ghost led the lane on the top lane, threatening their high ground. Therefore, after understanding Zhao Dingguo's intentions, the guards suddenly made a bold decision, that is, to take the initiative to go out and fight!

Put the battlefield outside the high ground!

Although this gave up the huge advantage of the highlands, it successfully defeated the natural disaster's intention and allowed the ghosts to start the war before they could bring their troops to the highlands. Ghost will either rush over immediately, or he will find that four of his teammates have been wiped out before half of his high ground has been demolished!

Trading half a defensive tower for a victory in a team battle is certainly a good deal.

Moreover, taking the initiative to fight did have an unexpected effect. At least Zhao Dingguo and the others did not expect that the guards would have the courage to fight them directly on the high ground. Therefore, when Bai Niu sprinted out first and Mystery followed up with a big jump to cover the three natural disasters, Zhao Dingguo and the others were caught off guard.

Due to a mistake in positioning, the goblin tinker stood at the front.

He was also the first to face the concentrated fire from the guards, and he withstood the Wandering Swordsman's Storm Hammer, the Shadow Demon's shadow pressure, and the Demon Sorcerer's ultimate move, and was instantly killed. Immediately afterwards, White Bull sprinted to the prophet, activated the newly made crazy mask, and began to output with all its strength!

Among the four people on the natural disaster side, only Zhao Dingguo stood at the back and was the most obscene.

In fact, when White Bull sprinted, he wanted to choose Zhao Dingguo, but just when he was about to lock the target, Zhao Dingguo happened to retreat and lost his vision. In desperation, he randomly chose the relatively top prophet. However, this oversight cost them!

Facing the black hole so close at hand, Zhao Dingguo did not dare to be careless. He took two steps around and launched a lightning strike at the extreme distance.

Three hundred and fifty points of damage seems not to be that high now, but the most important thing is the momentary interruption effect. Enigma doesn't have the Black Emperor Staff, so his ultimate is immediately interrupted. However, the two seconds it had been activated, combined with the piercing of the demon wizard Ryan, still bought enough time for the Shadow Demon to amplify.

This guy who was quite tragic in the early stage finally found an opportunity to expand among the natural disaster heroes!

Countless souls collected by him escaped at this moment, causing great damage to the heroes of the natural disaster party. The closer you are to the Shadow Demon, the higher the damage you will receive!

Relatively speaking, Zhao Dingguo was barely affected, while the clockwork and prophet at the center of the damage were severely damaged, and were also slowed down by the escaped souls. With the prophet's fragile body, he was instantly killed. But before he died, he fired Mekensmu to the maximum, which finally brought back some of Clockwork and Zhao Dingguo's health.

At this time, Ghost has already launched her ultimate move!

Five ghost clones immediately appeared behind each hero of the Guards Corps, and they all inherited the special effects of brilliance. Although this special effect damage cannot be superimposed, forty points per second is already impressive. The gloomy ghost shadow and the shining golden light immediately caused the guards to be confused. Although it only lasted for a moment, it was enough to give the natural disaster party a chance!

Learning from the lesson that he had no chance to use his ultimate move before, Zhao Dingguo immediately threw out Arc Lightning and Thunder Fury, trying to maximize his output. Moreover, his passive skill, Static Electric Field, reduces the enemy hero's current blood volume by a percentage every time he releases a skill. Although the ratio is not high, with the speed at which Zeus' skills cool down, the accumulation is still very considerable.

At the same time, the clockwork lighting rockets and barrage impact were also activated. In the chaos of the army, it was impossible to say which one would be stunned. Clockwork also had the idea of ​​​​expanding the output as much as possible, and the little damage it could cause was worth it!

In addition, Clockwork also turned on Blade Armor!

After discovering that the opponent had physical output like White Bull and Wandering, Clockwork started thinking about making blade armor. Before this battle, he sold the magic bottle and just made the blade armor. The special skill of absorbing but rebounding 100% of the damage within four seconds made it impossible for the guards to hit or not hit. The originally smooth attack was suddenly interrupted!

At this critical moment, the goblin tinker also bought his life!

Since making flying shoes, his equipment has hardly been updated, and he has been saving money to buy sheep's knives. But now at the critical juncture of the team battle, he was already at a disadvantage after being attacked first by the opponent, so he gritted his teeth and chose to buy his life!

Then the flying shoes join the battlefield!

We must be thankful that the natural disaster's military line happens to be nearby. After the tinker teleports, he falls just behind the line of the natural disaster heroes. He can use his skills by raising his hand. He unceremoniously threw the laser at White Bull, causing him to be blinded for three seconds and unable to output at all. Then came the robot's foray into externally heated guided missiles!

When a set of skills is thrown down, the tinker immediately refreshes.

The refresh time of the level 2 ultimate move only takes two seconds. After the refresh, all Tinker's skills are cooled down. After estimating the remaining magic power, the tinker fired another laser to heat the guided missile, and then flew back to the spring water, then refreshed, recovering while waiting to continue to join the battlefield!

This is the huge role that the goblin tinker with flying shoes plays in the battle!

With Ghost and Clockwork in front, it is entirely possible for the Goblin Tinker to deal two rounds of damage, return to the spring to replenish it, and then come over and deal another two rounds of damage. This damage would be very considerable. If the equipment is luxurious enough, the Goblin Tinker can even be constantly refreshed in place and serve as a skill output turret!

Zhao Dingguo also suffered another round of damage after the lightning strike and arc lightning cooled down. Coupled with Specter's refraction skill and Brilliance's damage, the guards also began to suffer losses.

In the chaotic battle, the number of deaths of heroes on both sides increased alternately!

At the end of the fight, only a wandering swordsman and the shadow demon survived from the natural disaster party. On the Guard side, the Goblin Tinker managed to survive, and Zhao Dingguo also escaped with a little blood limit. However, the goblin tinker bought his life once, and the core ghost ghost also died. This time, it was Zhao Dingguo and the others who suffered the loss!

If Zhao Dingguo hadn't positioned himself well and interrupted Mystery's big jump in advance, I'm afraid the loss would have been even greater!

Fortunately, the military line was still very favorable to Zhao Dingguo and the others. Although the heroes on the guard side took a slight advantage, they failed to find an opportunity to push back.

"We still underestimated our opponents!"

In the voice channel, Zhao Dingguo and the others, who were waiting for resurrection, communicated again.

This failed advancement made them realize that the advantages of natural disasters were not as great as imagined. Although they were ahead in the number of kills and defensive towers taken down, the opponent had more control and could easily gain the upper hand, which made them always suffer in large-scale team battles!

"Next time, I'll turn it up first so that Mystery's jumping knife cannot be used." Yan Yuelan calmly proposed a countermeasure and said at the same time: "When we push again, let's beat Roshan first and get the Immortal Shield before we go over! "

It is called an extremely powerful wild creature in a. Because of its huge size and extremely strong strength, it is also called Roshan. Its location is roughly in a small canyon near the first tower on the middle road of natural disaster. After being killed, it will not only give a large amount of experience and a kill reward of several hundred gold per person, but it will also drop an immortal shield!

That is a heaven-defying item that can make people reborn with full blood!

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