Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 561 Lanqi’s Great Demon Clan Arrives

"If you are willing to cooperate, I can ensure that you leave safely. Otherwise, I think you should know the outcome of this battle."

Demon officer Lieutenant Colonel Luca's eyes fell on Lan Qi and Sigre, his voice calm and decisive.

Although I don’t know why this fourth ancestor, Duke Eduardo’s cronies, came to the border of their demon world in advance, and why the earl-level vampires were defeated.

But he was convinced that most of the mana in this human being had been consumed, and the weak magic power fluctuations had become more ethereal. And this incredibly strong wolf girl now seemed to be at the end of her strength, and her strength was about to run out.

After defeating the Blood Count, the two of them were unable to fight another round.

The entire land of eternal night fell into a brief silence.

The surrounding snowfields seemed to be waiting for their decision.

"Haha, hahaha!"

Count Gregory used up all his remaining strength to laugh wildly.

The peace talks between the vampires and the demons are about to take place. Naturally, a lieutenant colonel from the demon world will not sit back and watch his blood count being killed by humans at the border of the demon world.

Moreover, this human and the wolf girl obviously haven't realized how high their vampire status is in the demon world under the current situation.


Lan Qi put his hand on Sigre's shoulder and motioned her to relax.

Sigre gritted her teeth.

She was now very worried that the fruits of victory that were close at hand would be reversed by the blood count. If he was released, these demons would definitely return their blood to the count. He soon recovered and began to hunt them down.

But before she could relax even a little bit because of the warm hands on her shoulders, she heard Count Gregory's shout from the ground.

"Let me kill them, let me kill them!!"

Count Gregory screamed like a madman.


"According to the North-South Treaty, we cannot help humans in disputes involving humans and vampires. At the same time, we should try our best to protect the safety of vampires at the border of the demon world."

After hearing this, Lieutenant Colonel Luca, the demon officer, glanced at the vampire Earl on the ground, explained and added to the two of them.

Sigre's face turned pale again.

She didn't expect that the victory that was about to be won would be lost at the last moment because of the interference of the demons.

They were fighting not just a single vampire count, but the entire vampire clan behind him.

This is a power called the racial heritage of the blood race.

Or maybe Count Gregory had already considered various possible changes and hunted them in a place as far away from the orc city-state as possible and as close to the border of the demon world.

"Help me catch her. She is a wolf! She is a criminal who hurt me and is the mortal enemy of our vampire clan. You demon clan has the obligation to arrest her and transfer her to the vampire clan!"

Count Gregory saw the position expressed by the demon officer and continued to give instructions.

The demon officer was silent for a moment.

Although the demons have no enmity with the wolf clan, which is about to become extinct, they also know the grudges between the blood clan and the wolf clan.

"Little girl, even if you run away now, you will soon be wanted by the demon world. It's convenient."

The demon officer finally looked at Sigre and pulled out the dark red sword.

It may take some effort to subdue her, but if she escapes, the road from here to the orc city-state is long, and it is impossible for her to escape successfully without a vehicle.

Once she starts to escape, the demon border will dispatch more troops at the request of the vampire count to conduct a large-scale search in this area. No matter where she hides, she will be quickly surrounded by the demon army's troops.

"Okay, humans, please leave."

The demon officer looked at Lan Qi.

This was the biggest concession he could make to the opponent. As a neutral party, there was no need for them to offend the Polante Empire. His nationality could be easily deduced from the royal emblem on the overturned sled in the distance.

This human being's appearance and temperament can tell that he is a very high-ranking figure in the Paulante Empire. Killing him may cause trouble.

"Rocky McCarthy, I have marked you. No matter where you escape, I will kill you and everyone related to you!!"

Count Gregory's throat continued to tremble, and he let out a sharp chuckle.

He was already very satisfied with the demon officer's solution. After all, normally, the demons would not necessarily be so afraid of their vampires.


Sigre didn't know what to do.

She could run, but she couldn't ask Lan Qi to run away with her and be hunted down by the demons together with her.

If we let this vampire count go today, the two of them will suffer endless disasters.

It may also involve younger siblings in the orphanage.

The fourth ancestor, Duke Eduardo, has discovered her and will never allow her to live any longer. He is the most powerful vampire of the ninth level. No one can fight against him. Even her father, who she thought was the strongest, died. into his hand.

Sigre's palms felt cold.

At this moment, she wanted to kill the count immediately, as long as she could kill him before the demons attacked, but she also knew that it was impossible to kill the vampires no matter what.

This is racial injustice.

The hope she had finally seen was gradually submerged and shattered by the cold wind and snow at this moment, turning her from a sweet dream back to a nightmare again.

This desperation made her feet feel like lead, with nowhere to escape.

At some point, Lan Qi had picked up the beret for her, placed it on her head, and pressed it gently.

"Don't worry, leave it to me."

Lan Qi said to Sigre with a firm tone.

Sigre looked up in confusion.

It was already dreamy enough for her to defeat the Vampire Earl head-on.

Could a miracle happen again?

Her eyes seemed to be asking - Rocky, is there anything else you can do?

"Okay, great! Help me catch him too!"

Count Gregory laughed.

Originally, if this human being did not resist, the Demon Realm Army would have no reason to help him capture him.

Now even if this imperial craftsman has the favor of the orc lords, he has no chance to escape back to the orc city-state!

Saved him a lot of trouble!

"Human! Stop resisting!"

The demon troops felt that Lan Qi was about to make a move at this moment. Although his magic power was still very weak and stable, they were convinced that this man had no intention of compromising with them.

That way is not to leave at all, but to protect this wolf girl to the end.


The demons only saw that the man's figure was glowing like an electric cocoon.

Lieutenant Colonel Luca immediately raised his hands in front of him to block the sudden blast of wind and snow.

The next second.

At the end of the electric light that filled the dim snowfield, a vague figure emerged.

Like a master standing on a black reef, only his shining shadow and his green eyes swaying in the dark night are particularly clear.

The glowing crack-like lines on his body actually gave off a faint aura of a quasi-king.

His eyes looked over.

Shake a few times.

All the weapons of the demon army fell to the ground, leaving only their empty and trembling hands.

The aura of the supreme demon was fully revealed. Even if the demon sergeants didn't know what happened, they all reacted immediately and knelt down to him.

"Now it's an internal matter within our demon clan. That vampire earl is my trophy, so it should be fine, right?"

Lan Qi put his hands behind his back, as if he had transformed back into the principal of Purgatory Corridor College, lovingly teaching his students.

"Yes, sir, please forgive us for being rude. We didn't mean to offend you, but we just couldn't see your true identity just now."

Lieutenant Colonel Luca, the demon officer, lowered his head and responded with a trembling voice.

This is not the power that the three-seal and four-seal great demon clan can have.

If there is a slight royal aptitude in his body, he is at least a Six Seal Great Demon Clan!


Sigre's astonished eyes reflected the radiant figure of the devil.

Do not know why.

She was not afraid of this demon at all, and tightly grabbed the coat on his back.

Although I couldn't figure out all the cause and effect and the secret hidden in Rocky this man.

But she knew that he would not hurt her, and since her identity as a wolf was exposed, she must hold on to him if she wanted to survive in the hands of the demons.

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