Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 2357: far away in the depths of mind

Lin Sanjiu didn't expect that after going through all kinds of struggles, escapes and battles, he finally defeated the group of Occidentus, and the nightmare hadn't completely dissipated, but he returned to the Black Stone Collection.

It's hard to imagine that that battle was just last night.

The night that had melted and blown away so many had faded from her life without leaving a trace; what now loomed over Blackstone seemed to be nothing but the usual twilight that had become commonplace in another world.

"...I really don't want to come back here."

Walking on the stone road of Heishiji again, even Lin Sanjiu couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable—the shadow left by Occidentus was too great for her; she couldn't help but want to look around and observe everyone walking past With a face, guessing which person is the steward of the body, and when will they attack them.

"The Karma Museum is so big, there should be a second place to buy things, right?"

What's more, she also stole several small shrines containing the power of Karma from the Black Stone Collection... It is said that criminals will always return to the scene of the crime, but she did not expect this statement to be confirmed by herself today.

"Because the vast majority of people have been gathering in the vacancy that Karma's power can't cover, there is a Matthew effect." The gift package didn't seem to take it very seriously, and replied: "According to the information I collected, Several well-known energy suppliers have now moved their offices to Heishiji...Oh, that building should be not far ahead."

"There is still an office in Doomsday?"

Han Suiping was dazzled and dazzled all the way, but at this moment he was hooked by these three words and turned his head, with a confused look on his face: "What about the office when the person teleports away? Who will pay the rent when the tenant leaves? "

It seems that Nuyue didn't often have the opportunity to settle in the Twelve Worlds before, and it was the first time she came to the Karma Museum; in fact, most of her attention was also placed on various novelties, and she kept a little bit for self-protection As an experienced evolutionist, he coughed at this moment and said, "It's so troublesome to'll know it when you see it."

Yuan Xiangxi looked back at her. Nu Yue blinked at him, Yuan Xiangxi turned her head tolerantly.

Lin Sanjiu, who was walking among her companions, slowly let out a mouthful of trembling air; she didn't know how many times this was.

If she could, she would want the gift bag to sit on her arm and hold him in her arms like a kitten or puppy; but she is not tall enough, and the gift bag is not small enough, all she can do is hold him tightly His hand—but after walking for a while, Lin Sanjiu had to force himself to let go of him, which also drew a blank look from Li Bao.

"It's a bit hot," Lin Sanjiu made an excuse indiscriminately.

The gift bag let out an "oh" with drooping eyebrows.

...It seems that he didn't realize that just now he held his hand and almost opened the "seed" twice.

Lin Sanjiu never had the definite thought of "putting away the gift bag", but her body seemed to be completely out of an instinctive, subconscious thirst, and when she met her relatives and companions, she wanted to do whatever she could to She swallowed them all into her body without hesitation—fortunately, she reacted in time both times, and controlled herself in a cold sweat; but she couldn't trust herself to continue holding the gift bag anymore.

Letting go was the only thing she could force herself to do in her abnormal state at the moment.

"Sister," Li Bao stopped and grabbed Lin Sanjiu's arm. "Are you still not feeling well?"

"Yes," Lin Sanjiu wiped his face. "I'm fine, maybe last night's influence was too great..."

She downplayed it, not just because she didn't want Libao to worry.

The only reason Lin Sanjiu asked the great witch for help was that she suspected that she was affected by Wu Yiliu's ability; now that the great witch has confirmed that there is no such external cause, she doesn't want anyone to solve her problem. Problem - any "help" from anyone means possibly getting her out of this state.

Once out of the current state, how can she expect to keep anyone?

No more action—if any sooner—

"Hey," Yuan Xiangxi called to the other two people who were still walking forward: "Where are you going?"

"Huh?" Han Suiping turned his head and said in a daze, "Aren't you leaving?"

"Here we are," Ji Shanqing raised his hand and pointed behind him. "right here."

Han Suiping cast his gaze behind the few people, and stopped at the tall shadow at the end of the branch road. It seemed that it took him a while to finally digest that the shadow in front of him was actually a building, and he stammered and asked, "No, didn't you mean to go to an office building?"

"No one has ever said that," Ji Shan said with a calm expression on his face, like snow and fog covering the ice field, as if he wanted to keep them away from him. "I said 'office.'"

The black crystal-clear cuboids are each five or six meters high, like foreign objects produced by some kind of alien, floating in the air in layers of high and low; there are also occasional few standing silently on the branch In an open space at the end of the road, under the gradually thickening blue-purple sky, there was a gloomy and dull light quietly.

"What is this...?" Han Suiping asked in a daze.

"The office," Ji Shanqing replied in a tone of why you are still asking nonsense, "Each cuboid is a room. They are naturally a building."

"What building?" Han Suiping followed the steps of several people, feeling a little silly.

Nuyue seemed to want to ask too; she endured and endured, and finally couldn't help it: " did they float?"

Ji Shanqing pointed to the night sky. Several people squinted their eyes; only occasionally when a gust of strong night wind blows by, on the dark blue background, there will be a trace of extremely thin, extremely light, cicada-like silver. bright light.

"Can a single cicada wire lift so many rooms?" Han Suiping even seemed to want to back off, "This is just in case it falls..."

"If you want to drop it, it will be dropped long ago," Nuyue gave him a hand, "Hurry up and go."

Several people followed behind Ji Shanqing and walked into a black crystal cuboid standing on the ground. In the dark interior, Ji Shanqing whispered the name of an energy supplier to the screen—beside the dim translucent wall of Mohu Lake, there was a black crystal cuboid hanging high in the air, It quickly began to descend slowly, and within a dozen seconds, it joined with the crystal they were standing on.

In the "office" that descends to pick up people, the facilities are laid out in a more friendly way than usual. There are even two waiting sofas at the entrance.

Lin Sanjiu silently sat on the sofa with his companions.

The gift bag naturally leaned on her arm, and was distracted by Han Suiping and Nuyue's questions one after another, as if she was a little proud and a little impatient, explaining to them the "office" "What the **** is it? Lin Sanjiu closed his eyes while listening to the conversation of his partners.

The Grand Miko stated that she was not affected by "other people's" abilities or items.

So in other words... the source of the abnormality in this state lies in himself.

Even though she was unwilling to let others "help" her, Lin Sanjiu still wanted to know what happened; otherwise, how would she know what the second half of that never-ending thought was?

"Teacher Yi," she called out in her mind.

Teacher Yi always takes shape when she needs it, and communicates with her in the form of consciousness; sometimes it is driven by Lin Sanjiu's subconscious, and sometimes she needs to call for it, but as long as her consciousness is intact, Teacher Yi will never be absent ——But at this moment, Lin Sanjiu called out four or five times in a row, but there was still a dead silence in his mind.

It was like... when her consciousness was exhausted.

But her consciousness is obviously full and normal, Lin Sanjiu can't think of any reason why Teacher Yi will disappear.

"Teacher Yi?" She called again persistently. "Are you there? Help me take a look, what's wrong... Teacher Yi?"

I don't know how many times he called, a distant and stern howl suddenly erupted from the depths of Lin Sanjiu's mind, as if a seriously injured wolf was howling at Chang Tian for injustice.

The roar almost trembled from the blood-soaked vocal cords, as if they would all break after this sound; it took Lin Sanjiu a second or two to realize that it was... his own voice.

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