Doomsday Wonderland

Chapter 78: Meeting at the crossroads (1)

"Since the first round of games relies on luck, then the second round of games can add a little bit of fun..." Mr. Point’s brisk voice passed through layers of white fog and was sent to everyone without any hindrance. In the ear: "Let me introduce it to you now -"

The second round of the red and white match: [the meeting at the crossroads]

Introduction to the gameplay: With the dividing line between the two teams as the boundary, there will be a vertical grid of 5 grids and 5 grids on both sides of the red and white, a grid of 25 small squares. A light wall will rise in the middle of the grid, blocking the line of sight between the red and white teams, making them ignorant of what is happening on the other side. After the light wall rises, the two team members freely choose a grid to walk in.

As Mr. Point’s first sentence just fell, the two paths that appeared in the first round of the game disappeared. On the red side, a huge grid of light golden light was replaced. On the other side of the white team, there is also a grid of exactly the same - but soon, the scene of the white team is gradually engulfed by a slowly rising black wall.

On the vertical side of the grid, abcde is written from top to bottom, while 12345 is written from left to right on the horizontal side.

"Do you see these grids? Hey, the red team's Lin and the white team's Ai players, please go up and demonstrate, just walk into a grid."

Lin San wine squinted at the direction of Mr., and carefully picked a grid and stood in.

"Taking the red team's Lin player as an example... The grid she is standing now is d row on the vertical side and the fourth on the horizontal side, then the number of this grid is d4. Is this very good?"

The crowd nodded and watched the patrol between the grids.

"The white team is also standing on this side. I am coming to lower the wall -"

As the black wall fell, the figure of another young man wearing a flower shirt on the other side of the team was revealed in front of everyone in the red team.

As soon as the wall disappeared, everyone in the red team looked like a conditioned reflex to the ground -

"The white team's Ai player is standing on the vertical side of the b row and the horizontal side of the second, so his square is b2. Then just one round of the station, congratulations to you two, no crash!" In the quiet of the people, Mr. Pointer took a few palms and said: "If the two players did not crash, then we will start the second round. Now please look down - ”

The black light wall once again covered the horizon in front of him. Lin Sanshui suddenly heard a bang, and looked down, only to see a line of words under his feet. She hurriedly lifted a hiking boot, which made the words on the ground completely clear: "In a cell in your upper left, there is a reward of +1!"

"Every time you stand, you can only take one step and walk into a cell adjacent to you. Now ask the two players to re-position!"

At the top left... Lin San wine looked around and lifted his foot into the c3 grid.

"Okay, the two sides are standing, the wall is falling!"

This time, the red and white teams suddenly sounded a low sorrow - there is no other reason, because at this moment Lin Sanjiu and the young man named Ai, both stood in the c3 grid.

"In this round of standing, the players of both sides of the red and white stand on the same square... At this time, both sides must decide to win with a duel. The loser will leave, the winner will stay, and participate. A round of stations."

"For example, Lin is now defeated and Lin is expected to leave."

Lin San wine silently walked out of the grid.

"When both sides have only one Ai player left in the c3 grid, the score hints in the c3 grid will appear. Ai player, now the hint at your feet is - 'In a grid in front of you, there is -1 Punishment'. Yes, this is the score point and the point of loss in our round of the game - please be sure to pay more attention to the tips!"

"In this process, the number of teams in the first team fell below half, then the team lost the current game. The winner of this round of games, in addition to the prizes of the other team, can also get +1 points. reward!"

The rules of the game: 1. The duel ends with one party admitting defeat, dying, falling off the duel field or losing the ability to act.

2. You can choose not to move when you re-station, but the number of consecutive non-moving cannot exceed 1 time.

3. The time for each wall to fall is 15 seconds.

4, both red and white tips and answers are the same.

This game is recommended for all members

"The reward rules for this game are a little different. Please pay attention to it. In addition to randomly picking a special item or ability as a public prize for one of the 6 people, please also note that if you lose in this round game Off the duel, then an advanced ability of the loser will become a private reward for the winner -"

Although Mr. Point's tone is still so relaxed and happy, the members of the Red and White teams are ugly.

Under this circumstance, no matter from the public or private point of view, you can't admit defeat for self-protection. That is to say, every duel will be a fierce battle...

The time left for the players was only 5 minutes. During this period, Lin Sanjiu took the initiative to give the prize [can not eat lunch] - she held the brown rabbit and put it before entering the white fog. Put it down, and when I came out, I put the rabbit on my shoulder and walked back to the red team members.

"Miss Lin, thank you." Zhong Junkai smiled embarrassedly at her: "If you randomly take away the ability of someone, it would be a bit of a hassle."

Lin Sanji smiled and said that he was welcome. Pharaoh and Chen Fan saw her back, and still whispered. Even the little pity came together, and looked at the brown-haired rabbit curiously asked: "Miss Lin, it seems that you like this rabbit very much... What is its name? Does it say its name?"

The rabbit had a pair of black, innocent eyes, and suddenly became a vicious shape. Before it couldn’t help but talk, Lin Sanji quickly grabbed its rabbit face: "No name, no name, it will It’s still too little, haha!”

While the rabbit teeth bite her palm, Mr. Point announced that the sound of the game began to sound through every inch of the huge circle.

"The rise of the light wall - [the meeting at the crossroads] officially started, now please ask the two teams to stand!"

"How do we stand up?" Chen Fan erased the drops of water on his face and looked at the huge grid under his feet, asking some irritably. He is not good at this kind of game, but it is quite good for fights that don't require brains.

"The first time I stood, I didn't have any hints, and I didn't know the position of the other party... I think we will spread out and just stand up." Zhong Junkai responded, first picking up a grid and going in.

The same is true - although no one speaks, everyone seems to have the same feeling, and their eyes have been swept in a circle, and it took less than a minute for everyone to choose their position.

"The red team has stood still!"

Mr. Point immediately announced a sound - but after this sound, the wall did not fall.

It seems that the white team is still not standing there - the red team members have been copying their hands and waiting for a few minutes, still no movement. Just as they gradually felt a little anxious and confused, Mr. Point finally spoke again: "The White Team has stood still! The wall is falling!"

The people breathed a sigh of relief, watching the unrealistic light wall slowly falling in front of everyone, the members of the red and white teams finally came to face all face to face.

An old lady with a drooping eyes, a serious face, a long-legged woman in a red miniskirt, a young man named Ai in a flower shirt, and a defeated player in the first game... The red team’s people looked at it so close for the first time. Once again, my opponent.

When the eyes fell on the faces that Hu Changzai and Haitianqing were familiar with, Lin Sanjiu suppressed the emotion that his heart twitched in an instant, and looked away with no expression.

Then she suddenly burst into her heart—hey? Slow, the white team’s position seems to be...

Not waiting for Lin Sanjiu to react, Mr. Point was pleased to announce: "The first time, no one stepped on the tartan of losing points! So, now report the position-"

White team standing: old lady e1, sea azure c3, defeated e5, big long leg a1, Hu Chang in a3, flower shirt a5.

Red team standing: Lin San wine c5, even small p3 c3, Zhong Junkai d4, Chen Fan e3, pharaoh c2, brown rabbit b3.

"Unfortunately, in the position of c3, two players crashed! Now ask both players to get out of the grid!"

Although I couldn't hear the opposite voice, but the voice of Mr. Point fell, the atmosphere of the White Team changed rapidly. The old lady slightly provoked the corner of the mouth, the long legs opened the red lips, the flower shirt even put the finger Into the mouth, made a whistle action - it seems that they have long expected that there will be a duel in the first round of standing.

A flat slab with a surface that is as large as 20 square meters, flew out from the depths of the white mist, suspended in the open space next to the grid - it seems that it is the place of the duel.

When the bluestone appeared, the atmosphere of the red team was very bleak.

I didn't expect that I was the one who seemed to have the highest fighting power in the first team. Even the little face was white, and I shuddered and glanced at my boyfriend. Two eyes were tearful: " Do... I, I can’t do it...”

Zhong Junkai’s face was also very difficult to see. He gritted his teeth for a moment and asked aloud: “Mr. Mr., can I replace her duel?”

"Of course not. Red team players, please enter the duel!"

Looking at Hai Tianqing, he turned to the bluestone, and even walked under the bluestone with a small pity. He climbed the stone with his hands and climbed up for a long time, and did not climb up. In the end, Zhong Junkai After getting the permission of Mr. Point, I ran over and helped one underneath, and I was able to carry even the little pity.

Seeing this scene, several people in the White Team almost laughed on the ground, and the Red Team’s people were all embarrassed.

"Hey, rabbit!"

Taking advantage of no one paying attention to himself, Lin San wine screamed at the b3 grid of the brown-haired rabbit low, and her voice was so low that she could not hear it.

The brown-haired rabbit did not look back, but a long ear moved, indicating that it was listening.

"Although there are 25 grids and 12 people standing, the chance of a collision is still very high... But in any case, the first time I crashed into the car, and I just bumped into the center, and it didn't make sense..." Thanks to it. The other party is a rabbit, and Lin San wine presses the voice lower. "I have an idea... The next time you move to c3, you should be able to play with Hai Tianqing."

"Hey?" The rabbit suddenly had no calm look. "I am playing with Haitian? Who wins who wins?" r1152

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