Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 2308: Video letter to Lin Sanjiu (5)

As I said, I was living alone in the shell of the old house with my adoptive mother.

There was no radio, no TV, no cell phone signal; she couldn't walk, so while the whole city was deserted and fled, we were still living isolated among the ruins.

Because of this, I had absolutely no idea what was happening to me.

When I didn't know it and was still struggling to survive day by day, no one told me that the previous social rules had collapsed and another completely different order of rules had come.

From the ruins of the old world arose a new world that at first overwhelmed me.

I did not tell my adoptive mother about my changes. what can I say? Suddenly I can see more clearly, farther, stronger, faster, and have amazing abilities? "Superman fantasies" are a classic symptom of a mental illness—to be honest, at the time, I myself didn't quite believe that I was still sane.

After evolution, nothing changes for a while.

As before, I wake up at 4 or 5 am every day to cook a little breakfast on the camp stove. Sometimes it's the expired canned beans I found (even I won't dislike it any more), and sometimes it can only be soaked in compressed biscuits and boiled in a small pot. I ate a small half, and the rest was my adoptive mother’s daily ration—until I came back, or never came back.

No matter how early I left home, my adoptive mother would always wake up one step earlier and watch me pack up and prepare to leave. I've seen countless human emotions, subtle and intense, but I haven't seen the same relentless, worrying, complex fear and hope that my adoptive mother saw in my eyes since then.

"I'm afraid that you will be injured in an accident outside, and no one will pay attention to you, and no one will help you; I'm afraid that you will suddenly think that you can leave me as a burden and walk away; I'm afraid that I will never see you again, but I will never see you." I don't know what happened to you."

If my adoptive mother had the opportunity to tell me, I think this is what she would have said at the time.

I am 80% sure that these are her emotions and thoughts at the time; the reason why I vaguely know it is because this indescribable complex emotion is tormenting her, making her feel long-term and chronic pain.

You see, I never told anyone about my ability to evolve.

Since I evolved, my chances of success when going out to find supplies have been greatly reduced. It's such a nasty, unexpected twist, right? I thought that with my better eyesight and quicker hand, life would be easier... the result is really dumbfounding.

Unlike your evolutionary ability, where the rules and usages are clearly written, my original ability, it is better to say that it is just a feeling of imitation. In the beginning, I was always distracted by this feeling, and I failed to achieve my original goal.

That day was different.

That day, I rode a bicycle I found on the road and rode for more than two hours to a large hospital on the other side of the city. It was the first time I had traveled such a distance since the war; but it was so large that I thought there should be some stored medicine left anyway—my adoptive mother’s medicine had been out for a while, and her Every day seems to get more difficult.

It wasn't until I got out of the car that I realized what the other reason for calling me was.

What a pain.

In this hospital, there are so many and rich human tragedies condensed, the despair and unwillingness to lose the function of the body, the fear and powerlessness of dying life; parting from life and death is a kind of pain, and being abandoned by relatives is a kind of pain... All the misery and misery that happened in this courtyard seemed to be an open-air movie with one audience.

However, for me, it's like watching a documentary. Although it's good to have, it's not the only fresh food; after all, the hospital has been empty for a long time.

I dropped my bike and walked into the half-collapsed hallway, following the pulse of the hospital. I walked down the hall, past the consulting room, and saw the ransacked pharmacy. My adoptive mother's medicines were long gone; I thought about it and decided to try my luck at the inpatient department.

The inpatient department is the stronghold of the three men.

Three men, and a woman they captured at some point.

You see, I always thought I was coming to this conclusion out of reason and logic, to check out the inpatient department where the drugs might be hidden; but besides reason and logic, my evolutionary ability has been whispering to me , let me go in that direction following a certain potential possibility.

I looked across the hallway at the ajar door. Except for some swaying figures and intertwined limbs, I can't actually see anything; the sound coming from the door is not even what a human being can make—the woman's howling and crying didn't last long, and it became dying.

I was still very cautious when I just evolved, and felt that I might not be able to fight against three men at the same time, so I waited for them to finish everything and the man left temporarily, and then quietly walked into the smelly room.

As I said, I have an aesthetic dislike for raw, crude, crude physical torture.

That woman—let’s call it a woman, it’s really hard to see the human form. After all, you would think that the human body has limits and is not allowed to be bent and opened into a certain shape—it took a few seconds to realize that I am not the three people one.

"Kill...kill me," she said in a low voice, "please."

"I'm sorry," I replied, "I can't kill people."

Her sudden despair at that moment surprised me a bit. Although it was not my intention to make her despair—"Don't kill" is the iron rule that the adoptive mother never relaxes—but it's hard to say how much I don't welcome that despair.

After a brief moment of feeling such a fresh, so intense despair (I need to say that I did not cause most of her pain, so only the little despair caused by my answer, for me Direct and strong), I remembered that my adoptive mother told me that when you can, you should help others according to the situation.

At that time, my evolution ability was also whispering to me all the time.

"I'm leaving first, take care of yourself." I said politely to the woman, "I hope those three people won't come again."

The woman's faint wailing and crying accompanied me through the entire corridor.

I followed the traces of those people and found them in the hospital cafeteria. They must have killed a lot of people here, and there are bloodstains and painful smells everywhere that are fresher with time; hand.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean any harm." I said politely, "I'm just too hungry, and I want to ask if you have any food for me."

They laughed and abused me, as expected; there's nothing new about such people. Before they were about to come up and do it, I said, "I'd trade my girlfriend."

…It still surprises me that such a stupid and easy-to-manipulate person belongs to the same human race as his adoptive mother.

"Where is it?" The obvious hunger, thirst and greed on the face of the leader became more intense and obvious after he realized that I was indeed the type that women would like. "You little boy is quite open-minded, let's go, take us to have a look."

I led them into the lobby on the first floor, pointed at the bicycle I threw on the ground through the window, and said, "Look, that's the bicycle we rode when we came here."

I thought, if I didn't actually produce any abilities, and everything was my hallucination, then I would be in trouble next time. However, I was not afraid at the time, and pointed to the open space under the sun, and said, "That's Lily."

The three men stared at my fingers and were taken aback for a moment, and soon they all showed the expressions and reactions I expected. "It's been a long time since I saw such a clean and beautiful one," one of them hurried out without even looking at me, "I'll give you something to eat when we catch her."

Of course they didn't intend to give me food, and I nodded gratefully.

You see, I had neither researched nor planned it. One thing after another happened to me as an accident, something I intellectually didn't know was about to happen; yet under the power of evolution, I was like a beast that was part of the natural environment , without thinking, just follow the rhythm of the environment and climate to catch prey.

I'm not even sure whether they can see the illusion of "Lily", and I don't even know the existence of the Corrupted Species, but everything went smoothly.

When the three of them formed a ring around the open space next to the bicycle, I stood behind the corridor window and watched a giant flesh-colored shadow gradually looming over their heads, both surprised and unsurprised .

It seems that I made an agreement with my fate before I was born, and I just forgot about it temporarily after I was born.

That was my first "hunt" in the doomsday world.

Every drop of their greed, violence, and desire, after the illusion is disillusioned, when they finally realize what fate they are facing, turns into fear, regret, and pain that are dozens of times stronger (you see, they regret , indicating that they are not of the same kind as me). I even couldn't help opening the window, risking myself being discovered by the fallen species, and enjoying the living human **** in front of me almost comfortably.

After everything was over, the two fallen species looked at me.

I smiled at them.

It turns out that my evolutionary ability allows me to perceive the tragedies and pains that are happening to human beings, and allows me to "hunt" human beings by following various subtle prompts in the universe.

The two depraved species paused, maybe because they were full, or because of other reasons, they turned around and left.

I didn't kill anyone, so it's not a violation of the foster mother's rules, it's just a loophole. Besides, I can be regarded as helping the woman in the inpatient department. My adoptive mother will probably not be unhappy when she hears this.

That day was very special. Even the long-lost, strong sense of satisfaction did not make me forget the purpose of this trip. I found a lot of food and some weapons from their lair, but unfortunately, no medicine. I packed some things into the basket of the bicycle, and tied some to the back seat. As I walked, I was thinking about how to tell my adoptive mother everything about today.

She must have thought I was crazy at first, but unfortunately, I couldn't take a photo of the degenerates (I didn't know they were called degenerates at the time) as proof. What those things are and what their habits are, it will take time to find out; there is almost nothing in the house to stop them except a flimsy entrance door, and I will have to find wooden boards to seal the windows and leaks tomorrow. superior…

I saw several pharmacies along the way and took the time to search each one.

Basically every store was empty, but I noticed that the last pharmacy was connected to a second-floor apartment, most likely the residence of the owner of the pharmacy; Some stockpiles, including painkillers and inhalants, were recovered from the open-roofed residence.

Although it was a bit unexpected, it was a very rewarding day in all respects.

It was late when I got home, a full two hours later than usual. Before I approached the gate, I felt—

The ongoing severe pain in the adoptive mother's heart.

Besides her, there is someone else at home.

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