Doomsday Wonderland

One Thousand and Seventy Three Justice will definitely be overthrown by evil!

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In the silent corridor, Bohemia pricked up her ears and heard the rustling sound of papers being turned over in the conference room. There seemed to be someone speaking in a low voice. The voice might be Secretary Beef's. It was so vague that she almost thought it was an illusion. She slowly stood up with her knees in hand and followed the wall step by step to the conference room.

"...I said that the Investigation Bureau...has long been suspicious of her...the names on the bank slips are all hers..."

Sure enough, it was the beef secretary - he was beaten several times and could not speak clearly. It was very difficult to listen outside the door at this time; Bohemia wanted to get closer and took a step forward, but unexpectedly forgot Seeing that the skylight was reflected from behind him, the shadow under his feet flickered on the floor of the conference room, and the beef secretary suddenly stopped speaking.

The sound of turning paper also stopped.

Seeing that he had been exposed, Bohemia turned around bravely, poked his head in from behind the door, and called out "Wenda" - the man in work clothes was currently standing in the middle of overturned tables and chairs, scattered around his feet. There were documents on the floor; when he heard this, he looked up and put aside a brown paper bag containing the prisoner's file: "Miss Winters, I happened to find some of your things."

Secretary Beef had long since lost his usual clean and elegant appearance. His face was red, his hands were tied to a table with plastic strips, and he was staring at Bohemia while his chest was rising and falling while he was gasping for air.

"Don't you hate the most tax-paying scum in prison?" He looked away, as if Bohemia didn't exist, and persuaded the man in work clothes again in front of her: "...let a An employee of the Bureau of Investigation killed a scumbag. Yes, from a legal perspective, I broke the law... But from a moral perspective, was there really any serious fault? Could it be any bigger fault than hers? She secretly accepted money from prisoners. ——”

"These are all tips for you, listen carefully." Descartes interjected a sentence - it would have been better if he didn't interject this sentence, but it made Bohemia not understand the second half of what Secretary Beef said.

Wen Da lowered her head, avoiding Bohemia's gaze, and looked at the documents on the ground for a few seconds. Suddenly, she bent down and picked up an envelope - if I remember correctly, it was the one containing the bank documents. one of them.

She remembered that this man seemed indeed unstable - he had said at the beginning that his children were missing for some reason, and the culprit who caused their deaths was serving his sentence in this prison. Judging from several hints, he seems to have a completely unreasonable hatred for all detainees, and will even look for opportunities to abuse female prisoners... Now how to deal with this situation will take some thought.

"What are you talking about?" Bohemia frowned, "What did I charge for? Are these things mine?"

Wen Da suddenly raised his head: "Aren't these your documents?"

"I remember those file bags, they seem to be prisoner files, right?" If there is anything Bohemia is good at, it must be denial, frame-up and transfer of responsibility: "...these files The materials are all in the archives and managed by the secretary. Why are they here? What is that in your hand? "

"...It's a bank document," the man in work clothes said hesitantly, "It's the account of a woman named Emma Greens...there's a lot of money in it."

"Who is this person?" Bohemia opened her eyes wide and blinked her long eyelashes.

Wen Da pursed her lips in embarrassment - before the beefy secretary on the ground could say anything, she quickly took a preemptive strike and shouted at the secretary: "What do you want to do by bringing out all the materials from the archives? The two agents told me before However, they want to investigate the collusion between inside and outside this prison. Is it related to you? Did you get all the prisoner files out? These are confidential documents! "

"It's not that confidential -" the voice of the copy host suddenly sounded: "Well, what you said is not professional enough, but it can also be explained that you are fooling Wenda... Forget it, in a moment Better peel your onions."

Bohemia could almost feel the onions on her head trembling.

As soon as this little episode ended, a bit of hesitation appeared on the man's face. His mind was not as bright as Secretary Beef, and he was shaken again by Bohemia's words: "Yes, you said that these accounts opened in strangers' names belong to Miss Winters, and you said What evidence is there? It can be said to be hers, but it can also be said to be yours!"

"You secretly colluded with Agent Geer, causing the death of an important tainted witness, and you attacked me because I found out... After you were caught, you have no chance." Bohemia faced Secretary Beef, But the words were meant for the man in work clothes: "If you want to accuse me of something, then go to the judicial officials and tell them that everything must follow procedures - Wenda!"

The man in overalls raised his head.

"Pack up the documents on the floor. These may be important evidences. After you put them away, lock the door and come with me -" before he had a chance to ask, Bohemia snorted: "Maybe we can see each other in the future. He's on the other side of the barbed wire!"

The man in overalls seemed a little confused for a moment. He subconsciously followed her instructions, put away the documents, and locked the door of the conference room. Then he hurried a few steps behind her and asked, "Go there." where?"

"That's right." Descartes also floated up, looking dizzy: "Where are you taking him? I'm telling you, I don't think you can last long with the fooling around you just now. This guy I already have seeds of doubt about you in my heart..."

"I know, I know," Bohemia responded in an angry voice, "You still have to recite poetry when you give me your fucking seed."

When Descartes floated away in a bulging spirit, the voice of a man in overalls came from behind again: "Miss Winters?"

"Oh, that's it." Bohemia's mind was racing very fast at this time, and she suddenly remembered his abuse of female prisoners: "...Someone in the men's prison made a complaint against you before, saying that you acted The language is very rude - no, of course I don't believe it, don't worry about that! But you also know that you still have to go through the cutscenes. And most importantly, I hope you can help me find it. , to see which prisoner colluded with the secretary."

This matter was actually left to Wenda, which inevitably made him a little confused, but in the end he followed Bohemia without saying anything. The Descartes spirit was laughed at for a while, and it seemed that it was very unhappy. It held it all the way to the prison, and after passing through two iron gates, it finally asked: "What is your idea? "

Bohemia looked around.

The cells on every floor and corridor can be seen by her at the entrance. The sound of banging iron bars, the footsteps of prison guards patrolling back and forth, and the occasional shouts and curses... all formed an echo inside the prison, hitting the walls like a wave.

"Have you ever eaten a criminologist?" She covered her voice with consciousness and replied: "Then you must understand one thing... Prisons, in principle, will not negotiate with prisoners."

She learned this from the TV series - "pre-apocalyptic entertainment" like Biluo Huangquan is very cheap, so it is very popular with everyone, and there are often some fixed broadcast spots in each area. Descartes thought for a moment and replied: "Yes, if the prisoner seizes any conditions to negotiate, it will be of no use at all."

It thought for a while and suddenly understood: "I know what you are going to do!"

" are really good at committing evil," Descartes, who not long ago was obsessed with cannibalism, was now full of surprise: "You want him to be caught!"

No matter how heavily guarded a heavy-duty prison is, it is managed by manpower, so accidents will inevitably happen. In fact, there are more non-prisoners entering the prison than most people think - prison visitors, people from the public prosecutor, reporters, and sometimes even students who come to take field classes... What if it really happens that the prisoners capture the hostages? In such a small-probability event, the police will never negotiate with the prisoner or redeem the hostage according to conditions.

In order not to encourage future prisoners to follow suit, in addition to doing some persuasion and rescue work as much as possible, the unlucky guy who is caught as a hostage can only ask for good luck.

"More than being caught," Bohemia snorted coldly, "In order to avoid long nights and long dreams, UU Reading I have to let him die here today."

"He even saved your life!"

"Are you stupid? This is a game NPC, not a real person."

Strange to say, there seemed to be nothing wrong with repaying kindness to a real person in the past - who knew whether the person who saved her today would kill her tomorrow? What can't you do to save your own life? But in recent times, her methods have become much softer and slimier. Even when questioned by Descartes, Bohemia felt like she had to defend herself.

...It's all Lin Sanjiu's fault, my mother-in-law must have been infected.

She was unlucky, but she didn't even see a single prisoner walking on the road during transfer at this time. When passing Snake Skin's cell, Bohemia's peripheral vision happened to catch sight of the tall and muscular black figure, leaning on the railing with one eyelid lowered and calm.

She pretended to look back behind her casually, then turned her head and gently grabbed her throat in front of Wen Da's invisible side.

...What happened next was both logical and thrilling. Even after being imprisoned behind the iron bars, when Snake Skin suddenly launched an attack, people still couldn't even react - the arms stretched forward and grabbed the man in work clothes like a bird. His neck was strangled and he was pulled to the railing, causing a muffled sound when he hit the railing.

The guards were alerted and rushed over angrily. Countless batons fell like raindrops on the snake's arms exposed outside the railing. The thumping sound could not shake it at all - the muscles on the arms were knotted and hard. Like a piece of wood that has aged well; as the thick muscles gradually tightened and bulged, Wen Da's body gradually became limp and weak, and finally slipped and fell to the ground.

"So, the biggest villain in this game is you." Descartes murmured.

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