Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Vol 3 Chapter 158: : The deeper world of the well

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An expected question for the ten of spades.

But just as the ten of spades was about to answer this question, the ten of spades suddenly asked Shiraito and Jing Liu a question that was unexpected.

"Is there an invisible existence beside you?"

"Why do you ask?" Bai Wu pretended to be puzzled.

He was indeed puzzled, or surprised, but his expression was indeed a kind of inexplicable doubt.

Although Jing Liu didn't have much effect, Bai Wu didn't want to expose Jing Liu for the time being.

Ten of spades smiled:

"Nothing, just ask casually."

Jing Liu said suddenly:

"He definitely didn't ask casually."

Bai Wu believes this, too. The question of ten of spades is a bit weird.

The ten of spades didn't let Bai Wu think about this for too long, and said:

"I will be where I live soon. Although your strength is too strong for me and Bai Yuan today, your situation is not considered safe, so I will treat you ordinary guest."

"Don't worry about the question you asked, I will answer it for you, and wait until I get home to drink some hot tea."



It didn't take long for the garbage truck to drive into the residence of the ten of spades.

The garbage dump on the outskirts of the city can be seen far away.

About three kilometers away from the garbage dump, there is still a faint sour smell in the air after moldy.

It is hard to imagine that the two visitors from other worlds are both criminals, and a perfect doctor in front of a small town.

One was living in a box car outside a distant garbage dump.

The home of the ten of spades is very simple, TV, radio, an old-looking computer, no more.

However, in his impression, Bai Wu remembered a case in which this guy used a helicopter to spread money in order to attract the attention of the police.

So Bai Wu guessed that this is also one of the deceptive ways of the ten of spades.

Or the evil taste of the ten of spades.

When he reached his ten of spades, he was lying on the old faded brown sofa, and Bai Mist even felt that rats and cockroaches could get out of this sofa.

The house is actually neat and tidy, it can even be said to be very tidy, but at this location, there are some cute little animals in the house, which is not unusual at all.

Ten of Spades poured two cups of hot tea in a hurry, the tea was not ordinary.

"More than 80,000 a catty of tea, I took it at the fat man's house just now. I was thinking about this tea along the way. I didn't expect someone to taste it today."

"You should at least prepare a set of tea sets, and...a more professional brewing method." Bai Wu vomited.

"Hahaha, you still pay attention." Ten of spades motioned to Bai Wu to sit down.

Bai Wu sat on the other side of the old sofa, between the two, separated by a dining table, a low table with clutter and coffee table.

Ten of Spades took a sip of tea and said:

"Now we can talk about the problem you just mentioned. This world is a tower."

"Let's talk about the situation first, why not ask Bai Yuan."

Bai Wu didn't intend to confess the secret of Preel's Eye. He didn't look for Bai Yuan, because in the sequence prompt, contact with Bai Yuan would cause big problems in cause and effect.

Baiwu didn't know what the problem was. Why look for ten of spades is no problem.

"No comment, I need to know why you think this world is a tower."

Ten of spades don’t go in circles anymore:

"We are looking for tall towers, but we are also looking for wells. No one knows where the tall towers and wells will appear."

"Maybe you have seen a chaotic area and thought that the well is nearby, but in fact, that area can only prove the existence of the well, but it is difficult to prove that the well is nearby. The place where the well appears may be very far away. "

"The tall tower is a tower, a well, and maybe also a tower. We are only on one level of the tower."

This statement is very similar to Bai Wu's cognitive situation.

From the "shell" left by Alpha, he started twisting, connected with the well, and was then taken back to the world of the well.

So came to the first floor-the clean well area.

The environment there is beautiful, with many pure evils.

Then through a choice-killing, entered the second layer.

Perhaps this is the next level of the "tower".

So I came to Jingshi.

In Jingshi, there are many human beings. Although everyone's lives are controlled by the chaebols, they are generally in order.

A small number of insurgents are destroying the city, but after all, it is not a climate.

And in this orderly city, he made another choice-to kill, or to kill his friend.

In the clean well area, you only need to kill.

But the Jingshi area, on the basis of the killing, was burdened with something else.

"Zero" seemed to know this, so he made a round and fulfilled himself.

So I came to the third-layer well world?

This is the third-level well world?

Bai Wu stopped his thoughts:

"As for the evidence, your statements are all inferences. You think this world is a tower. There should always be evidence, right?"

"The proof is that your good father Bai Yuan and I did not become ordinary people as soon as we came here."

The ten of spades looked at the white mist, watching very carefully. At this time, the white mist faintly felt that the breathing rhythm of the ten of spades had changed.

But soon, the ten of spades calmed down:

"Three points."

"First of all, Bai Yuan and I are both proficient in hypnosis. In the subconsciousness of a few people, he and I have discovered that there are such a small group of people in this world who all think that the world is a tower in their dreams."

"Secondly, although Bai Yuan and I have never entered the tall tower, we all know that the tall tower entered through the teleportation stone tablet, and this place, we also entered through the teleportation stone tablet."

"Finally, the tower repels evil and distorted things, and we...are excluded by this tower."

"You also know that the tower is isolated and distorted, but it is not completely isolated. There are also a small number of people who can use some power outside the sequence inside the tower."

"This place is the same. He doesn't reject you. You are a special case."

The three points of the ten of spades really made Bai Wu feel that this is a tower.

But if the well is an upside-down tower, how should the next level of the tower go?

On the second floor, in the well market, killing requires a certain price, so what about the third floor?

There was a doubt in Bai Wu's heart, and he directly said:

"Before I came to this world, I was in a well, and the well was like a tower in my eyes."

"My goal is to explore the deepest layer of the well and find the secrets about the puzzle pieces of the doomsday and the seven deadly sins."

"But when I was about to go to the third floor, a friend of mine told me that the well world on the third floor is a more distorted place, and its impact on the real world is more intuitive..."

He was not surprised that the spades squinted his eyes ten, but he still found it very interesting for the wonderful experience of the white mist.

"And my instinct tells me that this place..."

Without waiting for the white mist to finish, the ten of spades said:

"Your instinct tells you that this place is not the third floor, right?"


"Then have you ever thought that this place is the fourth floor. Or the fifth floor."

Bai Wu suddenly stunned for a point that the ten of spades arbitrarily said.

The ten of spades said:

"The higher the tower goes, the more secrets are buried. The lower the well, the more secrets are buried."

Bai Wu agrees with this point. Perhaps when you reach the bottom layer, you can know what the picture scroll constructed by the puzzle will bring.

And what the seven deadly sins will bring.

The ten of spades continued:

"It's just that if this place is deeper than the third level, but only ordinary people can survive, don't you think... weird?"

Of course Bai Wu felt strange.

According to the "Zero" statement, the more you go down, the less restrictions you have, and the stronger your strength.

The true powerhouses of the seven consortiums are all in the third or deeper well world.

But if this is the fourth floor, why is there...only ordinary people?

The ten of spades suddenly took off his coat:

"When you were a kid, did you take a shower with your dad?"


The topic turned abruptly, especially when the ten of spades was still undressing, Bai Wu suddenly felt the atmosphere burn.

"What are you going to do?"

"Don't be nervous, you are a twisted person, I am an ordinary person, are you still afraid that I will not succeed?"

Indeed, it is really necessary to use strong, and it is the ten of spades that can't be escaped in Jie.

But this makes the behavior of the ten of spades even more strange.

However, although the ten of spades is not as perfect as Bai Yuan's, it also has facial features that make people feel pleasing.

Jing Liu didn't care at all, watching this scene with a playful eye.

"Here, look here."

Ten of spades didn't want to show off his abs, he turned around and let Bai Wu see his back.

On the spine of the ten of spades, there are purple-black lines.

From a distance, it looked like a huge purple-black centipede crawling on the back of the ten of spades.

Bai Wu suddenly turned out that the ten of spades suddenly undressed to show him this.

"Does Bai Yuan also have it?" Bai Wu asked.

"No, no, you, as his son, didn't he bathe you?"

"It was washed, but he was wearing a white coat at the time."

"Hahahahahahahaha..." Ten of Spades smiled happily.

"So preconceptions are very important. This guy wore a hospital gown when he was a child. All the children on the farm wore it like this. Only Jing Yi wore a white coat. So in his aesthetics, the white coat became the best. Look at the clothes."

The ten of spades began to put on the clothes and said as they wore them:

"It's just ridiculous to dress even to take a bath with my son, probably to prevent you from discovering it?"

"I don't know if he also wrapped a white coat when he and your mother made the baby, won't work, I'm going to laugh for a while."

White fog is covered with black lines.

He seemed to understand the rivals of Ten of Spades and Bai Yuan.

This is not like that of himself and Jing Wu.

The two seemed to enjoy the fun of being an enemy of each other. At least ten of spades is like this.

Bai Yuan pursues fun, and the fun that the ten of spades can bring is definitely a lot.

After a while, the ten of spades said:

"When he and I came to this world, we felt a strange feeling on our back, so he was interested in passing on from generation to generation."

"Because he knows that the world is repelling me and him, not only taking away our strength, but also...want to kill us."

"The world is driving us out in this way. But Bai Yuan enjoys everything in this world. And I don't really like a world without Bai Yuan as an enemy."

"So he and I are both waiting to die."

"We don't know when we will die, maybe you can spoil it?"

Of course Bai Mist will not spoil this kind of thing.

He was in a trance.

In fact, it was known before that Bai Yuan's death was rejected by this world.

But he didn't know that the process of "rejection" was so terrifying.

Bai Yuan, a person who pursues perfection, will definitely not let people see his back.

So over the years...Has Bai Yuan never taken off his white coat in a place where there are people?

The white coat, perhaps for Bai Yuan, is a shell of self-deception?

Ten of Spades returned to the previous topic:

"So you see, this place, according to your route, this world is in a well, perhaps a more distorted place than the third level. But Bai Yuan and I have mastered powerful abilities, but we are repelled and weakened by this world. "

"Unfortunately, we can't leave here. Do you think this situation is familiar?"

Bai Wu understood the meaning of the ten of spades, and suddenly said:

"Alpha! The Twisted Lord in the Tower?"

"correct answer."

Ten of spades crossed their fingers and sat on the sofa, squinting at the white mist:

"This place makes me and Bai Yuan, just like Alpha in the tower, trapped here and unable to escape, yet they are excluded by this place."

"But Bai Yuan and I are outsiders. This place has already existed, so we have to consider one thing-this place, the people who really want to trap, are definitely not me and Bai Yuan, I and Bai Yuan are just I came here by accident."

"There is another person who is really trapped in this world, or the mission of this world is to trap this person."

Jing Liu agreed with this statement and looked at Bai Wu.

Bai Wu’s thoughts are more complex and far-reaching. He arranged countless information in his mind, and finally discovered...The world he is in is probably a crucial, All citizens are real. For the well market or the second floor, these people have flesh and blood, and they are real lives. "

"But for the real world, these people are all kinds of parameters and all kinds of rules. The real world and the well world have a weird and complicated correspondence."

"According to the term'Zero', the deeper you go, the stronger this correspondence will be."

"If it is true as the ten of spades said, this place is a deeper level than the third... then the contrast between this world and the real world is stronger."

"In the real world, Alpha is sealed in the tower."

"In the well world, there is also a person trapped in this world?"

"If the relationship between this person and Alpha is in contrast to each other, then after 700 years, Alpha escaped from the tower, does it also mean that... after 700 years, someone in this world... got rid of the predicament? "

These thoughts flashed in Bai Wu's mind in an instant.

Bai Wu raised his head:

"That's it, I understand!"

(I still follow the detailed outline, but I will not ask for leave for a while, and I will do my best to ensure daily updates. The big climax will be for a long time.)

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