Doomsday Wonderland

One Thousand Four Hundred and Seventy-six: 9 out of 10 gamblers lose, and they lose everything and a

He Lily was running back desperately.

As soon as Lin Sanjiu's voice rang out, she realized something was wrong: while she was looking for customers in one corridor after another, the game had already entered its second hour - both Lin Sanjiu and Qian Dao had customers. Now each of them has a new income of 90 yuan, and with the remaining money from before, they can basically move around in the game.

There was only one Level 4 defense employee in her office, and now even if she ran out of lungs, she had to go back before Lin Sanjiu arrived, because she really couldn't afford to lose in this game.

She had spent half of her previous life in a small human revival zone west of the Red Nautilus. She doesn’t know how ordinary people in normal society define happiness, disappointment, or ups and downs. In her life, she can only distinguish two states: the moment of relief when she gets the visa, and the long and long journey before and after getting the visa. Endless tossing and turning and anxiety.

He Lily is different from those evolvers who have personally experienced the extinction of the world - those people often feel that every extra day they live is a day earned. The more they earn and the more they experience, the more calm they become. But her days were stolen. Every extra day she lived made her feel more guilty, because she was one step closer to the moment when she was discovered and her lifeline was suddenly cut off.

Ever since she was randomly transported to this world, He Lily knew in her subconscious that the days she had stolen might be taken back. This was not what made her most anxious and scared. After all, no one in the Twelve Realms had the luxury of seeing their two or three hundred years of life come to an end. What really made her unbearable was the unknown - she didn't know where she was going. One step later, she was... gone.

Now she felt like she saw the game just starting "the countdown with Lily".

No matter how she thought about it, she couldn't think of a way to break through her current predicament.

There must be no defensive staff in Lin Sanjiu's office. Just think about it deeply.

From her advantage, hiring defensive staff was a complete waste of money; Lin Sanjiu could use all her money to hire two offensive staff and leave in a hurry, while Ren and Lily would divert to attack her own office and take away the Her company's headquarters - so what if it's taken away?

After arriving at He Lily's office, Lin Sanjiu's 3 attack powers offset the 1 defense power she left there, leaving 2 attack powers left. When she arrived, she slowly turned back to her office, faced off with Lily's 1 defensive force, and then took the office back - well, she and Lily would be directly bankrupt by then.

The only way to make herself hold on for a while longer is to quickly return to her office to neutralize Lin Sanjiu's two attacking employees; after she takes away her office, she and Lily will attack at full speed Rushing to Lin Sanjiu's office - Lin Sanjiu would definitely not let her go at this time, and the opponent was faster than him. There was no doubt that he could return to "Lin Sanjiu Company" first and stop her attack.

As long as he lures her there, he and Lily can immediately turn around and go back to their office to take it back again. As for her having no employees, no customers, no money, and no chance to go out to find customers, He Baihe didn't know what to do next. After Lin Sanjiu reaps the third hour's income, she will really lose.

... Then you will face punishment.

When she was about to turn the corner, He Baihe took a deep breath - she was mentally prepared to meet Lin Sanjiu face to face; however, to her surprise, the door was empty, and Lin Sanjiu actually Haven't arrived yet.

Isn't that guy pretty fast?

He Baihe felt half up and half down, and for a moment she almost didn't know what to think. She quickly pushed the door open and walked in. She thought about it before closing the door and then went out again - this look was just right. I saw a figure slowly emerging from the depths of the opposite corridor.

"Hey," Lin Sanjiu waved his hand at her, looking very hateful. "Are you there?"

He Baihe really didn't bother to look at her, and turned his eyes behind her. There was no one behind her, let alone a Level 5 employee.

"What are you here for?"

"you guess."

He Lily's joints turned white as she gripped the door handle. She really disliked Lin Sanjiu, not because the other party had an advantage or was stronger than her - Lin Sanjiu had an aura about her, as if she knew what her goal was and what she was living for. Isn't this bullshit? In this kind of world, who can live a meaningful and hopeful life? She is not a resident of the Twelve Realms, so why can Lin Sanjiu?

"Look, I know there is a defensive employee in your office. If I take my offensive employee to capture your office now, I will win 3 to 2, but if you go to my office next , then I have no choice but to rush back... I can't defend both ends by myself, in the end you can still take your office away, wouldn't I waste two attacking employees in vain? "

Sure enough, she also thought of it.

He Baihe suppressed his emotions and asked, "Then what do you want?"

"I don't intend to waste money at all." Lin Sanjiu explained patiently, "So Qiandao and I have discussed that we will fight a protracted war. I will offset one of your employees first -"

She then said the word "attack" so naturally and smoothly, as if the employee's name was attack; He Baihe was stunned, and before he could even react, the defensive staff in his room was gone.

"You..." She knew that this was bound to happen, but she still couldn't help but get angry - because compared to being afraid or losing control, anger was more decent.

"As soon as you leave this door, I will capture your office. If you don't leave, you will starve to death without customers. Anyway, your game will end here." Lin Sanjiu Shrugging, he said, "I can't hold two offices by myself, so as soon as I capture yours, I will give it back immediately."

The negotiation she had been brewing with Lily just now was immediately forgotten by herself.

"Refund...refund the lease?"

"Of course if you rent, you'll have to cancel the rent," Lin Sanjiu glanced at her and seemed genuinely surprised. "Didn't you think of it? Unless you don't have an office, there is not much benefit in taking over the enemy's office. You yourself are still considered an attack force. If you stand outside the door and keep attacking, how many defensive employees do I have to put in? Since that is enough. If we can't hold it, we must cut off the enemy's power, and of course we must cancel the lease immediately."

When she said this, she said in conclusion: "It's not worth spending even one dollar for an office that will eventually be abandoned."

That's why she didn't bring a level five employee here?

In other words, Lin Sanjiu had to have at least a Level 4 defense employee in her office so that she could ambush her outside. Biting her lips with Lily, her mind was in a mess; she felt like she was trapped in a human chess game, looking for a way out in every corner, but couldn't find it.

"I'm going to go for a walk first. Don't worry, I won't go far." Lin Sanjiu said leisurely, already turning around. "I can also find clients on the way... To be honest, my clients are found near your home. I think this area may have good Feng Shui."

He and Lily stared at her as she disappeared into the corridor. If the woman wanted to, she could make no sound at all, but now every step she made was like a declaration of sovereignty, so clear that it could not be mistaken, just to let He Baihe hear it.

What she said just now was to trap herself in the office and not dare to go out, right? It's not difficult to think of this... But when He and Lily were about to open the door, she hesitated.

She didn't have a stopwatch. If she went out to find a client now, she couldn't guarantee that she would be back within five minutes - Lin Sanjiu would be able to launch another attack in five minutes. If she were even half a step slower, her office would be taken away; besides, she couldn't walk far, and the possibility of finding a client nearby was very slim...

So why take the risk?

"I don't believe you can stay here forever," He Lily said loudly from the crack of the door, "If nothing else, there is only one defender in your office, right? Can you trust Qiandao?"

There was no response from Lin Sanjiu in the corridor.

He Baihe cursed secretly, slid down the door and sat down, staring at the idle first-level employee in the office. The safest way at present is to stay behind closed doors for the time being... After paying her salary, she still has ten yuan left, and can last for less than two hours in total. It was impossible for Lin Sanjiu not to leave during these two hours, right?

She sat on the ground and thought for a while, and the more she thought about it, the more unthinkable it became; is there any way for someone to find customers without going out?

He Lily's eyes moved around the room a few times, and slowly raised to the ceiling. A piece of paper tied to the ventilation fan was blown slightly by the new wind that continued to flow in.

If she could remain silent inside...

While thinking with Lily, he climbed onto the table gently and slowly removed the ventilation fan. There was no sound at all outside the door, as if Lin Sanjiu had completely gone away. She supported herself, got into the ventilation duct, put her arms and knees on the ground, and slowly crawled forward bit by bit.

She was afraid that she would get lost in the intricate pipelines, so she used her consciousness to form a chain, hanging one end from the entrance and holding the other in her hand. She didn't know where to go, so she followed the light and crawled wherever it was bright. After crawling as silently as possible for a while, she and Lily, who were already dizzy, finally arrived at the first vent she met.

She held her breath, lowered her head and looked down, and was slightly surprised - coincidentally, the woman standing in the corridor was none other than Lin Sanjiu. As expected, the latter did not go far, and was still lingering near her office, probably waiting for an opportunity to capture her office; but what Lin Sanjiu didn't know was that Lily and Lily had already slipped away from her head.

He Baihe didn't dare to make a sound and covered her mouth and nose to prevent Lin Sanjiu from feeling someone's eyes staring at her. He even looked away and only looked at her with his peripheral vision. After a while, Lin Sanjiu left towards a corridor on the left.

Then she breathed a sigh of relief. UU Reading www. It seems that there will be no customers around here, and even if there were, they would have been captured by Lin Sanjiu long ago...

To her surprise, before she could finish this thought, she saw a figure gradually emerging from the corridor at the other end.

Is it a customer? Just happened to pass by Lin Sanjiu?

He Lily couldn't believe his luck, and hurriedly fumbled with the ventilation fan twice, pinched the edge, and pried it up little by little. Before jumping down, she lowered her head and glanced at the figure who had walked directly below her.

...Qiandao is like a shapeless and weightless shadow. When he falls down, not even the air will ripple away from him. Even when she was staring at him, He Lily felt that she would lose sight of him if she took one wrong look - it was as if Qian Dao was covered in oil, and her eyes would slip away from him if she glanced at him.

An expressionless Level 5 attack employee was strapped to his back. He quietly followed Lin Sanjiu in the direction he left, and soon disappeared deep into the corridor.

Apparently, Lin Sanjiu didn't realize at all that he was about to end up like Bai Cong.

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