Doomsday Wonderland

One Thousand and Sixty-One Prison Storm (One Hundred and Ninety-eight)

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Bohemia closed the office door behind her.

While standing in the corridor, the shouts and curses of the prisoners outside became increasingly vague, like a gust of wind blowing past my ears without noticing. The prisoners couldn't break out of the guardrail, and the guards would soon be able to regain control of the situation; however, she didn't know where to go now. To be honest, it's hard for her to focus on the game now.

Anyone who had just heard such explosive news would probably be in a daze at this time.

Descartes forgot all about her in the blink of an eye, and muttered to himself in her mind: "It's strange... I didn't say a few words just now, so what made the female doctor show her weakness... …”

Bohemia asked absently, "Where do you think we should go next?"

"Go to the medical department," Descartes said, noting that it was a big deal. "If Agent Geer is really sent there, and the doctor pretends not to see him, maybe we can catch a murder scene."

"I don't think so. She probably didn't see him." Bohemia pulled her thoughts away from "reincarnation" and forced herself to recall for a while: "She sounded really surprised when we were on the phone just now. ."

She still remembered that the female doctor's surprise was so sincere that her voice even involuntarily rose in pitch, completely different from her usual gentle tone - it was definitely not disguised.

"What's more, the doctor is now looking for who discovered her identity. I won't throw myself into a trap. Having said that, she found out out of nowhere, and even said it was a sixth sense... This game is too ignorant. It makes sense." Bohemia muttered and thought for a while: "...There are riots outside. As the warden, what can I do if I don't go and take a look? I'd better go to the playground."

Descartes was obviously a little disappointed when he heard this. But its attention was soon drawn away by the same problem again; as she walked out, it whispered to itself: "When she entered the office, she was wearing a splattered dress. A bloody white coat, trousers, flat shoes... gold-rimmed glasses, and a big envelope... No matter how I think about it, I can't think of any way to prove that she is a serial killer."

"It must be because of the bloodstains."

Descartes was silent for a while, and finally said: "...If the blood stains really prove that she is a serial killer, then I will not play the rest of the game - it is simply an insult to my IQ! Boring!"

Bohemia shrugged.

The offices of both the warden and ordinary staff are simple and plain, and the corridors are also gray and straight. At first glance, they look like a prison. Before heading downstairs, she took one last look back at the hallway, feeling as if it was a little...a little too bare.

Empty floor, empty walls, except for a row of lights on the ceiling. This method of baldness seems to be contradictory to something... What is it?

Bohemia thought to herself as she walked downstairs. During the riot, the civilian employees didn't know where they had gone. They might have been watching the commotion from the safe rooftop; her footsteps echoed in the corridor, making a clicking sound.

Amidst the rhythmic reverberation of the soles of her shoes hitting the ground, she glanced out of the corner of her eye and saw the door handle of a room door suddenly turn; the door lock made a "click" sound, and the person inside tried to open the door, but failed. Didn't pull away at all. Then Bohemia heard a roar from behind the door: "Hey!"

She was startled and stopped.

"Who is outside?" The man behind the door yelled louder and louder, "Why is the door locked? Open it!"

At this time, Bohemia also recognized who the owner of the voice was. She took a breath and asked subconsciously: "Old leather shoes?"

"Ah? What?" The man behind the door seemed to be on fire, "Is it you, Miss Winters?"

"Why are you here?" Bohemia took a few steps towards the door and almost said the next sentence, "Weren't you just killing someone outside?"

"Open the door first!" Old Leather Shoes shouted again, but this time his voice was calmer. "I've been waiting for you to come over in the conference room, and you're already ten minutes late!"

Have you been waiting for her to come over?

Bohemia tried twisting the doorknob and found that she couldn't open it without the key. She told Old Leather Shoes the situation and asked, "Who asked you to wait for me in the conference room?"

"It's your secretary, who else could it be?"

Bohemia is a little confused and doesn't understand the situation.

"Is your door broken? It seems like it can't be opened once it's closed, and the lock cylinder won't turn..." Old Leather Shoes was very angry and shook the door handle a few times, causing the door to clang: "Gr. I don’t know what happened to you, but your secretary sent someone to the medical room. Do you have any news about him? Is he stable now? "

Agent Geer really had a convulsion, but the old leather shoes had been waiting for her in the conference room, and it seemed that they were locked up... Since he couldn't get out, who was the person who killed someone outside the playground just now? Also, the female doctor said she didn’t see Geer, but what about others?

Bohemia was one and the same. She hurriedly said, "I'll go find someone to get the key." After running out for a few steps, she suddenly stopped again.

If the old leather shoes have been in the conference room since Agent Geer started to fall ill, then it means... he still doesn't know about the riot?

"By the way, look out the window, what can you see?" She walked back a few steps and asked.

"Where are the windows? You made it so soundproof."

He really didn't know there was a riot outside!

Bohemia took a breath, not really understanding what this meant; but now the key point was clear, she had to find the beef sandwich secretary. After comforting her old leather shoes, she raised her feet and ran towards the door of the first floor hall. Just when she was about to rush into the bright white light outside, a figure suddenly flashed from the door and blocked her way.

"Miss Winters,"

The female doctor greeted her politely and stood in the sunlight wearing a white coat, her chestnut hair shining. "Are you going to the playground? Why are you leaving now?"

The splattered blood was still clearly visible on the side of her body. Bohemia paused, dry her throat and smiled at her: "Doctor, you'd better go back to the office at this time. Safety comes first."

"I'll go to the playground with you." The female doctor walked closer to Bohemia as if she didn't hear what she said. "If someone is injured, I can also provide first aid on the spot."

This statement is really hard to refute.

"...By the way, you said before that Agent Geer was sent to the medical room, but I didn't pick him up."

The two walked side by side for a while, and then the female doctor suddenly spoke: "...Have you found him now? Why haven't you come to the medical room when you have a sudden illness?"

You ask me, who should I ask! I also want to ask you why you became a serial killer!

Bohemia was full of complaints, her mind was in a mess, and she didn't know what to answer. The female doctor suddenly turned her head and looked at her for a moment. The eyes behind her gold-rimmed glasses were slightly protruding, and there was no luster in the black eyes.

It was as if what was in front of her was not a person, but a hole; her eyes went straight through the hole, not falling on Bohemia at all.

"Miss Winters, why did you come so far?" The female doctor looked at her and smiled slowly. The outdoor sunlight flashed her lenses into two reflections: "Wait for me."

"Player Bohemia, your acting skills are terrible," the dungeon host's voice suddenly sounded, "Please note that the serial killer is probably already suspicious of you at this time."

What to do? Do you want to strike first to gain advantage?

"When did you discover her flaws, and when can she officially leave the show?"

That’s over, Bohemia thought to herself, wouldn’t it mean that she would have to live with a serial killer for the rest of her life? As soon as she had this thought, she saw a person running hurriedly on the path separated by layers of barbed wire in the distance, UU reading a book waved his hands vigorously towards them: "Miss Winters! Dr. Ming!"

Unexpectedly, the key person appeared so quickly - Beef Sandwich was out of breath when he ran to the two of them: "The riot, the riot has been calmed down... because someone died, and the rest of the prisoners suffered Shocked, our prison guards quickly controlled the situation... Doctor Ming, why are you here? I just heard a call from the nurse telling me that Agent Geer has been sent to the medical room. Please go and see him quickly. Bar!"

Did it just arrive? The riot lasted much shorter than Bohemia imagined.

The female doctor turned to look at her. "Won't the warden come and take a look?"

Due to emotion and reason, it seemed like she should follow him. Bohemia was reluctant in every possible way and did not dare to let the female doctor see it. At this moment, Beef Sandwich suddenly slapped his forehead and said with a wry smile: "I told another agent that the warden could meet him in the conference room. As a result, there was a riot, and I forgot about it. Doctor Ming, please take a step forward, and we will go there together when we see the detective."

Bohemia was secretly relieved in her heart.

The beef sandwich explanation made sense - Dr. Ming smiled slightly, nodded, and walked away calmly. Bohemia looked at her steady back and frowned slightly; she couldn't help but begin to imagine that Dr. Ming might have walked through the corridor outside the office door like this step by step about ten minutes ago...

What's wrong with that corridor...? No, no, it’s not so much the corridor—

"She's really not in a hurry," Descartes muttered, "You just said on the phone that Agent Geer had a convulsion, and she's still taking it so slowly... Aren't you afraid that others will think it's strange?"

This sentence was like a bolt of lightning, illuminating Bohemia's mind instantly.

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