Doomsday Restart

Chapter 247 Ten Rooms

At the same time, in this base protected by a protective cover.

In a spacious and dark room, there are strong pillars standing in the room.

"People" are all tied to these pillars.

But if you look closely, you will find that this is not a human at all, and the zombie tied to it!

Some zombies are tied up, most of them are first-level zombies.

And those second-level zombies, at least a few of the third-level zombies, were kept in small iron cages.

Because first-level zombies are relatively weak, they can basically be solved by being tied to a pillar.

The second-level zombies are already a bit powerful, and some may have super-evolution, not to mention the third-level zombies, they must be kept in special iron cages.

The most powerful person in this base, Deng Tianhe, is just a two-star evolutionary, and of course they are terribly afraid of third-level zombies.

However, since the most powerful Deng Tianhe is only a two-star evolutionary, how did they catch the third-level zombies?

In fact, it's very simple, no, not simple, because many people have to be sacrificed.

These zombies were human before the end of the world, and for a period of time after the end of the world.

However, these zombies, who were originally human, joined this base, and then they were caught by the evolutionary in the base, and they were bitten and scratched by first-level zombies.

Then he tied them up, and looked at these ordinary people, slowly transforming into first-level zombies.

A group of controlled first-level zombies were produced in batches like this.

Then, these zombies were tied up here and kept.

Newly joined ordinary people are brought here, and may become the next first-level zombies, or they may be used as food for these artificial first-level zombies.

After the first-level zombies have eaten dozens of people, they will slowly evolve into second-level zombies.

But to evolve from second-level zombies to third-level zombies, I don't know how many living people to feed.

In order to cultivate third-level zombies faster, Deng Tianhe even fed a lot of one-star evolutionists to these second-level zombies, and only then cultivated a few third-level zombies.

Most first-level zombies will be killed the moment they become second-level zombies, and then the magic crystal will be dug out.

The second-level zombies that are alive now are all that Deng Tianhe wants to train into third-level zombies.

In this base, there are still a thousand ordinary people alive.

These thousand ordinary people are all the feed that Deng Tianhe prepared to give these zombies.

These thousand ordinary people were confined to the back of the base. The low bungalows were all hungry ordinary people.

They hardly had any food, all crowded together, and infectious diseases broke out among them like a plague.

Obviously there are a thousand ordinary people, but they are tightly arranged in ten rooms, and a small room that is not the size of a classroom will squeeze a hundred people.

In front of these two rows of houses is the house where the zombies are closed.

They didn't understand that when they passed this base, the evolvers inside were so amiable. Unlike those evolvers, they were very kind to ordinary people, very polite, and would not look down on ordinary people at all.

And they saw a translucent object outside the base protecting the base. According to the evolutionary in this base, this is a powerful protective shield with blue equipment, which can protect the base well. Invasion of upgraded beasts and zombies.

As a result, these ordinary people who were drifting outside and escaping for their lives joined the base without hesitation.

When their feet step into the scope of the protective cover, their fate has already been decided.

They were taken to the rows of low houses. They were a little disappointed when they saw these shabby and dilapidated houses, because they had seen many good houses along the way.

But it’s not that they don’t know how to be grateful, especially after wandering in the dangerous apocalypse for so long, their requirements are no longer high, this kind of small house is also good, at least it can shelter from wind and rain, and best of all, no longer have to worry about zombies. Upgraded beast or something.

However, they felt something was wrong when they were driven into these rooms by the evolutionary who suddenly changed their faces like pigs.

There were more than one hundred people in a small room, and they couldn't even lie down.

They questioned the evolvers, but were knocked to the ground by the evolvers who had changed their faces.

The door of the house was locked, and they heard the evolutionists outside laughing loudly: "Aren't these ordinary people stupid? Didn't become an evolutionary, even their brains degenerate? What do they believe in what we say? Haha? Ha ha!"

"They don't have anything to do, and still expect us to raise them? Dream!"

"It's really a bunch of stupid idiots, deserve it!"

These ordinary people yelled and cried in anger, but couldn't do anything, to no avail.

They didn't know what these evolvers were keeping them here at first, but the evolvers must have a purpose.

Finally, that night, ordinary people in the room heard that the door of one of the ten rooms next to it was opened by the evolutionary.

And a lot of evolutionists came, and it was noisy outside.

The ordinary people in the other nine rooms have never been so quiet. They listened with bated breath, wondering what these were going to do and what their own destiny was.

Finally, they heard that the ordinary people in that room were all dragged out by the evolutionary.

The house in front of the ten huts they saw when they came was opened.

At first ordinary people thought there was nothing inside because they didn't hear any sound from there.

However, when the door of that house was opened, they knew they were wrong!

From the empty door that was opened, they heard an extremely familiar nightmare voice!

That is the voice of zombies! ! !

And it is the voice of many zombies! ! !

They don't understand why there are zombies in this base that claims that zombies will never invade, and they are still in the house! !

At that time, many ordinary people still can't think of what will happen, because they can't even think of feeding people to zombies, raising zombies, and obtaining magic crystals! ! !

Then, the ordinary people in the other nine rooms heard the desperate screams of the ordinary people who were dragged out.

They yelled in horror and despair. People who have heard it will never forget the sound.

Ordinary people in the room covered their own mouths in horror, trying to prevent themselves from screaming.

Because, if they heard it right, those zombies are now eating people! Eat ordinary people who are brought in!

It is also mixed with the shouts and angers of the evolvers.

"Dammit, get daddy over! Don't let me pull you!"

"Fuck! Don't pull me! Get out!"

"Why can't you accept your fate?"

"You are considered to have died like this, and it is worthwhile to die."

Desperate screams, screams, screams, and screams lasted for a long, long time.

Finally, when everything was quiet, the ordinary people who stayed in the house still safe and sound still had no one to speak.

They couldn't believe that such a cruel thing would happen in this corner of the world!

Ha ha! Yes! This is the end of the world! Where is the humanity? ?

There is only the way of the strong! ! !

If you are strong, do whatever you want.

You can kill children and women, you can fuck anyone you want, no matter who he is.

You can also use ordinary people lower than you to feed the zombies to obtain magic crystals.

This is the last days, this is the way of the strong!

There is no hope for them, and even if their hearts are no longer peaceful, no matter how angry, what can they do?

To blame, you can only blame them for not being evolving, so that they have fallen to where they are today.

As a result, the people in the nine rooms learned the truth and waited to die in the room every day.

And the first room that was vacant was quickly filled by other hopeful new ordinary people.

Ordinary people in the room hear the newcomer coming, and immediately give a reminder.

Unfortunately, it is too late.

Ordinary people in the ten houses don't know how many batches they changed, batch after batch.

During this period, countless second-level zombies were produced, adding fifty two-star evolutionaries to this base.

Fifty two-star evolutionaries, five thousand bottles of two-star evolution agents, and five thousand second-level zombies.

Such a terrifying speed of making second-level zombies is really terrifying.

To make a person a first-level zombie, just let that person be bitten by the zombie.

However, for a first-level zombie to evolve into a second-level zombie, at least fifty ordinary people need to be fed.

So, how many ordinary people's lives have been fed by the appearance of five thousand second-level zombies?

As for evolving second-level zombies into third-level zombies, it seemed that it didn’t work to feed how much, so Deng Tianhe could only feed the disobedient first-level evolvers in the base, and also fed a lot of people who passed by and wanted to join. Evolutionary.

Finally there are three zombies.

What Deng Tianhe wants most now is a hundred third-level zombies, so that he can become a three-star evolutionary! ! !

If you can only feed ordinary people, you will have a bottomless pit, and you can only find new evolutionaries to come in.

I don't know how many groups of ordinary people have been replaced in the ten rooms.

No one would have thought that this small-looking base actually carried such a life.

Because, after a second-level zombie needs at least fifty ordinary people's lives, the number of ordinary people who died here actually exceeds 250,000! ! ! ! !

Such terrifying data! ! !

It's unimaginable! !

At this time, the end of the world has occurred for three months. Counting those who need more ordinary people to evolve into second-level zombies, and counting the five thousand zombies who were originally humans, every day, this base will kill three. Thousands of people!

Moreover, this base must not have been established as soon as the end of the world took place.

They must kill more than three thousand people every day!

Because not everyone is willing to join this suspiciously kind force to ordinary people.

Ordinary people who didn't want to join, these evolutionaries directly killed them, and the corpses were taken to feed the zombies.

You know, it's only three months since the end of the world. It's still the early stage of the end.

And Yangyang Huaguo, the population exploded.

Anyway, in the eyes of their evolvers, these ordinary people are livestock, and useless things can solve their troubles when they die, and they can also provide them with magic crystals.

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