Doomsday Wonderland

One Thousand Four Hundred and Seventy Gongdao 1 who writes greeting cards and customers who are nowh

As Lin Sanjiu slowly turned her neck towards her mentor, she felt that she must be like an owl in a nature documentary, her eyes wide open, feeling that her eyelids were not enough for the first time. "……What?"

The instructor made her look shocked, as if she was not sure: "Yes, there is?"

"What are they?" Lin Sanjiu felt like millions of questions were rushing to Tian Ling Gai at the same time. Now his words were no longer enough: "What is he going to do? What's going on with him? Does he know that I will ask this question? ? How long have you been with him? No, no, answer this first, why does he know Mather? "

"Most of the time I followed him, I was... well, what the goddess said was in a 'fragmented' state. He had too many people queuing up for him, so he basically didn't need me. So I can't say how long I have been with him. , probably no more than a year." The instructor first chose a simple question to answer.

This answer immediately made Lin Sanjiu feel half discouraged. "It's only been a year, so don't you basically have no idea what he did?" She waved her hand and said, "Well, you speak for yourself and try to tell me everything you know."

One person and one thing were leaning on the cubicle, looking at the corridor outside the door. The painter shook his feet from time to time. The instructor crossed his arms and said, "The question you asked just now is on point. Before he gave me to you, he had already guessed that you would ask me about him."

He had already guessed it and was willing to send the instructor over. In other words, the instructor didn’t know Gong Daoyi either?

The instructor's next words seemed to confirm her suspicion. "His plans, ideas, be honest, I don't know much about it, and I don't have much information to provide."

Before Lin Sanjiu had time to be disappointed, she heard him continue: "So, he hopes you can see it with your own eyes."

After two seconds, Lin Sanjiu felt that this sentence finally slowly sunk into his mind. "Go and see...?"

"Yes. He told me at that time that if you asked, I would tell you these few words he left. If you didn't ask, forget it." The instructor glanced at her and said .

"What is it?"

"'In the Karmar Museum, I left you a message. If you are willing to see it, the key is [Time Backward].'"

【Time Back】? Lin Sanjiu was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly remembered the special item buried deep in the card library - it was obtained at the same time as the life mentor, [there should be someone like this in your class] and other items. . Thinking about it now, Gong Daoyi's shadow is like the shadow of clouds cast from the sky, always hanging over that period of time.

[There should be someone like this in your class] was mixed with things that made her forget something, and was eventually taken away by the puppet master; the life instructor carried the message Gong Daoyi gave her and wanted to take her to Karma Museum; and [Time Back] is the key to unlocking the content of the message - how many arrangements did he make for her? How many arrangements have been made with her? How many times will she have to run into Gong Daoyi's net along the way?

Lin Sanjiu shuddered, but knew that she would definitely read it, even if the message itself was a pawn in Gong Daoyi's plan. "...It's a coincidence," she murmured, "I happened to be going there."

Whether it was a coincidence or not, she didn't bother to think about it. There was no point in thinking about it anyway.

Perhaps because he failed to provide much key information, the life coach felt a little sorry and said compensatingly: "Let me think about it, is there anything else I can tell you... Oh, he sometimes finds a follower for himself to help him. He was a follower and so on. He followed him not long ago. I heard from other humanoid objects that the follower disappeared after a while."

"Dead? Killed by him?"

"No," the instructor frowned and recalled: "When I showed up one time... I happened to see him writing a greeting card, which seemed to be sent to a former follower, although I didn't know that person either, his name was Lei Ming. Oh, you don’t know him either? Gong Daoyi wished him a happy wedding in the greeting card."

Lin Sanjiu had guessed a thousand times, but she never would have guessed that she would hear the words "Gong Daoyi writes a wedding card" from her mentor. Anyway, it's not just a greeting card, it's definitely a chess piece. God knows how many arrangements it has undertaken and how much disappointment or hope it will cause.

"I really hope I can know what's going on with him right away," she thought of Mather, who was so far away, and said in a low voice: "...Maybe I shouldn't ask the puppet master to go to the Karma Museum."

"When that time comes, you can stop worrying." After selling the old owner, the instructor looked refreshed: "Now you have to think about how to find customers in this game."

Lin Sanjiu was brought back to the present moment and sighed.

This is also a headache. The two of them were facing the door and looking at the corridor for a long time. They didn't even hear the footsteps of a customer passing nearby. Why - no, wait.

It's really what you said; she just complained, and what sounded from the depths of the left corridor at this moment, wasn't it just a series of footsteps?

"Customer!" Lin Sanjiu's eyes lit up, she jumped up and rushed out of the door. "You two look after the house," she turned around and told the two humanoid objects, "I'll be right back."

The corridors on this floor are deep and complicated, and there are so many echoes that it is somewhat difficult to follow the sounds. Lin Sanjiu hurriedly walked through several corridors and searched them one by one, only to find that the footsteps seemed to be walking in her direction and getting closer; she stood there and listened, then let go and walked towards Rushed past in the distance.

...She almost bumped into Bai Cong who had just turned around from behind the corner.

Just when Lin Sanjiu thought Bai Cong had gotten the client before her, Bai Cong took two steps back hastily, looked behind her a few times, and asked, "Is it you? There are no clients here?"

Lin Sanjiu was startled and understood. "I heard your footsteps. I thought you were a customer." No wonder the footsteps came towards her instead. It turned out that Bai Cong and her had the same misunderstanding, and they both thought the other party was a customer.

"I've been looking for him for a long time," Bai Cong's face looked very bad now. The demeanor of a shopping mall elite when he entered the game was now dotted with a layer of sweat and a hint of anxiety. "There are no customers at all, not one."

Lin Sanjiu looked at him and couldn't tell whether this was true or false. "It's not like there aren't any, right? Didn't you find one? Even though it was taken away by Qian Dao."

Her own office is nearby and Bai Cong cannot be discovered. Lin Sanjiu thought for a while, and when Bai Cong opened his mouth to answer, he took a few steps around and stopped in front of the corridor next to him - it seemed as if he was trying to stop Bai Cong from entering that corridor.

It would be fine if Bai Cong didn't notice it. It would be better if he did, because Lin Sanjiu's office was in another direction.

"That bastard," Bai Cong spat when he heard Qian Dao's name, glanced at Lin Sanjiu, and suddenly said: "You'd better be careful about him. He is rich now, and he can do things without anyone noticing. It’s not difficult to move and attack anyone.”

Of course he didn't take Lin Sanjiu's interests at heart. He probably wanted to make himself an ally and give Qian Dao an enemy. Lin Sanjiu did not miss the opportunity and immediately asked: "He is really following you all the way?"

"Yes, strangely enough, after I found the client and before renting the office, I searched the area carefully and found no one." Bai Cong sighed, "God knows what methods he used, and How did you keep up with me... I finally built the company, but now I am forced to start from scratch, and I can’t even find customers.”

So, even if she confirms that there is no one in the place, it may not be safe?

"Have you found a client?" Bai Cong looked at her and asked straightforwardly.

"If I find it, I won't dare to come out alone." How could Lin Sanjiu tell him the truth? She was almost used to game content that encouraged people to lie and defraud each other. "Except for you, the remaining two people may have two attack powers. If I have customers, how can I leave them alone?"

It is also possible for Bai Cong to form two attack powers, although the possibility is relatively low; Lin Sanjiu deliberately excluded him in order to send a message: I don't regard you as a threat, and I hope you don't regard me as a threat either. .

Bai Cong nodded, anxiety still lingering in the corners of his brows and eyes. He didn't seem too surprised that Lin Sanjiu didn't find a client, and he believed it immediately. "I don't know about that and Lily. Now that she has established a company, she may have found at least one customer. But as far as I know, neither Qiandao nor I, nor you, have successfully found any more customers."

"What's going on?" Lin Sanjiu was surprised, knowing that she had to give back some information before she could ask Bai Cong to continue. "I didn't find it with Lily either. She took a special item from me, and when I snatched it back, I found that there were no customers in her office."

"It's really weird, UUReading" Bai Cong wiped his face, "Could it be that the one I got by accident is the only customer on this floor?"

He sneered and said: "I know Qiandao's territory, so I went to check it several times, and also killed one of his level three search employees. So I know that since he took away my client, Not even a single customer was found.”

Lin Sanjiu also frowned. The two talked for a few more words, but no clues came out of the discussion, and they were still wary of each other. Naturally, the conversation ended quickly - the two looked at each other without embarrassment, and found that no one wanted to talk. It means moving somewhere, because no one wants to expose their whereabouts to another person.

"Let's do this," Bai Cong suggested, "let's go in opposite directions at the same time."

Lin Sanjiu nodded, pointed to the corridor behind him and said, "Then I'll go this way."

Listening to Bai Cong's retreating footsteps behind her, she walked forward slowly while thinking over and over again what Bai Cong had just said.

… She had a vague idea of ​​where to find clients.

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