Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Vol 3 Chapter 108: : The weight-bearing pioneer

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In the south of Denglin City, a black and white scene suddenly appeared in a colorful background.

Everything in the black mist was not completely covered in color, but turned into black and white, incompatible with the surroundings.

Wu Jiu throws his perception to the south, not much aura he feels, but every breath is very powerful.

"The battle just now should be enough to make those scientists believe in our abilities?"

Before heading south, Wu Jiu looked up at the Denglin Science and Technology Building.

Although there are not many evils at the end, there are still many obstacles on the road to the south.

These strangely shaped creatures, placed in other areas, are guardians that can independently support a certain area.

But in Denglin City, he has become a miscellaneous soldier.

Bai Wu gradually understood why Jing Wu, Jing Er, and even Jing Yi had not sent anyone here.

"Well, it will be more or less useful, but it is not easy to say, I hope it is a very strange thing for scientists. I want to have it, but I dare not have it."

Bai Wu continued to say as he walked:

"The more passionate people used to be, the more calm they are now. Such calmness is a resistance to hope."

"But such a person, once they rekindle their faith and regain their faith, they will never be destroyed again."

Bai Wu's words reminded Wu Jiu of that Fu Lei.

That person seemed to be a leader. In the Denglin City Science and Technology Building, Fu Lei looked the most sober, but he was the most resistant to both of them.

The two didn't say much, they killed all the way to the south, in that black and white world.

Scientists watched the two go retrograde in the wicked tide. Some felt the excitement after a long absence, while others felt nervous.

But soon, as a scientist was infected with a negative attribute—the disease; everyone realized the tragic reality.

Lesion is a spreading negative attribute that can quickly infect the host and the people around it.

Vomiting and diarrhea, fever, confusion, and convulsions, these reactions when sick will all appear to scientists.

Generally, when encountering this kind of situation, scientists will die as soon as they are dead, and use death to clear their negative attributes in exchange for a four-hour brief period of cleansing.

The outbreak of the disease has infected all scientists on the entire 20th floor.

Fu Lei opened his eyes and glanced around, thinking that they would choose to inject medicine as they did in the past.

There were indeed people who planned to do this, but strangely, this time, Bi Haixia persuaded the scientist.


The scientist was named Zhang Zhian. Like Bi Yunxia, ​​he was also responsible for the medicine. Zhang Zhian was very painful and developed a red rash on his body. Once he caught it, he would catch pus and blood.

"Zhi'an... forbearance, we can't die now, neither of us can die!"

Not long ago, Hou Haiyan, who was in pain and wanted to go to the tower, also stood up at this time:

"We are all infected with this attribute now... forbearance! It will take a while to be able to bear it for a while."


Fu Lei almost forgot, how long ago was the last time I heard these words.

Why don't these people have a long memory? Just because the two people underneath fought like a show for an hour, is there really hope?

Many, many years ago, they also had hope in their hearts.

When I learned that I would be tortured to death by negative attributes, in order not to bring evolutionary enhancement to the monster because of my own death—

All people will endure pain and study in pain.

But later, there will still be people who can't bear the pain and die.

Gradually, some people started to complain—

How can you die this time?

Do you know what changes your death has brought to the monsters?

you again? Everyone can resist it, but you are gold?

My research has ruined your death!

Such voices, such accusations, and such negative emotions began to spread.

Hope this is how it gets overwhelmed bit by bit.

But even so, Fu Lei still hopes to hear that sentence—

"Cheer up! Hold on, we have hope!"

He looked at these people, in order to make Bai Wu and Wu Jiu better in the battle, he began to regain hope, began to endure the torture, and clenched his fists tighter.

There are expectations in my heart, more, but still panic.

South of Denglin City.

The buildings in many places are still intact, except in the southern city area, which is a ruined wall.

Among the ruins, Bai Wu and Wu Jiu stepped on the gravel on the same place and came outside the black mist.

Wu Jiu felt very familiar with this black mist, but couldn't tell where he was familiar, so he looked at the white mist.

[The black matter forms a barrier here. Passing through it means that you have entered the realm of distorted memory. The monsters inside and the monsters outside are not at the same level.

Of course, for you and the little dwarf, everything is not a problem, but your warm-up is over, are you ready to sweat?

To get memories, you have to kill those monsters.

After opening this area, you will see the most powerful existence. 】

The most powerful monster?

It should be Professor Tao who has implanted Jing Si evil thoughts, that is to say, only after eliminating the monsters in the black mist can he see Professor Tao.

And these black substances should be some kind of aura on Jing Si's body.

Even if he has Tic Tac Toe-level strength now, but recalling the scene where Jing Si instantly killed Jing Er and Jing Wu in an instant, Bai Wu knew very well...As long as it was something that was attached to Jing Si, it was dangerous.

Bai Wu began to talk about what was inside, and after hearing this, he said:

"Don't be afraid. According to the rules described by the previous scientists, we will not fail at least. The contents may be dangerous, but death is not the end here."

Bai Wu smiled and said:

"Captain, have you ever seen me scared?"

Wu Jiu was stunned, as if he had never seen Bai Wu fear.

Bai Wu walked ahead and entered the black fog.

Nine humanoid shadows began to wake up.

When Bai Wu and Wu Jiu stepped into the black fog, there were nine more vortices in the scene before their eyes.

From the nine vortexes, nine people without faces came out.

Bai Mist has a feeling of the Lord of the Rings Doomsday Wasteland version.

The nine black shadows are like nine judges. Although they have no facial features, Bai Wu seems to be able to feel the gloomy expressions of the other nine people.

The depressed breath made Wu Jiu squeeze the knife tightly.

Bai Wu said:

"The tactics remain the same. I will contain them. Captain, you will find a chance to kill the monsters that have revealed their flaws in one blow."

Five or nine nodded.

He actually has two knives. Five or nine seldom use two knives at the same time. After Zhong Xu's battle, his weapon changed from "the evil fall must die" to the imitation of the seven deadly sins.

The imitation is arrogance.

The power is even stronger than the real product, but the disadvantage is that there is a limit on the number of times.

After the number of times is used up, it becomes a knife without any special abilities.

But it is extremely sharp.

As for the Evil Fall must die, in the long days of exploring outside the Wujiu Pagoda, Wujiu not only got Sequence Heart Luo, but also the items on his body.

He has props similar to Bai Wu's original pocket.

Wujiu's hand was placed on the knife, his muscles were tightened, his upper body was slightly bowed, his left leg was slightly bent backward, and his right leg stepped forward.

A certain kind of white energy was condensed on the knife, and his eyes became extremely focused.

He is like a bow on the string, ready to be launched at any time.

And Bai Wu, because of the rapid increase in strength, has not yet reached the point where he needs to study skills.

He wielded the sword of jealousy, cut out a wave of violent sword aura, directly confused the world, and fought with the nine shadows!

The black shadow is very powerful. As the white mist approaches, countless power barriers appear!

He was cut through with one sword after another by Bai Wu with a domineering attitude.

The white mist can feel that abilities similar to extinguishing black holes and the cold light of death are constantly appearing.

The nine shadows hold many entries, and the chaotic elements are intertwined, causing this space to be destroyed by various energies.

Not only that, but the power and speed of these shadows are far stronger than the ordinary Tier 9 Depravity.

Facing Bai Mist's slash, they can easily dodge while launching a counterattack.

Take one to nine.

After dozens of rounds of fighting, although the white mist has the upper hand, it is difficult to contain these monsters in a short time.

"Sure enough, it's not a one-dimensional existence, but fortunately I can contain them by myself!"

No matter what the entry, as long as you can see through the opponent's actions and predict the entry point, you don't need to worry at all.

The Eye of Prell can make Bai Mist see their movements clearly, and can even see the optimal solution directly.

These nine shadows are very powerful. If Jing San's body is not obtained, the white mist may still be suppressed.

But now, he didn't take too much effort to deal with it, just to kill the opponent, it had to look at the method of fifty-nine.

After the warm-up, Bai Wu also wants to know how strong the captain is now.

Wu Jiu did not disappoint Bai Wu.

In the course of Bai Wu's fight with the nine black shadows, he has been accumulating strength, waiting for Bai Wu to find his weakness.

His slashing is very powerful, if a teammate can contain the opponent and let him concentrate on accumulating energy, this slashing will be invincible.

The sharp gaze finally locked a black shadow in a very short moment.

Wu Jiu's left leg immediately straightened out and protruding forward, and the veins of the right arm holding the handle of the knife were highlighted.

The slightly thin body exploded with an astonishing aura, as if he was surrounded by evil spirits. At this moment, Fifty-Nine was like the Shura of hell.

The shoulders, forearms, forearms, wrists and even fingers all work together in an instant.

The sound of a sharp blade being unsheathed is as loud as a dragon!

In the gloomy ruins, in the battlefield of nine black shadows, suddenly white light flashed, like a white thunderbolt swept past!

A figure among the nine black shadows was instantly headed by Bai Guangxiao.

The original five-nine sword has more power, and this white light that is enough to sweep the battlefield can experience several refractions.

But after a black shadow was beheaded by Wu Jiu with thunder, Bai Wu and Wu Jiu fell into a trance.

Perfect distortion entry·Memory explosion.

The trigger condition is death. When oneself dies, it will cause a mental shock to the opponent, causing its consciousness to be instantly covered by a certain period of consciousness.

If the opponent dies before the end of the memory, then the owner of the entry will be reborn.

This is the real ultimate move of the shadows!

After Wu Jiu beheaded Sombra, both Bai Wu and Wu Jiu would explode in memory.

So the powerful slash... was forced to be interrupted.

The remaining eight black shadows attacked Bai Wu and Wu Jiu.

The current Wu Jiu and Bai Wu are shrouded in memory, and it is impossible to transfer consciousness to reality and be slaughtered by others.

But just when the shadows are about to touch the fifty nine and the white mist—

Wu Jiu and Bai Wu wake up at the same time!

Li You, who was somewhere far away from the fog, sensed the erosion of his memory, and instantly established a certain connection with May 9th.

It was his own consciousness that controlled the body of Fifty Nine.

Bai Wu is even simpler. Deep in his consciousness, there is a powerful guardian, Bai Yuan, a gamer from the last era.

"so close."

When Wu Jiu woke up, Li had turned off the induction again.

Wu Jiu knows that there is a powerful obsession in Bai Wu's body, which often helps Bai Wu solve some crises.

He didn't know what it felt like, but now, Li let Wu Jiu understand this feeling again.

"It's really dangerous." Bai Wu waved his big sword and threw himself into the battle again.

Wu Jiu also entered the preparation state for drawing the sword again. Although the sword was broken, as long as there was a white mist, he could regain the sword.

Even if you can only kill one at a time, there is no suspense in this battle.

It was just that memory that was just a moment ago that shocked both Bai Wu and Wu Jiu.

When the shadow died, in that moment.

Both Wu Jiu and Bai Wu saw the same picture.

"What's your name?"

Although Jing Si's appearance had not changed 700 years ago and 700 years later, the temperament of Jing Si at that time was completely different from now.

"You call me old K." The person who responded to Jing Si was a guy wearing a mask.

This mask is no stranger to five or nine.

Old K and Jing Si were standing on the top floor of the Denglin City Building, as if they were two people who couldn't think of jumping off the building.

One step forward, a high-altitude fall will be staged.

"Just now, thank you. If it weren't for you, I would go crazy, and I might have killed all these scientists."

"Small things, don't worry about it."

"I seem to get sick more and more frequently, and I am really worried that I will do some... regretful behaviors for life."

"At that time, I will stop you as soon as I make it."

Old K's expression and the smiling face on the mask are highly overlapped.

"You...There is an aura that I am familiar with." Jing Si said.

"Really? I also think that when I see you, I always feel that I have seen you, and even a little scared of you. Hahahaha...It's really a very complicated feeling."

"Can you take off the mask?"

"This request is too much. Next time, next time I will take it off. I should go."

"Will you come again?" Jing Si was a little sad.

"Of course, I should have disappeared for a few years. I realized one thing. In other cities, no matter how many people I save, it doesn't make sense. Because the evil depravity will continue to appear."

Old K looked at the ant-like crowd at the foot of the building and continued:

"Until you and Jing Liu appeared, I realized that there may be a way to completely end the distortion."

"The savior?" Jing Si thought that Old K was talking about the savior's prophecy.

Old K did not nod or shook his head, but said meaningfully:

"The savior is not waiting. Sometimes, you can't rely on your sister too much. Maybe she can see the truth, but she may not tell the truth."

"I... I don't understand, my sister is kind to me."

"Well, see you next time, I will come again when you get sick."

This memory ends here. UU Reading is the memory of Jing Si and the first generation.

Bai Wu guessed it right, but didn't expect that the first generation and Jing Si met so early?

He suddenly remembered that the first generation in history had indeed disappeared for several years.

Prior to this, the first generation had been active in various places to deal with evil depravity.

Once Cain had to keep a low profile because of the first generation.

But then the first generation disappeared. Disasters continued to occur in other cities and no longer appeared. The reason for everything...

It turned out that the first generation went to Denglin City.

It turns out that Jing Si has gone crazy so many times... It was the first generation who made Jing Si sober.

He did not disappear, but shouldered the most dangerous task.

But why did the first generation feel familiar with Jing Si?

Is it the corpse spots on the face of the first generation?

Bai Wu knew that the first generation was actually Lin Rui, and Lin Rui was completely destroyed... Then, under the influence of time and space, he appeared on the farm as a baby.

But didn't Lin Rui... die in Jing Wu's hands?

"I must figure out what's going on! Captain!"


Also interested in the latter part of this memory, there are fifty-nine.

Shura reappears,

The memory hidden in the shadows will be broken open by the knife light!

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