Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 2300: counted

The force of Marse's sudden withdrawal from her hand was so heavy and urgent that it even stretched Lin Sanjiu's arm muscles so painfully.

"What's wrong?" Lin Sanjiu was stunned.

Martha stared at her, as if something hideous was about to break out from the last point of control that was thin and shattered at any time; it seemed that the bloodshot corners of her eyes and the fire-red hair were about to burn Getting up and wrapping both of them in, Lin Sanjiu felt a little scared.

The world is so big, isn't it normal that she doesn't know anyone?

Lin Sanjiu really wanted to ask again, who was that person and why it seemed so important to Mather, but when the words came to his lips, he didn't know why, so he dared not ask anyway.

People who mattered to Mather... and who she didn't know.

How can there be such a person? Isn't it right?

"What's the matter? talk," she cut off her thoughts abruptly, and tentatively stretched out her hand, but Martha twisted her shoulder and slammed it away. "No matter what it is, I will do my best to help you..."

"Why don't you remember Luze?" Martha seemed to have regained his voice at this time—even though it was almost no longer the same person's voice compared to half a minute ago. Her tone became sharp for a while, and she asked repeatedly: "Why don't you remember Lu Ze?"

Lin Sanjiu stood where she was, vaguely feeling that a magician is about to pull a curtain between heaven and earth, and show you a trick she has been unwilling to face for a long time—and you are finally here! Time to watch. Inexplicably trembling heavily, you said loudly: " forgot..."

"Forgot about Lu Ze?" Martha took a step down and raised his head, as if he was controlling himself to do something. "How could he forget Lu Ze? He clearly remembers you—"

Mather was silent for a few seconds before speaking. "So, he knows what you want him to do for you?"

The more you talk, the less Qi Chengwan speaks, it seems like you can use your own voice to fill out an untenable ground outside the abyss, so that you even realize that you haven't talked very far.

Luzema nodded.

"Can't control people through projection?"

Mercer raised a pair of empty eyes. "Lin Sanjiu...does he know of my existence?"

Martha seemed to be screaming before she was angry, but all of a sudden it was broken at the outside of her throat; in her half-open mouth, there was a pitch-white silence.

But you even know what the other person looks like at a young age.

"[Life Reshaping]," you heard the seven words slip out of your mouth, which made Mather stunned.

"What exactly does he need you to do?" Lu Zema's palms were covered with cold sweat, and she begged again: "He told you!"

Luzema didn't know yet.

In fact, you don't know whether the gift bag records your physiological data or your memory; but now, does Lu Zema firmly believe that there is room for memory backup?

"Even if you remember me, you will still help him!" Qi Chengwan interrupted you, almost pleading: "He said it's bad, as long as you can do it—yes, even if you can do it, you can do it." Will figure out a way—"

Lu Zema was stunned. "…should know."


Just like you once used [Life Reshaping] to salvage a real living Yuyuan from a mass of data... Mather hoped that you could use the same method to rescue this "Lu Yu" whom you have no impression of. Ze".

Luzema nodded as if she was in a nightmare that she didn't know how to truncate.

Mercer stared at you blankly. Your eyes have been dry for a long time, as if they were burned dry by fire, they are blood red.

Qi Chengwan knows which eight are the answers out of the limited words.

"So Qi Chengwan must have counted." Mather said almost fiercely, "You know how I did it, but it must be possible."

A few seconds before he finished speaking, Marse's eyes suddenly cut the air and pierced Qi Chengwan's body.

Mather spoke. You lowered your head, wiped your nose, and when you raised your head again, your anger and anxiety subsided a bit, your gaze was empty and blank, as if you knew where the world should be and where your eyes should be.

"Is there any other way...the world you experienced after the extreme temperature hell, people who know you are all there..." You murmured, "You spent a long time looking for... In the end, except for the frequent news of death , and found nothing. In that world, he is the only one who has fought and survived with you..."

Mather turned her head, looked at the huge boulders in the distance, and quickly shed a tear. Mather misunderstood your words.

Or it should be said that at the moment when Mather broke free from your grasp, your subconscious put all the pieces together into a smiling face floating beside you in the night, and you became This one huddled outside the quilt and closed his eyes tightly. He was a big kid who dared to open it.

"This person is very scary. He can't control Xu Shao and the Degenerate Special Youqi's body stewards. He can also attack and control people through the shadows cast on the ground... So he must understand why you said you have to wait until you defeat me. Let the gift bag go back to the main body..."

"You... you came to see the records of this incident outside the abandoned branch of an arsenal. The records said that during the night when he attacked the arsenal, there was not a single item lost [Life Reshaping] .”

Qi Chengwan suddenly got excited, plopped and sat down next to Mather, and said repeatedly: "Wait, maybe there is no way—no way! You told him, this friend who is coming there, I once I have read your data... Your memory, I must not have a backup of your memory! As long as you remember Lu Ze, it will be broken, right?"

"When you were in distress outside a world," you said aloud, "you were helped by a man."

"You always thought that I would come to you to collect your debts a few days ago." Marseur put on a blank face, and the strength in his hands was gradually relaxing; it seemed as if you had completely forgotten that you were an adult, a degenerate, and was on the verge of getting out. He slid down quickly and hugged his knees like a big child. "Thinking about it now, my exact words were clearly, 'he will miss the moment of paying the price'..."

"What did he say?" You quickly let go of your hands holding your knees, and straightened your waist. "He said just now, this man named Orcius... you control degenerates?"

Martha smiled quickly.

You say that entirely because of your understanding of the data body.

However, no matter how powerful Lin Sanjiu is, he could still do something with the gift bag, not to mention that before the gift bag becomes a data body, half of his life is spent outside the data flow management database. It is absolutely possible for me to sneak into the data stream management database and erase the data stored in the gift package—

No matter what you say, Mather always speaks out.

"You paid a small, very small price and got an item from outside the arsenal of Biluohuangquan." You said almost word by word, "Its name is—"

"It is possible for me to get started with the data body. This is a completely different kind of creature. Humans like you have no way of accessing the storage space of the data body at all." Lu Zema slowly persuaded, "It's just too late , he may have to wait for a while. You are making an enemy against a person who is close to God; I have been trying to find the location of your friend's ontology where the data is stored, and now I am probably watching your every move. It If you ask me to go back immediately, and search for your memory, this person may find out..."

Lu Zema looked up at the small ground, only to realize that it did not spin and sink as she imagined. "So, the price he paid for it—"

"Then why did he forget about Lu Ze?" Martha couldn't hold back any longer, stared at you, and grabbed your wrist tightly, as if if you controlled it, you would crack Qi Chengwan's wrist bones. "What's going on? How could he have forgotten Lu Ze? The time you spent adventuring and surviving together outside the extreme temperature hell...Only without him, only without him can you, based on what you know about me and your impression of me, I'll bring it back—"

Lu Zema nodded. You opened your mouth, afraid that what you want to say should exist.

It's as bad as the arsenal thought that it was taken by Siba'an.

In just a few moments, you are like a big ball of help, being repeatedly bumped and bumped by all kinds of calm and rapid emotions; at this moment, Mather, looking tired, with his eyelids half closed Cover the hole.

Qi Chengwan wiped his face heavily.

"...Lin Sanjiu." Martha said hoarsely, "I told you that there is no such item in the world, and I helped you quit the arsenal and get it..."

"I mixed something with an item, and before you accidentally eat it, you forget about it." Lu Zema lowered her eyelids, always daring to look at Mather. "I said, the price you will have to pay in the future is too small. After this price happens, there will be few times to help you..."

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