Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Vol 3 Chapter 138: : The strange "well world"

Bai Wu didn't think too much, and when the answer was right in front of her, there was no need to waste time.


   The two people of spades ten and well six are not effective now, and Bai Mist is also very curious. Bringing two accompanying NPCs, will it help this journey?


   What the old Qian said at the time, did he refer to the ten of spades or someone else?


   He opened the door of the blacksmith's shop, and a few thick cobwebs were knotted in the corners. There seemed to be no distortion and danger in this ghost place, and the spiders became like spiders.


   What catches the eye is the furnace and the forging table. The weapons placed on the forging platform naturally couldn't get into Bai Mist's eyes.


   There are no clues like notes.


   Looking back, he seemed to have explored many times, and he was always able to find written records.


   Not this time.


   This time Bai Wu's gaze fell on a blood-stained forging hammer.


   [Congratulations on finding the clues, this is different from the past, you don’t need to look for written records, now I can tell you stories.


   There used to be a blacksmith who made weapons for people. Because to open the door to the next floor-you need to use a weapon to penetrate a heart.


   is it strange? But this is the rule.


   You holding the artifact in your hand, naturally you don’t need these weapons, but you really need to penetrate a heart. Whether using weapons or fists. This behavior can trigger the next rules of the game.


   As for this small can understand it as a black dot on white paper. The town is specially designed to provide habitat for outsiders.


   But the last civilized person has not appeared for a long time, which has caused this place to be deserted. 】


   Bai Wu read the remarks he saw to Jing Liu and Spade Ten, intending to listen to their opinions.


  Although the eyes have pointed out the way to the area on the next floor, these two people are smart people at any rate and should try to use them.


   After listening to the ten of spades, he looked at Jing Liu:


"Lady first?"


   Well has no expression on six faces:


   "First of all, I don't think the well is the inner world of the world. The ten of spades is a liar. Although to some extent, I am your enemy, but the liar is sometimes more terrifying than the enemy."


   "Tsk tsk, don't divorce the relationship between me and Xiao Bai at this time, right?" The ten of spades just smiled.


   Jingruo continued:


   "Now that we know how to do it, the significance of this information analysis lies in whether we can make predictions about the next actions."


   "I don't believe that there is such a pure place in the well, so I have been resisting here until you describe what you see in your eyes, and finally you feel normal."


   Well six turned to white mist:


   "Through the heart, don't you think this behavior is incompatible with the atmosphere here?"


   Bai Wu nodded, he and Jing Liu had a thought.


  In such a pure place, even animals have no desire to kill.


   Maybe these creatures are immortal, maybe they don't need to eat.


   But even though he didn't even have any desire to attack, Bai Wu still felt it was against him.


   "So I speculate that if there are really many levels here, then the method for each level to go to the next level may be killing, or it may be some behavior that is contrary to the atmosphere of the area."


   "So in your description, this is the black dot on the white paper, because the blank part is not as attractive as the focus, no matter how big it is. The focus is the disgusting here, implying that the coming place is related to killing."


   Jing Liu's analysis, Bai Wu agrees very much.


   Well Six looked at the ten of spades.


   Ten of spades waved his hand:


   "It's really good, I don't have much to add, the only thing I care about is, who is the blacksmith here?"


   "You mentioned the people of the previous civilization. This civilization is obviously not human."


   "I also reiterate that I insist that the connection between the well and the world is the connection between the inner world and the outer world."


   "The inner world is different from the outer world. In the inner world, there will be some things that are not in the outer world. For example, someone has no mother, but in the inner world, his mother may become eternal because of this."


   "Of course, this is just an example. What I mean is to show-maybe the lower level, you can see a lot of... the existence of the previous civilization?"


   The remarks of the ten of spades are always unconstrained, and Bai Wu said:


   "The last civilization you thought was extinct in the surface world, but because of this, they might prosper in the inner world like never before?"


   "The answer is correct." Ten of spades clapped their hands.


   Bai Wu asked again:


   "Then the last civilization...what is it?"


   "It's Alpha, the tower maker."


   Jing's six body trembled, this person really dared to think.


   Bai Wu touched his chin:


   "You mean... Alpha and Tower Makers belonged to the previous civilization, and their civilization was destroyed. Are they the only survivors?"


   "Yes, or that the two of them were the strongest in the previous civilization. Everyone died. Only the two strongest people survived."


   has the meaning of dusk of the gods.


   A civilization of gods, because of a catastrophe, various gods died.


   The two most powerful gods escaped this catastrophe, but later they had a war because of their ideas.


   One death, one seal.


  In this gap, human civilization began to develop.


   "You should not be a liar, you should write a story. My speculation about you is wrong. It cannot be called speculation. It can only be called fantasy. I have reservations."


   The ten of spades doesn’t care, just pretending to be helpless:


   "In fact, the boundless unfolding of associations is the truest me. When I say something with extremely high credibility in my mouth, he is deceiving."


   When the ten of spades said these words, there was a brief contact with Bai Wu's sight.


   At this moment, Bai Wu felt that the ten of spades seemed to want to suggest something.


   "Why does he suggest?"


   "There is only Jing means there are some things he can't say in Jing Liu's face?"


   Bai Wu did not think deeply:


   "Don't waste time here, let's start, ready to enter the next level."


   "You can choose to penetrate the heart of an animal——"


   Ten of Spades gave suggestions, but it was too late.


   Bai Wu directly stretched his hand to his heart.


   "—dirty." Just finished the sentence with the ten of spades.


   Bai Wu touched his beating heart, and countless blood vessels were broken. He looked like an immortal monster:


   "It's not that I don't want to kill, I just don't want to take a trip."


   Well Six and Ten of Spades looked at each other.


  Jingluo suddenly understood why Bai Wu dared to launch a surprise attack in front of his brother in the flight situation and exile himself.


   "It turned out to be a lunatic..."


   It is reasonable for a smart person to lose to a lunatic.


   Bai Wu held his heart, quite a bit of a heartbreak, and then pulled his intestines to show people how many bowls of powder it was.


   But in fact... not at all tragic.


   His heart is like a jigsaw puzzle. Pull it out and put it in. The puzzle is still intact, as if nothing happened.


   The white mist did not cause the killing, but it did complete the ritual.


   The blue sky suddenly turned black.


   The bizarre sequence text appeared in the air like the defensive barrier of a high tower.


   Bai Wu faintly recognized that these serial words recorded history.


   The large sequence of text is like a history book floating in the sky, and many of the sequence texts can’t even be understood by the white fog.


  It is as if a person who has learned modern Chinese suddenly saw an earlier Xiaozhuan.


   However, Bai Wu still found the part he understood, a section that is not historical revelation.


   "The existence of the sub-civilization holding the seven sins will enter the deep layer with a picture scroll and complete the seal."


   Sequence text white fog has also been mastered not long ago, so the translation is similar to the machine translation effect.


   When he read these words, he suddenly thought of something——


   "When I was in the mine, I encountered the traveler before Nie Zhongshan. At present, the traveler should be the guardian of Jingji..."


   "At that time, the traveler said, there is a prophecy hidden in the well! Is this the prophecy?"


This may be the reason why Jing Er believes that he is a threat.


   Is it possible that the original Jingji also experienced this area?


   Bai Wu is not clear.


  He looked at Jing Roku:


   "What are the memories you experienced in the shell?"


   Jing Liu said:


   "It is very different from you, the well you see is very different from what we see..."


   Ten of Spades added:


   "Maybe everyone sees differently. Take their six siblings as an example. Although they have a common memory, everyone has a different perspective."


   "Perhaps, you are more special than them?"


   There are too many puzzles about this area, and now Baiwu doesn't know how to solve these puzzles.


   And with the appearance of these serial words... his consciousness fell into a blur.


  Before losing consciousness completely, Bai Wu received a warning from his eyes——


  【Don’t reveal your particularity, if once revealed, be sure to kill the insider. Unless... you meet someone you can always trust. 】


   A series of puzzles appeared, first of all the way to open the underground layer, and then the eyes mentioned-many choices involving the soul.


   Finally, this is this inexplicable remark.


   Bai Wu can't think about it, and it's too late to ask about the ten of spades and the six of wells.


   Because he has completely fallen into a coma.






   The rapid knock on the door tore the blank in his mind. When Bai Wu woke up, he subconsciously patted his head.


   In my memory, he passed the interview yesterday afternoon. It was an interview with a venture capital company. He was a little overwhelmed and got drunk.


   Fortunately, when he opened his eyes, Bai Wu looked at the time. There are still three hours before the interview. It's only five o'clock in the morning?


   The rapid knock on the door made Bai Wu's consciousness clearer.


   "Please open the door, we are part of the order group. There has been a murder in the community. We suspect that a member of the Seven Sins Association did it. I want to ask you some information."


   Order group... It sounds familiar.


   Bai Wu found out that he had a big drink last night and didn't take off his clothes. It was convenient, so he opened the door directly.


   The house is rented, simple decoration, 65 square meters, two-room structure.


   He opened the door and saw two people in neat suits, shiny leather shoes and sunglasses.


   Both of them are accompanied by a single face.


   Bai Wu felt something was wrong, but didn't think of it for a while.


   Normal people will feel scared when they see the people in the order group. Bai Wu also thinks that he should be scared, but his first reaction is extremely calm.


   He couldn't get scared, as if he didn't possess this ability, so he vomited:


   "What are you doing so fiercely? With a straight face...It's only five o'clock now."


   The two big guys in the order group frowned at the same time, their expressions and movements were almost 100% synchronized.


   "Hold a face? What do you mean? Can you see our faces?"


   Bai Wu was taken aback, isn't this nonsense? These two people don't have socks on their heads and don't wear masks. How can they not see their faces?


   Bai Wu sensed something was wrong, and became instinctively alert.


   Normal people would ask themselves the question "You can see our face"?


   And... what's the matter with this huge sense of violation?


   Am I the kind of person who gets drunk just because I pass an interview?


   At this moment, one of the two members of the order group took a step back, as if to take something out of his waist.


   "Kill the two of them, you are exposed. Hurry! Otherwise it is you who die!" A voice came from behind.


   At this moment, Bai Wu's intuition coincides with the meaning expressed by the voice owner.


   has always been a white mist of five good citizens, and suddenly there are memories of fighting in his mind.


   Bai Wu's hands were shaped like eagle claws, and they protruded directly toward the throat of a large man.


   The moment the figure moved forward, with the help of inertia, one elbow hit with the other hand, swinging one hundred and thirty-five degrees.


   In the blink of an eye, he killed two members of the order group.


   I heard the sound of bone cracks crisp and sweet, and the two big men who were quite powerful in the last second became dead.


   Bai Wu looked at her hands, feeling incredible. But there is no sense of fear after a normal person kills a person.


   Then he turned his head and saw ten of spades and well six.


   "Ten of spades...well six...hiss..." Bai Wu's head hurt a little.


   Ten of Spades narrowed his eyes, Jing Liu said:


   "Looking at you like this, it's like having amnesia, but since you still remember our names, it means that the amnesia is not that serious."


   Bai Wu heard it, and it was the ten of spades who asked himself to kill just now.


   Indeed, when he saw the ten of spades and the six of wells, the names of the two came to mind, but he couldn't remember who they were.


   But Bai Wu is sure that only he can see these two people.


  Because the ten of spades has been standing behind him, always


"It seems that your memory has been modified, but fortunately, your self-consciousness has been awakened. It may be related to your grasping distortion, or it may also be related to the way you enter here, which penetrates through your heart... Have you found out? ? You are different from everyone else."


   "What do you mean?" Bai Wu puzzled.


   Jing Liu said:


   "Can you see the faces of those two people just now?"


   "Yes. Is this a problem?"


   "Yes, the problem is not small. Although Jing Liu and I are still phantoms, we are already in the rules."


   Jing Liu added:


   "The two people we saw had no facial features."


   In Bai Wu's subconscious mind, he felt that these two phantoms existed like his own.


   But the words of the well six and the ten of spades make him feel incredible.


   Although these two big guys have the faces of passers-by, they are not faceless.


   When Bai Wu was confused, some changes occurred in the real world outside the well.






   Outside the well, unknown area.


   With the advent of the Lord of Distortion, the concentration of distortion in all regions of the world has greatly increased.


   also caused the rules in many places to become strange.


   The temperature in the extreme temperature area is even more terrifying, and the physical rules are distorted even more exaggerated.


   Not long ago, in a pharmaceutical factory on Orro Island, a dozen or so surviving humans barely survived by relying on the drugs and saline materials in the pharmaceutical factory.


   Because of its remote location, it did not attract the attention of the evil spirits.


   But if you have escaped the evil, you may not be able to escape the rules.


   This is the extreme temperature zone, low temperature.


   As the temperature continues to approach absolute zero, these people are in danger of freezing to death.


   Not long ago, they cuddled together, everyone was on the verge of freezing to death. However, at the moment of freezing to death... the temperature suddenly warmed up ~ These people who were about to be frozen to death ushered in life.






   Well world.


   Not long ago, a middle-level employee of an air-conditioning company died. This middle class lives next door to Baiwu. This dead middle-level person happened to be in charge of a residential air-conditioning installation project.


   The air-conditioning company felt very nervous because the law and order in Jing City has been very good. If someone suddenly dies, it must be a murder. So they called the police and let the order group take charge of the investigation.


   The investigation of the case may be suspended because the order team responsible for the investigation was killed by the white fog.


   The air-conditioning company believes that the crisis against its own company has not been resolved.


   So the original air conditioning order contract with Fuyuan Community, Xicheng District, Jingshi City, although signed.


   But the project was stranded because of this.


  In turn, residents of the newly built Fuyuan Community were unable to move in for a long time.


  Because the temperature is too high in summer, there is no air conditioning, so it is not suitable for living.


   At the pharmaceutical factory outside the well, people are grateful that the temperature has warmed up, like a miracle.


In the community inside the well, residents complained that the house was too hot to live in.


   (There are things going on at night these days, ahem, so the update will be temporarily moved to the day.)

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