Doomsday Wonderland

One thousand one hundred and forty-one. I guarantee you will feel familiar after seeing it.

? 【The text will be changed within 30 minutes! 】

"I feel like my boyfriend... wants to kill me."

McDonald's on Sunday was packed with parents with their children, and the children's screams and laughter could not be heard from the slides in the children's area. In such an environment, it is naturally difficult for Zhu Mei to take her friend's words seriously.

"Stop talking nonsense! Even if you two quarrel, don't speak so badly of others." Zhu Mei, who was fat and white, cursed with a smile. After a pause, she raised an eyebrow and asked hesitantly: "...when you quarrel, don't do anything, right?"

Sitting opposite her was a girl in her twenties. She has beautiful features, but she is not a rare beauty in this bustling international city. The most eye-catching thing is her big, slightly upward eyes. The amber luster in the light pupils makes people think of a cat waking up in the morning.

Lin Sanjiu shook her head and did not continue.

No wonder Zhu Mei didn't believe it - as soon as she said this, even she felt ridiculous. Maybe it’s because I haven’t slept well these past few days and I feel a little anxious...

Lin Sanjiu took two sips of coke, relaxed her expression, and said half-jokingly: "If one day, a policeman comes and asks you who I usually have enemies with..."

"Fuck you!" The teasing tone in her friend's tone made the doubts that were floating between Zhu Mei's brows disappear in an instant. She waved her hand with a smile, "Seriously, you are complaining after you got an advantage! Say it yourself, What shortcomings does Ren Nan have——"

Lin Sanjiu had heard the following words countless times; this time, it blew past her ears like the wind, without even a trace of it being heard in her heart. At this moment, her eyes suddenly glanced outside the window, and the line of her jaw suddenly tightened.

She lowered her head as if to cover it up and took a bite of the burger.

The moment I bit off the bread, the noisy McDonald's entrance suddenly fell silent for a few seconds. As the light at the door dimmed, a tall man walked in slowly. Several customers who were queuing saw him and unconsciously took two steps back to make way for him.

A tailor-made iron gray shirt with the iconic Armani waist design, showing a stable texture from every detail. The straight and elegant dark trousers have no extra wrinkles, as if they are ironed and taken care of by someone anytime and anywhere - coupled with the rare nine-headed body proportions and handsome appearance of Asians, no matter what time, Ren Nan looks at them They look like top models who have just stepped out of a fashion shoot.

Walking in a McDonald's, it's no wonder that everyone is looking at you.

As he sat down, the air was filled with a faint fragrance of Davidoff's cold water.

"Why are you here to eat such fast food again?" He nodded to Zhu Mei in greeting, and rubbed Lin Sanjiu's hair affectionately and helplessly. The Patek Philippe on his wrist was half hidden in her black hair. "I'm planning to take you to the same Japanese restaurant as last time tonight."

"I happened to be hungry when I passed by here, so..." Lin Sanjiu forced a smile, avoided Ren Nan's eyes, lowered his head, picked up a French fries and put it into his mouth. Her long hair fell from her shoulders, obscuring her expression.

——Zhu Mei is right, Ren Nan has no shortcomings.

He looks like a man from an idol drama. After spending a few months with Lin Sanjiu, Ren Nan quickly conquered her best friends and friends with his impeccable demeanor, not to mention Lin Sanjiu, the person involved - no, it was not just his demeanor. His appearance, wealth, personality, everything was so perfect... He was everything a woman could dream of.

Everyone said her life was too good.

When this relationship first started, Lin Sanjiu couldn't believe her good luck. At that time, every morning, she woke up with a smile and faced a new world brought to her by Ren Nan.

Until...she became less and less happy.

…Since when did you start feeling something was wrong?

Suddenly, Zhu Mei's passionate voice interrupted her thoughts. "...I've been drinking all day today, so I won't waste your private time! She just told me that she was a little tired, so you can go home -"

Lin Sanjiu was suddenly brought back to reality.

Ren Nan's gentle voice always contained a decent smile: "Let us see you off. It's too hot recently."

Zhu Mei was a child at heart and immediately said with a smile: "Hey, you're welcome! It's hot enough today. I just walked for a while and I'm covered in sweat..." The clothes on her back were still on It's still wet.

Anyway, he didn't have much appetite. Seeing that his friend had finished eating, Lin Sanjiu stood up calmly and walked out of McDonald's with her boyfriend and her friend.

The heat wave that had been roasted by the sun all afternoon on the street outside suddenly enveloped the three people. It was already October, but the scorching heat showed no signs of abating and still firmly ruled the city. Some of the people who were working hard in the heat wave on the street were holding umbrellas, some were sweating profusely, and everyone looked uncomfortable - it was really too hot, even in the middle of summer it had never been this hot before!

Zhu Mei was most afraid of the heat. She had only taken two steps and she was already covered in sweat and kept wiping her forehead. Lin Sanjiu felt that the hair on the back of her neck was sticking to her skin. This unpleasant feeling made her extremely uncomfortable, and she couldn't help but ask: "Where is your car parked?"

Ren Nan raised his chin towards a nearby place. There was not even a trace of moisture on his moist and clean skin.

"Right in front." After a pause, his posture was as elegant and calm as ever: "I've told you several times that it's inconvenient not to have a car. Now that you've passed the test for your driver's license, do you want to buy a car? ?”

Zhu Mei immediately admired with envy: "You plan to buy a car for Xiaojiu? You are indeed rich, rich and handsome... When I celebrated my birthday, my boyfriend only gave me a bear..."

Lin Sanjiu muttered a few perfunctory words, not thinking about the car at all. Fortunately, Zhu Mei is a lively person. Even with her chattering to Ren Nan, Ren Nan didn't seem to notice her absence.

...Three months ago, after Ren Nan's countless requests, Lin Sanjiu finally gave in sweetly and agreed to live with him.

She packed up her belongings, vacated the house, and moved into his downtown penthouse. The friends and colleagues who visited her new home were all extremely envious. As soon as she left the house, they grabbed her and kept saying, "Xiaojiu, you have to catch such a good man!"

"Does Ren Nan have brothers? Does Ren Nan have any single friends? Don't forget to introduce one to me!"

"You have to talk to him about marriage as soon as possible..."

The excited voices of my friends still seemed to echo in my ears. The excitement and anticipation in Lin Sanjiu's heart at that time were several times greater than theirs - but after living together for a while, her IQ, which had been low due to falling in love, began to slowly recover.

She gradually noticed some details in life.

Now, Lin Sanjiu couldn't explain why——

She was a little afraid of Ren Nan.

Watching Zhu Mei gradually disappear around the corner of the old-fashioned community, Ren Nan restarted the car, and the car merged into the traffic flow silently. About twenty minutes later, the two arrived home.

Ren Nan's apartment is located in the most expensive area of ​​​​the city. It was just built two years ago. Every inch of bricks and tiles represents a lifestyle that ordinary people like Lin Sanjiu never dared to imagine. And now, she is almost getting used to her new life - if the doubts in her heart are not getting darker day by day...

The penthouse occupies the entire 38th floor. With the "ding" of the private elevator, the door opened and the two of them stepped into the living room.

Sensing the elevator running, soft lights gradually lit up in the living room.

"I bought some Coke today, do you want a can?" Putting down her bag, Lin Sanjiu walked to the kitchen, suppressing her heartbeat, and smiled at Ren Nan nonchalantly - she felt her expression should be Unbeatable.

Ren Nan also walked over, with the same gentle smile: "Okay, everything you bought is good."

Everything you bought was good?

I don't know since when, this kind of character-like sweet talk made Lin Sanjiu feel very uncomfortable, and even made her a little embarrassed.

Do people really talk like this in life?

Not knowing how to answer the call, she hurriedly handed over the Coke - as soon as he pulled the tab, the bubbles in the drink immediately made a "sizzling" sound. Probably to make her happy, Ren Nan drank half the can in one breath.

Lin Sanjiu hid herself behind the opened refrigerator door, tensed her body, and raised her ears, not daring to miss any strange noise.

The room was quiet for half a minute.

Second after second passed, until Ren Nan broke the silence in the room with a smile: "What are you looking for in the refrigerator?"

Lin Sanjiu's heart sank into her stomach. She closed the door and looked at Ren Nan pretending to be casual.

no response.

Ren Nan didn't even have the slightest intention of burping after drinking a freshly opened can of iced Coke filled with carbon dioxide into his stomach - it was like pouring into a pool of dark stagnant water.

"Nothing, I just wanted to see if there were any snacks." She forced a smile.

After living together for three months, she had never seen Ren Nan hiccup.

It's not just burping - coughing, sneezing, farting, sweating... all kinds of things that although indecent, everyone does a few times, Lin Sanjiu has never seen it in Ren Nan.

Come to think of it, she wasn't even sure she'd ever seen him go to the bathroom.

"You didn't eat much just now, why don't we go out to eat tonight?" Ren Nan took her hands and kissed Lin Sanjiu on the neck.

Goosebumps suddenly broke out on her back: "No, I'm too lazy to move... Besides, I want to go to bed early tonight, and I have to get up early tomorrow."

"Then I will cook myself and make salmon for you." Ren Nan said with a smile.

Lin Sanjiu nodded hurriedly. UU Reading

Ren Nan's cooking skills, just like him, are impeccable. After the dinner he had carefully prepared, the sun outside the glass wall of the living room was gradually setting. The sky darkened little by little, and finally gave way to night and starlight.

"Today is the 104th day of continued abnormally high temperatures and droughts around the world..." After putting away the tableware, Lin Sanjiu pretended to be interested in the news and watched TV - she really He didn't want to have any eye contact with Ren Nan. "Following high-temperature deaths in Africa, India, Southeast Asia and other places, the number of deaths from heat stroke in our country has reached 67. Relevant experts remind..."

She felt Ren Nan come over and sit down next to her. The sofa sank deeply.

An arm naturally wrapped around her shoulders, and Lin Sanjiu stiffened.

Although she didn't look back, she could clearly feel that what Ren Nan was watching was not TV. His gaze stayed on his back - not the usual tender and affectionate one, but a naked one -

A look like a snake looking at a frog.

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