Doomsday Wonderland

One Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty-Nine: Those who look after others will eventually be god-like b


Look at it a little bit. Pants have to be taken off as soon as they are put on, right?

Lin Sanjiu comforted herself and was about to untie the belt of her field pants when she raised her head and glanced at Fan He. Chen Hanwu had already hid on the other side to avoid suspicion, burying his head under the cashier; Fan He was still looking at her with his hands tied up with a pure face, showing no intention of turning around.

"Do you want to watch me take off my clothes?" Lin Sanjiu asked.

"Yes." Fanhe said matter-of-factly.

Fine. She was not naive enough to think that the other party would allow her to put a cloth around her body or go into the restroom to change. Even though this mall had turned into a doomsday playground, the facilities in the past were still functioning normally, such as restrooms and security rooms. They were all in good condition, but it was a pity that Fanhe wouldn't let her go.

But Fanhe also added: "I don't think it matters if you take off your clothes. You think it's not appropriate for me to take them off."

"What do you mean?" Lin Sanjiu glared at her, unbuttoned her belt and kicked out her field pants. "The scroll is still inside, I haven't taken it out to look at it."

Fan He lowered his head to look at the pants, stretched out two fingers to twist them up, checked the shopping list in his right trouser pocket, and was finally satisfied. There were probably a hundred pairs of the same field pants prepared for Lin Sanjiu in the gift package; she took out a pair of the same style, and within twenty seconds, she looked like a serious person again.

She tied her belt and glanced at it - the goddess was smart and she didn't know where she had shrunk.

"Okay, let's go," Fan He greeted Chen Hanwu, who stuck out his head from behind the cashier. "We've taken too long."

Three people rushed into the aisle between the shelves at the same time. The volunteer was really not exaggerating at all; Lin Sanjiu looked up and found that all the shelf numbers were messed up. She originally thought that her field was B1-B5, so these five shelves might be next to each other, a small piece of order in the chaos. Now that she saw it, she was too naive. D is connected to B7... Looking at it, no two serial numbers should be placed together.

The goddess nodded, it must be what Sibaan meant; but why did Sibaan ask her to agree to such harsh conditions? What should she do next?

"What do we do next?"

Chen Hanwu seemed to have heard her thoughts and asked Fanhe.

When Fan He started running, her steps were as light as feathers beating in the wind; Lin Sanjiu was very sure that she had suppressed her speed, otherwise she would have been able to rush to another part of the mall in a few blinks of an eye. Go one end. Fan He sneered slightly when he heard this, and said calmly: "The strategy of this game is nothing more than to prevent the opponent from obtaining the items while collecting the items yourself. The opponent has already taken the lead, and it is too late for us to stop them. It would be easy for them to stop us."

Chen Hanwu suddenly looked anxious. "how?"

"All they have to do is send one person to block our way."

Almost at the moment Fan He said these words, the floor seemed to suddenly turn into undulating and roaring waves, throwing the three people high into the air. Lin Sanjiu was caught off guard. When she came to her senses, rows of shelves were already at her feet; the shelves were still stable wherever they stood, except for the aisles, which seemed to be trying their best to break free from the constraints of gravity, as if they were ejected from the ground. The outburst of rain suddenly rushed into the air.

From among the high waves formed by countless broken bricks and cement, a straight figure with blond hair slowly walked out.

"Spread out," Fan He was able to stabilize himself in mid-air in time, as if he was pinned in the air, and shouted: "Look for each other, Lin Sanjiu, you go to the east!"

This is to separate her and Sibaan as much as possible.

Lin Sanjiu, who was busy free-falling, kicked off a nearby shelf with such force that most of the goods piled on the top floor were kicked out and fell to the ground like flowers. The walkway was like a volcanic eruption, shaking the whole mall and causing dust to form. She did not dare to fall in the walkway - even if the attacker was Sibaan, she did not dare to take the risk; obviously, Sibaan An was not subtle in his attack. He knew that Lin Sanjiu was capable of protecting himself.

"Then I'm leaving!" Lin Sanjiu said a word, glanced at Siba'an from a distance, turned around and rushed eastward. The latter did not look at her, as if he had completely forgotten her existence; his blond hair was spread out, and was blown about by the wind picked up by the rushing waves of debris, just like the hair that had just risen from the ground. A statue of a god.

When she looked back again, she saw Chen Hanwu's shadow rushing out to the other side in a hurry. Fan He still stood firm in his position, as if he planned to confront Sibaan head-on. Even if she was an enemy, Lin Sanjiu had to admire her courage.

Retracting his mind, Lin Sanjiu ran quickly while scanning the shelves.

Fanhe planned very carefully, but unfortunately she didn't know that she didn't need to meet Sibaan in private at all.

There are probably hundreds of shelves in the mall. A total of thirty shelves for six players are placed in the mall. UU Reading is like water drops falling into the river. Along the way, she maximized [Consciousness Scanning] and included all the shelves that could be included in the scanning range, but she did not see any of B1-B5.

Behind him, where Sibaan and Fanhe were confronting each other, there was a sudden sound - a slight movement like the skin opening slightly, but it was shaken into the ears by some extremely unnatural force - with that sound When the sound reached her ears, Lin Sanjiu suddenly felt that the skin all over her body was about to burst with it; she couldn't help but let out a low cry of pain, her feet went weak, and she almost fell to the ground.

A skinny hand suddenly stretched out from behind the shelf and grabbed the clothes on her back.

"Here," the goddess' slightly hoarse voice sounded at the same time that Lin Sanjiu was about to fight back. She hurriedly calmed down, and while panting violently, she gradually felt again: her skin had not cracked, and she was still intact.

Whose attack was that? Being so far away, the impact of the aftermath has been so strong...

"Do you still remember me?" The goddess suddenly leaned towards her, and a circle of small gold pieces on the printed and dyed cloth wrapped around her head swayed with her movements. "Sbaan couldn't speak, so he asked me to be his vocal cords and tell you what he had to say."

Lin Sanjiu nodded and couldn't help but think of the painter. They are all humanoid special items that are almost the same as real people, but they are also as different from each other as real people.

"He has a plan for the future that will guide the two of you to get the results you want. The answer lies in the words in your own hands, and the successful result lies in what you thought it was not." The goddess said. Face, seriously.

Lin Sanjiu was dumbfounded.

"You...can you only talk in this way?"

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