Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Vol 3 Chapter 117: : Military Deception

"What are you going to do?" Zero is also very curious, what does Bai Wu mean.

Bai Wu recalled that the calculation of Jing Si was a strange trick.

Nowadays, if you want to calculate Well One, then the trick must be more angled.

He thought of the sixth floor of the tower.

Explore the sixth layer again, and perhaps find a place to break the game.

But soon Bai Wu gave no.

There is a spiral corridor on the sixth floor of the tower, and the time dimension is likely to change.

And... the sixth floor is still too conservative.

In extraordinary times, when doing extraordinary things, although the tower appears, the monster Alpha in the tower has no response to the outside world.

This idea is undoubtedly bold, and Bai Wu responds to number zero:

"Going to the sixth floor gave me the Great Sword of Jealousy. It turns out that this sword is indeed very powerful. It has allowed me to get through the dangerous situation several times."

"Of course, I paid a lot for this sword. But the reward is proportional to the risk. I plan to...take another gamble."

No. Zero was surprised:

"Are you going to the sixth floor?"

"No, I'm going to the seventh floor."

There was a long silence on the Mechanical Throne, although for 700 years, Zero had almost been a dominion over the world.

But he is very clear that there are so many existences in this world that cannot be reached by distortion and mutation.

For example, Jingyi, Jingsi, such as the monster in the tower.

What Bai Wu has to do is too dangerous.

"How sure are you?"

"not sure."

"You are not afraid of repeating the same mistakes? When you return, maybe everything is too late."

"This is indeed a problem. Of course I am afraid. The sixth floor of the tower is already full of distorted rules. God knows what the seventh floor is. But this time, I will always pay attention to time changes."

Bai Wu looked serious and continued:

"Danger must be dangerous. I can't do it by myself, but I am not alone."

Number Zero knew that there was also an extremely powerful existence in Bai Wu's body.

"It seems you have decided." No.Zero is a little worried.

"Yes, you also said that this time the soldiers will use the tricks. In our hypothesis, the power of the farm is stronger than the humans, the ark, the machine city, and the refuge combined."

Speaking of this, Bai Wu paused:

"Now in many areas, I can rely on brute force to pass the level, but when the brute force is not enough--

I'm a certain person who travels north and south, relying on the tricks of bad information. "

"The monster in the tower actually doesn't know the situation outside, which means that there is a gap in information between it and me."

No.Zero can only say that Bai Wu is a brave artist.

But he also has questions:

"When are you going to go?"

"After finding the tower. I will first arrive near the tower, prepare for defensive deployment, and use the towing wheel to record the position.

Because of the opening of the well, the boundaries of regional divisions disappeared, but the distortion of the world outside the fog continued to increase, and I guessed that regions should be formed. "

No. Zero agrees with Baiwu's method, which is relatively safe.

At least on Baiwu's side, you can decide whether to go to the seventh floor or not based on the offensive and defensive situation around the tower.

"Then I wish you good luck. According to the information I have received, although a large number of evil depravities are heading to the tower, some of the evil depravities have even reached the tower area."

"But it can't be the climate, it's all evil depravity outside the fog, and the farm forces have not yet arrived."

This is good news.

"So without further ado, I have already started arranging vehicles."

The elite of the tower and the refuge, in a sense, can be regarded as forming a suicide squad.

This time we went outside the fog, everyone knew that if the tower was destroyed, they would probably die outside.

No one is not afraid of death, but no one resists guarding the tower.

As a leader, Bai Wu knows the courage of everyone. In addition to the blood and resistance in his bones, another part... is his trust in himself.

He must perform at a super level in the next duel with the farm.



After finishing the call with Number Zero, Bai Wu was ready to gather the crowd and embark on a journey outside the fog.

But when he left the room, he saw someone who hadn't appeared for a while.

When Bai Yuan, wearing a white coat, appeared again, the room seemed to be brighter.

"Once the Doomsday Jigsaw Piece changes its owner, it will take a certain amount of time to adapt. After you die, its owner will become Jing San, or Zhou Zeshui."

"But Zhou Zeshui, being an evil depravity, he can control only one fragment of the doomsday, and that one is not a full moon, so my luck is very bad. After you die, I will die with you."

Bai Yuanchu stood at the door, looking at Bai Wu with a charming smile.

Bai Wuxin said, this guy didn't come out early, he won't come out late, but he came out at this time, he must have heard that he was going to the seventh floor.

It just so happens that he also wants to know the suggestion:

"Do you think I should go to the seventh floor?"

"You survived. In a sense, the alliance between us is over. After all, the mission is complete."

Bai Wu knows the meaning of this sentence.

The inevitable failure has passed, and the two father and son joined forces and announced their dissolution.

However, Bai Wu is more or less familiar with Bai Yuan's routines, and he goes straight to it:

"Skip these steps, you want to help me, otherwise you can't show up."

Bai Yuan raised his brows, smiled, but said nothing.

"In fact, a doomed failure has happened, and there are many failures that are not doomed. I think our alliance can be extended appropriately." Bai Wu said.

Bai Yuan followed Bai Wu's words:

"Well, who would call me a good father who cares for my son?"

"Good father?" Bai Wu didn't hide the disgust on his face, and then continued:

"You still don't mess with this word. People like you should be very interested in what happens next."

"Whether it is the real destruction of mankind, the appearance of monsters in the tower, or the survival of mankind, the monsters in the tower are permanently suppressed and Iniichi's plan fails..."

Bai Wu looked at Bai Yuan with a playful expression:

"No matter which one of these things happened, you will find it interesting from the audience's perspective? And the most interesting of them should be to see that Jing Yi's plan fell through."

"So for you, you can cooperate as long as it is interesting. I should be right."

Bai Yuan deliberately made a "flat" expression:

"Zhizi Moruofu, you have all guessed it."

After a pause, he looked at Bai Wu and said:

"You can go to the seventh floor, but it needs my help, just like you lied to Jing Liu. Without my help, you go to the seventh floor, and you can't lie to that monster."

"I will help you naturally, because this is a very interesting thing. But just this interesting thing is not enough."

Bai Wu suppressed the playfulness on his face, and his expression became serious.

Bai Yuan said:

"In the battle with Jing Si, most of the props on your body were destroyed, only your pot with no soul and the fragments of the doomsday puzzle survived."

"You should know that you have lost a key item."

Bai Wu suddenly:


"Yes, the compass that goes to the farm is also destroyed. The so-called military tricks, the first consideration is surprise attacks."

"But the compass has been destroyed."

"But the people who know where the farm is located are still alive."

Bai Wu looked at Bai Yuan, and the eyes of the father and son met. At this moment, the scum man and the scum man had a heart-to-heart relationship——

"You mean, Dong Nianyu? This road can't work."

Bai Yuan did not deny:

"I don't have a specific strategy. It's up to you to decide how to go. But it's definitely—"

"There should be many secrets hidden in the current farm, and the guardian of these secrets, Jing Yi, is estimated to be busy dealing with Jing Si recently."

"So the farm will be weak for a while, but how to reach the farm and how to infiltrate the farm is what you need to consider."

"Multi-line combat, let each line play a role, in the next war, you may be exchanged for a... less desperate future."

Bai Yuan's words gave Bai Wu a thought in his mind.

Before leaving, he asked a question:

"What the **** is there on the farm?"

"Seven hundred years of changes, I don't know what is there, you have to explore it yourself."

Bai Yuan touched his nose and speculated:

"But it is certain that all the characters on the farm that you have seen so far, no matter the few k, q, or even Dong Nianyu, are definitely not the real trump cards of the farm."



Outside the tower, an unknown place.

Zhao Xiaoxue, dressed in a nurse's uniform, was stroking the child's hair in the drizzle today, listening to the faint sound of rain, with a slight fear in her eyes.

This is farm number one.

In the course of seven hundred years, Farm No. 1 has always been a model for each farm.

Although there have been several monsters like k-level existence on the seventh farm.

However, in the nine farms, based on the 700-year performance, the No. 1 farm has rarely been born with cross-age geniuses, but it has always delivered high-quality talents in an endless stream.

"Mom, I'm hungry."

The child who was sleeping on the thigh in Zhao Xiaoxue's arms suddenly woke up.

He raised his head and looked at Zhao Xiaoxue. At this moment, the fear in Zhao Xiaoxue's eyes deepened:

"Yes... I'm sorry, I'll go get some food now."

"Mom, if you are so clumsy, I will suggest replacing you when Dad comes back."

The child's smile was very innocent, and Zhao Xiaoxue saw it as if he had seen a ghost.

"Or I can replace you now, and when he comes back, I will explain the reason slowly."

"Yes... I'm sorry, Master... I'll do it right away!"


In a place like a farm, all children are divided into different levels because of their talents.

However, in the area of ​​education, the farm did not deliberately promote people with higher ranks, and their status would also become higher.

Of course, people with high levels will definitely be stronger in ability, there is no doubt about this.

It's just that in the farm, there should be only three roles in everyone's eyes.

Father, mother, child.

The young master is an exception, an exception hiding in the first farm.

He is different from other children. When he was born, he was already this old.

On the eyebrows, it looks quite similar to Dong Nianyu.

So when Jing Yi asked his name, he smiled and said:

"I want to be like my sister, so why don't you call me Jingyu."

"This name reveals too much information."

"But I like it."

Jing Yi did not reluctantly, following Jing Yu's meaning.

No one knows what the relationship between Master, Jing Yi and Dong Nianyu is.

Even the two Kings on Farm No. 1 realized the existence of "Young Master".

K of spades, k of diamonds.

Unlike other digital cards, numbers and letters do not appear behind the k level to distinguish them.

Suffixes like Heart 5c will not appear after k.

Because k-levels are extremely rare, apart from the few k that are active outside of the fog, there are only seven of them in the farm for seven hundred years.

The earliest ones are Bai Yuan, the first generation, the king of spades, and Dong Nianyu.

Each k has its own name.

But most of the time, they are reluctant to use their own name, and are more willing to use the symbol k to express their loyalty to the farm.

But the ironies are also here-on the farm, these k are the most disloyal.

The smarter the person, the less likely to be ruled.

The two k's soon discovered the well fish disguised as a 9 of hearts, in fact, it has a special status than its mother.

Mother looked extremely humble in front of Jing Yu.

Even in the face of k-level existence, my mother always has the calmness of "I raised them personally".

But in front of this young master, my mother would be very scared.

Even in the face of father, mother is only respectful, but will not show fear.

The two k were silent and watched silently.

They dared not provoke this young master, because the aura exuding from him was very close to the farmer.

Even sometimes, when the nine of hearts stood behind them, they could feel--

Dad is behind him.

It's just that every time I look back, I see the gentle smiling face of the young master.

"Brother, take me to play together?"

The young master always said that, and then the two k's didn't like him, but they would still agree to play with him.

They are acting.

Jing Yu knew they were acting, but he enjoyed it.

The bell rang.

This means it's time for the roll call.

When the young master walked out of the church, farm No. 1 was as before.

He looked at these neatly formed children with a satisfied smile.

A few days ago, the farmer, Jing Yi, left the farm.

Even with one disappeared, there were the children from Farm No. 5.

The nine farms are distributed in Jiugongge, and the high walls on the periphery are the borders, viewed from the top down-it is a Tic Tac Toe.

Although you can't see the scene outside the high wall, there is no movement in the No. 5 farm in the center.

This allows some clever k and Q likes to guess something.

In Farm No. 1, as the bell rang, more and more children gathered on the lawn outside the church.

They wondered why the 9 of Hearts stood at the place where Dad was.

Only spades k and diamond k

Jing Yu looked at them gently and said:

"My brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters, next, I guess you are all curious about what is outside the high wall all the time."

"I'm also very curious, what happened to the older brothers and sisters who walked out of the wall?"

Suddenly, there is a bad feeling about the k of spades and the k of diamonds.

Jing Yu still smiled:

"This mystery has bothered you. There are children from other farms for 700, the mystery will be revealed."

"What are you going to do?" Didn't the king of spades hold back, the fear forced him to ask this question.

Jing Yu squinted his eyes:

"Our opponent is on the way to guard the tower. He will definitely do all the tricks, and of course I will also do tricks."

The king of spades did not understand the meaning of this sentence, but felt the aura of the well fish, and became more and more frightened.

Jingyu didn't respond to the k of spades either.

Jing Yu, like a child addicted to the game, said to himself:

"When everyone thought that Jing Yi would bring a monster to deal with the fourth child, he didn't do it."

"Bai Yuan, have you counted this time?"

(Amway Tieniu's new book! Title: "Heavenly Court is Bankrupt: I Help the Gods Find Jobs" Introduction: I am a happy fairy in the sky. Interested readers can try it~ Very interesting book .)

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