Doomsday Wonderland

One thousand one hundred and nine I should have told you earlier

Complete version.

The answer is of course no.

It wasn't because Ji Shanqing cared about Lin Sanjiu that he didn't want to do this to her friend; it was because he was too smart.

Of course he would not create a situation that would make Lin Sanjiu furious and never look back. Even if there is only such a possibility, he will not allow it.

He knew this thought, and he knew that Lin Sanjiu also knew it.

During this relatively silent moment, Lin Sanjiu looked at him steadily, caressing his hair, shoulders and face with her gaze over and over again. If she really had a biological brother or sister, I'm afraid that's how she felt about the gift bag now... Even though she knew that he would definitely take advantage of Yu Yuan, she still couldn't really be angry with him.

"So, what happened to Yu Yuan?" she asked tiredly.

Ji Shanqing bit her red lips gently, feeling a little embarrassed. Whether this was for his sister, or because he really felt embarrassed, Lin Sanjiu couldn't say - she couldn't say, actually, how much of the answers the gift package would give her next would be true.

"I...I received a call from the contactor. When I went to look for it, I found that the person who came was not you."

He lowered his head, his long hair falling down his face, hiding his face in the shadows. It may be a great cruelty for him to ask him to confess his feelings to the person he most wants to hide from him; but the words are plain and indifferent, and he really can't hear anything.

"Just looking at him, I knew what was going on... I forgot the specific situation at that time, I just remember thinking over and over again, it would be great if it was my sister who came."

"What happened then?" Seeing him staring at his knees in a daze, as if he had forgotten to continue talking, Lin Sanjiu had to ask.

"Then...I turned around and left."

Ji Shanqing's eyes lost their luster in the shadows, and he clenched his hands into fists, clutching his robe tightly. "He kept calling me through the communicator, so sooner or later the signal would be received by the data body. So when the data body appeared in front of him, I wasn't surprised."

Lin Sanjiu closed her eyes.

If you knew everything, the gift package should not have gone far at that time.

She recalled what the data entities told her at that time and how much they wanted to recruit new members. The more she thought about it, the more her heart sank. Yu Yuan is actually very unsuitable for the apocalyptic world. His place of origin was too ideal, and his character was too gentle - after losing his dual home of spirit and body, he was actually more attracted to eternity, tranquility and peace than ordinary people; she could even imagine that, He was struggling with his mental activities at the time.

When she was lost in thought, Ji Shanqing raised her head suddenly, startling her. His voice was as thin as if it could break into pieces, and his eyes flashed with an indescribable light: "Sister, why did he use the contact device I gave you to call me?"

That wasn't a real liaison device, it was a [combat item] - Lin Sanjiu couldn't speak anymore when the words came to her lips. Is this the point? of course not.

She shuddered for a while in shock that she couldn't understand, and finally just whispered: "I'm sorry."

Instead, Ji Shanqing was like a rabbit in the grass, suddenly startled.

"Sister," he leaned forward a little eagerly, "you don't need to apologize—"

No, she needs to.

"...What happened next?" she asked softly, interrupting him.

Ji Shanqing sat back slowly, just looking at her and saying nothing. He looked so pale and thin, a small person floating in the endless black universe, as if he would disappear in the blink of an eye.

Lin Sanjiu understood. She buried her face in her hands and stroked her skin a few times, hoping to get some relief; the sudden heavy fatigue almost made her breathless: "...Tell me, it was his own choice. Yes? Have you, have you ever—"

"I didn't do anything!" Ji Shanqing said anxiously, "Really, sister, you have to believe me on this. It was his own choice, I didn't make it at all - it's all his - "

Lin Sanjiu had rarely heard gift bags speak so incoherently. She raised a hand, and the voice on the other side stopped. She still didn't want to look up at him, only looked at her fingers, and asked in a low voice: "He...he is already?"

"elder sister."

Ji Shanqing called her softly, and a certain emotion in his voice made her raise her eyes involuntarily.

"He has indeed agreed to immigrate," his clear voice trembled slightly with desire, and his eyes were shining: "However, the matter has not reached an irreversible point yet."

"How to say?"

"I understand most of the data body's methods. Although I'm not 100% sure, if you can reverse the operation... you may be able to restore him to his original state. Of course, it sounds simple, but in fact it may be very complicated -"

The sound of gift bags gradually faded away, and Lin Sanjiu sank into her own thoughts unconsciously.

Yu Yuan made the most important decision in his life completely independently without the intervention of outsiders. What qualifications did she have to go over and revoke his decision? Even if she disagrees with his decision, so what? It was his own will, and he finally found a way out of the flood.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but look at the gift bag again.

He was really too smart, and he seemed to understand her thoughts just once his eyes met hers: "Sister, when he made the decision, he hadn't heard your opinion yet. Let's find a way to restore him first, and you can make peace with him. Talk to him, and if he still wants to 'immigrate', then we will respect his opinion and send him back - wouldn't that be better?"

At first glance, it does make sense—although if you think about it carefully, this approach is a bit arrogant. But when Lin Sanjiu looked at the gift bag, what occupied her mind was not arrogance or not, but suspicion that arose spontaneously: Is this conversation part of his plan to take her back? Or did she discover the truth, so she improvised on the spot?

She had no doubt that if Libao was willing, he would have a thousand different ways to keep her in the data flow library. It's not that she doesn't want to be by Li Bao's side, it's just...she doesn't want to just be by Li Bao's side.

Seeing that his words never got the response he wanted, Ji Shanqing moved his body as if he didn't know what to do. He didn't show it, not at all - but Lin Sanjiu knew that he was afraid.

"After I put away the communicator,"

After a while, Lin Sanjiu finally spoke. Her voice was unusually low and gentle, making Ji Shanqing startled. "I have thought about it for a long time. I...I really don't understand you, or I should say, I don't understand you enough. It was only the first few months when you came to this world. I can't imagine what it was like, and I can't imagine what it was like. Know what kind of impression you will have on people. Before you even have time to form an understanding of the world, you have to survive in the constant plots and counterattacks. But even if you are like this, after I said I will not take it apart When still believed me."

Ji Shanqing looked at her blankly.

"Maybe you don't believe it completely, maybe you are still afraid at night, maybe you can't help but peek at my face sometimes and guess my mood. But you finally believed me. This is actually a very remarkable thing." Lin Sanjiu stood up slowly and said, "I have always taken it for granted, and I have never said thank you."

Following her movements, Ji Shanqing raised his head, and his long hair slid down his back.

"Thank you," Lin Sanjiu walked up to him, bent down, and tucked a loose lock of black hair behind his ear. "I have something I should have told you a long time ago. I hope it's not too late."

"Wha...what?" His voice trembled slightly. Still scared - or rather, more scared.

"It's my fault." Lin Sanjiu knelt down so that they were eye level. She looked into those eyes with fluttering eyelashes, as if she were looking straight into a lake, and the cool water could spread all the way up her skin from her fingertips. "You believed that I would not tear you apart, but you couldn't believe another thing... That's because I didn't do enough. UU Reading I didn't give you enough confidence to let you believe that I also I will always tolerate you and accompany you."

As she spoke, she stretched out her arms and gently pulled him closer. At first, Libao's body was stiff, as if he was still in shock and didn't fully understand the situation; as she slightly bent her arms, he seemed to finally understand - little by little, tremblingly, he followed her movements. He put his chin on her shoulder without even daring to exert any force.

Even if he wasn't afraid of being taken apart, he still wore layer after layer of clothes. However, even with so many layers of clothes, his body was still light and thin, as if he could just be rolled up into a ball and taken away in his arms.

"No matter what you do, no matter who you become," she whispered, slowly stroking the back of his head with her fingers, "I...I will always be here. So, no more testing, no more worrying ”

Maybe all children hope that their mother only belongs to them - she feels that the gift bag that is only a few years old must be similar to this mentality. Everything he did was probably just seeking reassurance and peace of mind. Ultimately, it was because the child didn't know that what he got was not a reward for being well-behaved, cute, or smart; in fact, it was nothing, and it was something that belonged to him unconditionally.

"……elder sister,"

She couldn't see the expression on the gift bag, but could only feel his body shaking under the palm of his hand, and even his voice trembled with it. She waited, thinking that the gift bag had something to say, but she heard him whimper for a while, and still only called out two words: "Sister!"

He suddenly raised his arms, hugged her neck, and buried his face deeply in her arms.

"elder sister……"

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