Doomsday Wonderland

One Thousand Four Hundred and Ninety-Two Yu Yuan’s Purpose

If Lin Sanjiu happened to be captured by a camera for a moment when she fell, some people might think she was flying.

Among the dark walls of the deep shaft, only the hazy white light falling slowly above the head illuminated the figure falling rapidly in the elevator shaft. Opening his arms like a wild goose spreading its wings, Lin Sanjiu's back, waist, and legs were stretched to the extreme, like a straight arrow formed by countless powers, piercing into the depths of the darkness.

Her shadow emerged from the dim white fog and disappeared into the deep darkness, like a fish jumping out of the sea and then diving into the seabed from the halo - she was heading towards where she was going. go.

...Although Lin Sanjiu told Yu Yuan to hold on tight, she herself had no intention of reaching out to grab the rope chain on the elevator shaft wall. It was very simple to stop falling in this elevator shaft; it was just that she didn't want to stop.

Lin Sanjiu wanted to take advantage of the moment when the elevator just disappeared, and before the game organizer could react, rush to the deepest part of this game and this world - at least the deepest part she could reach.

"There are still five meters!" The moment Teacher Yi issued a warning in his mind, the [Consciousness Scanning] used for altitude detection also hit a hard object deep in the darkness. Lin Sanjiu reacted almost at the same time; she turned slightly, kicked on the wall, used the force to grab the elevator chain on the shaft wall, slid down it, and fell into the In the pitch black where I couldn't see my fingers.

Her feet landed softly, and it was only then that she suddenly realized: Yu Yuan had not caught her.

The group of lighting lights programmed by Yu Yuan was still floating dozens of meters above his head, turning into a blurry spot as big as a little fingernail in the pitch black. In the deepest part of the elevator shaft, there was an iron smell in the coldness. Lin Sanjiu looked up for a few seconds, still not sure where Yu Yuan had gone; she let go of the rope and whispered: "...Yu Yuan?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she heard the sound of something hitting the ground with a "pop" sound beside her. It sounded like it fell hard. She turned around and stretched out her hand, originally intending to help Yu Yuan up, but she only touched a warm and moist back of the head - a hot bloody smell hit her nose.

"Yu Yuan?" She couldn't help being startled.

The data subject's still calm voice rang out, but this time it sounded a bit muffled, as if the nose and mouth were pressed against some surface when the voice came out. "It's me." He said calmly, "My head was cracked and everything flowed out. I'm repairing it."

Lin Sanjiu quickly withdrew her hand and wiped it on the wall of the well behind her.

"Didn't I tell you to hold on tight?"

"I judged at first that I didn't need to hold on to you just to avoid falling off." His voice was still muffled, with a bit of a weird fluttering sound, which made people feel that it was caused by talking. Caused by air movement hitting broken organs. "After I stabilized my fall, I noticed that you were still falling. Because I didn't know where the end point was, I couldn't use my ability to travel through space, so I let go and jumped down."

...jumped off suicidally.

"Even if you have become a data body now, you are still wearing Yu Yuan's body, right?" Lin Sanjiu couldn't help frowning and said, "The Yu Yuan I know will not fall to his death at this height."

Yu Yuan was silent for several seconds. "There is a reason for this. When I tell you my purpose, you will naturally understand."

Lin Sanjiu was scratching his head when he thought of Yu Yuan's unknown purpose; however, this was certainly not a place to talk slowly.

"This still seems to be an elevator shaft." When the body that fell to the ground slowly repaired itself, she took out the flashlight Siba'an left for her and scanned the aperture around - of course, avoiding Yu Yuan . "Maybe it's in the underground parking lot. You go ahead and I'll try to pry the door open."

Yu Yuan said "Oh".

Two minutes later, Lin Sanjiu realized that she could not pry open the door on the well wall. If she wanted to get over it, she could only use Fan He's ability to travel through space and make herself insane again. Fortunately, Yu Yuan also recovered from the tragic death of jumping off the building and could restore her spirit. He stood behind him and asked, "Are you ready?"

Taking a deep breath, Lin Sanjiu nodded.

... She just wanted to cry, she wanted to cry for no reason.

She felt someone bend down, a warm touch slowly touched her between her eyebrows, and then left gently. In a tone that was almost pity and almost understanding, the husband whispered in her ear: " take, you absorb, you want, you act.

She felt like she shouldn't understand, but she did. The pain of inevitably losing something precious made Lin Sanjiu slowly bend down - and then she felt someone pulling her collar from behind.

"Have you recovered?" Yu Yuan asked calmly, bringing Lin Sanjiu back to reality.

"I don't think I'm just hallucinating." She felt a little unclear in her mind. She turned her head and looked at Yu Yuan, her breathing a little unsteady - she couldn't even breathe when she fell from the elevator shaft just now. Making her breathing mess up like this. "I think the characters in my hallucinations should all be real..."

"I don't think that's possible." Under the light, Yu Yuan looked the same as before. It was impossible to tell where it had been broken. "And the most important thing now is not to discuss whether your hallucinations are real. You need to look back."

As soon as she closed her eyes and pushed all those hallucinations into the depths of her mind, Lin Sanjiu turned her head and saw clearly for the first time the place she had entered through space travel.

... Just as she expected, this is indeed the parking lot underground of the building, on the fifth floor, which is also the deepest point that the elevator shaft can reach. But the problem is that probably no one in the world will recognize this parking lot as a parking lot when they see it.

Lin Sanjiu stared blankly at the space in front of her. Just as she was about to walk forward, Yu Yuan grabbed her collar again.

"I think you'd better not move around now." Yu Yuan said, "Besides, you will definitely hit this vertical pillar just now."

As he spoke, he pointed at one of the strokes on the huge text next to Lin Sanjiu.

Lin Sanjiu was still stunned. He raised his head and looked all the way up, looking at the word "Guan" next to him. Although there is only one word, it is impossible to misunderstand its meaning just by looking at it; it has many branches, a strict structure, and grows steadily upward, replacing the elevator that should have been here. It is clearly an elevator that can accommodate people going up and down. Access pipes.

The strokes on its top are hidden in the ceiling of the parking lot - it is said to be a ceiling, but it is actually many small specious words; "mud", "steel", "flat"... At a glance, there are countless words , complex overlapping, flowing layer by layer, glowing with various colors, together forming a ceiling.

"Did we... come out of Guanzi?" Lin Sanjiu asked blankly.

"Yes." Yu Yuan replied.

Including the ground, every space and every detail in the parking lot in front of her was a group of floating and intertwined words. "Flow", "red" and a few words that she could recognize but still didn't know what they were, formed a car not far away from her - this feeling was indescribable: it was clear that what she saw with her naked eyes was just It was just a group of words standing on the ground, but she could realize in her mind that it was a car.

In other words, if you put them on the ground outside, they will turn into a car.

There seems to be a world in every word. In each word, there seem to be countless words. Lin Sanjiu just stared at the car for a while, and then felt that his mind was being drawn out of his body. He quickly turned his attention away and asked UU Reading "Are we inside the organizer? ?”

"I won't say 'inside'," Yu Yuan was also looking around. Although his face was still expressionless, people could tell that he seemed to be interested in this place. "I think this is more like a transitional stage, from the material structure of the earth's surface to the text structure. I don't know where to go next."

Lin Sanjiu took a breath and closed her eyes.

"I didn't tell you," she whispered to Yu Yuan, "...thank you."


"As a data subject, you probably have many ways to make me lose my ability to resist and help you achieve the purpose of your trip. But you didn't," Lin Sanjiu smiled at him and said, "You just have to wait patiently. Let me finish what I'm doing."

The data subject looked at her without speaking.

This idea may be too naive...but maybe, deep in this data body, there is still Yu Yuan?

Lin Sanjiu sighed softly.

"I have to go down, and I have to save people. Before you tell me clearly your purpose, I don't know if I can trust you and continue going down with you."

"I understand." Yu Yuan nodded, "You are afraid that I will interfere with your actions."


Among the numerous, diverse, yet graceful and orderly clusters of words, one person and one data body remained silent for a few seconds. Yu Yuan thought for a while and finally spoke.

"I may need your help to break away from my identity as a data subject."

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