Doomsday Rise

Chapter 228, Mutant Beast

Braving the hail of bullets, Liu Weian finally rushed into the woods at the cost of three more bullets on his back. When the light dimmed, he had already disappeared. There was a hasty shout from behind, and the mercenary was no longer hiding his figure, and rushed over at a faster speed.

Because of Liu Weian's superb spear skills, the mercenaries chased very hard, and they had to stare at Liu Weian's muzzle all the time. As long as he pointed at the muzzle of the gun, they had to dodge immediately, otherwise—— A companion on the way is a good end. But when Liu Wei'an entered the woods, they couldn't bear it anymore. If the person was lost, they would face a more painful punishment than death. At this time, death is not terrible.

The moment he entered the woods, an inexplicable coldness flashed by. Although it was very fast, it made Liu Wei'an get goosebumps all over his body. The bullet went up, unnoticed.

Liu Wei'an is already very experienced in how to hide traces in the forest. He put away his pistol, sprinted on the ground and jumped onto a big tree. Standing firmly on the branch, jumping quickly on the branch, a few ups and downs, disappeared into the darkness.

After running for more than half an hour in one breath, it is estimated that the distance is at least 25 kilometers. Finally, I couldn't help it, so I chose a big tree hugged by three people to stop, gently pointed Zhao Hanqing in the direction, and sat down on his buttocks. On the branches, I didn't even want to move my fingers, and gasped for breath.

Fleeing all the way, trying his best several times, he has already exhausted his physical strength. These mercenaries are indeed elite, and they are the most powerful opponents he has ever seen. Every step he made had to go through strict calculations. Any mistake in one step would result in death. He had never escaped so hard. Not to mention his physical exhaustion, his mental exhaustion was even more exhausting.

However, he also knew that he hadn't escaped the danger at this moment. Before he rested, he took out tweezers, a knife, gauze, potion and other items from the space ring, and said to Zhao Han affectionately, "I have to trouble you." He took off his shirt and turned his back on her.

All the way to escape, Zhao Hanqing remained silent from the beginning to the end, acting very strong, but when she saw Liu Wei'an turned around, her heart, which she thought she was used to seeing injuries, trembled violently. One bullet, plus a moment on the shoulder and a moment on the buttocks, a total of eleven bullets, the bullets are embedded in the flesh, blocking the outflow of blood, so not much blood can be seen, but that kind of inhuman pain, Zhao Feeling affectionate but able to understand, her eyes were moist all of a sudden, after suffering such a serious injury, and running so far with her in her arms, she suddenly had the idea that she was a burden.

"What's the matter? Is it not easy to see here?" Liu Weian asked Zhao Hanqing when he saw that Zhao Hanqing hadn't moved for a long time.

The light in the forest was not good, but Liu Weian wouldn't dare to light a fire even if he had the guts to do so. We can only make do with it. Zhao Hanqing didn't speak, but her hands started to move. As expected of a professional background, she moved very quickly, swish, swish, and within three minutes, eleven bullets were pulled out.

Disinfection, cleaning, hemostasis, wrapping gauze... After doing all of this, Zhao Hanqing was about to give some instructions, but found that Liu Wei'an's muscles instantly swelled up and became tense, and the freshly bandaged wound burst and blood began to flow Spilled, the gauze was stained red, and his face changed. As a doctor, disobedient patients are the last thing he likes. As soon as the mouth was opened, Liu Weian grasped it, and pressed the mouth against her ear, breathing extraordinarily hot because of the tension, and said in an extremely subtle voice: "Don't make a sound, don't move, it's dangerous."

Zhao Hanqing's hand holding the knife and tweezers gradually softened, put the things in his pocket, and gently put his arms around Liu Wei'an's waist. A pair of dark eyes shot around, looking back and forth a few times. Although it was strange, he knew that Liu Weian would not do useless movements, and after careful inspection several times, he still did not find anything. Just when he gave up, he finally noticed something was wrong.

quiet! It's so quiet here! It's unbelievably quiet!

Even in the most desolate mining area, there are mosquitoes, ants and mice active. The trees here are lush and full of vitality. Even in the heavily polluted area of ​​nuclear radiation, there are creatures. The number of mutated creatures will not be much less than the mutated plants, but this area The area is so quiet that it makes people palpitate, it seems to be in a state of desperation.


The extremely slight sound of a tree branch breaking came from the direction it came from. If Zhao Hanqing hadn't been concentrating on it, Zhao Hanqing would definitely not have heard it, but at this moment her body trembled. No matter who made the sound, it would not be a good thing. According to her guess It is the most likely to be chasing soldiers.

Liu Wei'an aimed his gun at the direction of the sound. The night could not block his sight. Although it had a certain influence compared with the day, compared with others, he seemed to be wearing a telescope. He saw a mercenary who walked like a civet cat, light and fast, and every time he listened to the place where two trees crossed for cover, he could switch positions at any time. This kind of thing that can increase the survival rate on the battlefield has already Integrating into their habits, it is perfect without thinking.

A cruel smile appeared on the corner of Liu Wei'an's mouth. He stayed here not only to heal his wounds, but more importantly, he wanted to fight back. After being hunted down for so long, he should take back some interest. He knew that the mercenaries would definitely He has also received training in the forest environment, but he has no fear at all. He possesses the talent of vision and is already invincible. The moment he pressed the trigger with his finger, that bad cold feeling flooded his body again, it came and went quickly, he hadn't felt it yet, it had disappeared, like an illusion.

If the one time was an accident, the two times were definitely not accidental. Liu Weian had an inexplicable bad feeling in his heart, quietly retracted the pistol, and changed the bow and arrow. Thanks to the robbery of the magma pool, he has a bow and arrow to use again. The first black iron bow was destroyed in the slave area, which made him worry for a long time. After all, it is not easy to make a good bow. Like this black iron bow, most people can't get it.

The black iron bow just opened, and then slowly loosened it back. Mercenaries are mercenaries. Every mercenary is surrounded by two companions. The triangular formation allows you to attack while retreating. This kind of tacit understanding has not existed for several years. It is absolutely impossible to cultivate the tempering. He almost ignored it. At this moment, he suddenly turned his head in response, his pupils shrank suddenly, and then enlarged, with an unbelievable look in his eyes. Sensing the change in Liu Wei'an, Zhao Hanqing also turned her head to look, her delicate body trembled slightly, and an expression exactly the same as Liu Wei'an's appeared on her face, shocking with disbelief.

Pairs of shining green eyeballs appeared from the woods. Because of the light, the body could not be seen, only the glowing eyes could be seen. At first glance, they thought they were beads floating in the air. These monsters landed on the ground Silently, approaching in this direction, at a glance, there are green eyeballs densely packed in the forest, and it is impossible to count how many there are.

Through the mottled and incomplete moonlight, Zhao Hanqing could clearly see the appearance of these monsters. There were wolves, wild boars, monkeys, orangutans, wild dogs, civet cats... big and small, with different shapes, and the only thing he figured out was green. s eyes.

"These are all mutated beasts. They have been in the nuclear radiation environment for a long time. They survived by luck. After neutralizing the nuclear radiation, a substance that can resist nuclear radiation is produced. It can survive in the nuclear radiation area for a long time, but the body will produce some Changes. Scientists all over the world have not yet researched what this anti-radiation substance is, but one thing is certain, these mutated monsters are very powerful." Zhao Hanqing seemed to have never seen such a thing when he saw Liu Wei'an. explained in a low voice.


Bang, bang!

"What the hell?"

Bang, bang!

The screams, gunshots, and curses sounded almost simultaneously. It was a mercenary who was outflanking. This mercenary seemed to like to use the tactic of outflanking the circle. This tactic has always been very effective, but this time , something unexpected happened. Liu Wei'an could see clearly that it was a fox-like animal hiding under a tree. The mercenary passed by and frightened it. It turned into a gray shadow and bit the mercenary's thigh before turning around and running away. The mercenary's reaction was not slow either. He raised his hand and shot twice. The mercenary's marksmanship was very accurate. Although the speed of the animal was as fast as lightning, he still hit it, but instead of turning over to avoid it as expected, he shot into a The grass disappeared.

The mercenary might not be able to see clearly what was going on due to the limitation of his eyesight, but Liu Wei'an could see clearly from the high position. The bullet hit the little fox, but it couldn't go in after only halfway through. Squeeze the bullet out. This process is very fast, and it looks like the bullet is being bounced directly.

The mercenary was still looking for the little fox, but he didn't notice that a huge black shadow suddenly appeared behind him, it came silently, and stretched out a paw to the mercenary.


The claws pierced from the back and protruded from the front chest, with force like a broken bamboo. When it was retracted, there was already a heart dripping with blood, which was still beating and steaming. The black shadow opened his mouth and bit the heart in one bite. It was smashed, and the juice flew everywhere.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Hanqing's face turned pale, and she covered her mouth with her hands, feeling her stomach churning.

"Partridge Village, what's going on?" A companion asked, and just after asking, he saw Partridge Village collapsed. He couldn't help being startled, "Partridge Village? You—damn it!" He saw the huge black figure behind Partridge Village, his face changed suddenly, and the muzzle of his gun was raised instantly.


The bullet hit the huge black shadow, but the black shadow only swayed slightly, and then rushed over as if enraged, at an unimaginably fast speed.

"Not good, enemy——ah——" The mercenary screamed, covering his bleeding neck with his left hand, and shooting with a submachine gun with his right, chasing a fast-running little fox.

"What's going on? Not good, there are a lot of beasts, hurry up—ah—" There was a scream in the distance, as if a charge horn had been sounded, and the next moment, there was a loud gunshot in the forest. The mercenary yelled in horror.


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