Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 325 Campus cooperation project between Ranchi and Imperial Prison

"We must go all out to capture the criminals of the Spectre Party, train them effectively and efficiently into a negative-cost labor force, and then implement this mechanism to increase the city-state's production capacity, and issue bounties based on the value of the prisoners. Our province and other provinces have When powerful adventurers and mercenaries see us doing this, they will become bounty hunters and join us, and even fight to exercise justice."

Lan Qi gently raised his hand and pointed to the snowy land in the distance, giving instructions to several lords,

"Human desires are like mountains and rolling stones. Once you start, you can never stop. Actual interests are better than anything else. From the beginning, I felt that the interest game between you was unnecessary."

Obviously it can be a good thing that everyone is happy with, but they can't turn their heads and compete with each other.

Lan Qi also couldn't figure out the reason for this group of people.


Others lowered their heads and did not dare to say a word, fearing that the goddess was watching them.

He felt that their previous rivalry was actually more human than the Governor's words.

This man was a war criminal during the war years.

But they dare not say.

And after passing the test of conscience...

I really think it's worth a try.

Both the lords and the local people have suffered from the Specter for a long time.

What's more... if it can be run, regardless of the inhumanity of people, the benefits may be really positive!

“What about the specific legal risks and operational risks?”

the lords asked with concern.

They have no ability to control overly strong or excessive prisoners, and the cost of housing them is extremely high.

This is the most troubling core issue.

"There is no legal risk, as long as we draft the official document reasonably. Even if the House of Commons wants to veto the feasibility of this 'convict labor rental' by amending the legislation, the House of Lords also has the right to delay the adoption, and give me this time difference, I have a way to popularize this plan more comprehensively.”

After Lan Qi finished speaking, the other lords nodded blankly.

No matter what the attitude of the House of Commons is, the nobles of the House of Lords, even if they are in the south, should most likely agree with this "convict labor rental".

Even once we see that the North has perfected it, I am afraid that I would like to implement it in the South!

"As for operational risks, this is simple. I have already made a plan. We can sell high-level criminals... no, transfer them to the Imperial Capital. Our school has actually been cooperating with the Hellrom Underground Prison in the Imperial Capital. Next Last month I invited Warden Bakas to come to our school for talks. If the implementation is successful, perhaps the prisons in the imperial capital can also achieve capacity reform."

Lan Qi's original intention was actually that because he could not really kill the students, in order to adapt to the culture of the Protos Empire, Lan Qi decided to change the immediate execution of stubborn students to sending them to prison for reform and education.

Although Warden Barkas, the most powerful person in the prison, left the prison on the outskirts of the imperial capital and went to a school in the southern downtown area, theoretically it might increase the risk of the prison being robbed that day.

But there should be no one who is crazy enough to do something like rob a prison.

Lan Qi will never allow anyone from the Empire to do such illegal things.


After hearing this, several lords looked at each other in surprise, their eyes filled with passion.

If powerful prisoners could be sent directly to the imperial capital and quickly cashed in, it would undoubtedly add a major source of income while solving worries!

Spectre now seems to be worth more than mana mines!

It was as if something in their hearts had been completely pried open. They no longer had any psychological burden at this moment, and they just wanted to quickly complete such a great achievement!

"Lord McCarthy, you will definitely become the greatest politician in the Protos Empire in the past century, and your great achievements as governor in the Snowy Province will soon make you famous in the imperial capital of Herom. Add one more thing.”

The nobles saluted excitedly with great respect.

Although history will not judge Rocky McCarthy very well in the long run, and the members of the Specter who have experienced this disaster will definitely hate him unforgettable.

But at the moment, he is undoubtedly the leader who saves the people of Snowfield Province from the fire!

Lan Qi shook his head slightly.

He seemed to feel that the lords had misunderstood him.

"I have never been a politician. If I must say it, I should be more like a manager or a businessman. I don't want to have a war, and I don't want to see people being deceived anymore. As long as we do a good job in the economy, let people live a happy life." Life is enough.”

Lan Qi said simply,

"However, Crolis did say that there will be a talk show on Helrom Broadcasting Company next month that wants to invite me to participate. Now that I have become the Governor, the host's name for me during the interview will be temporarily changed again. "

He sighed with a smile.

The Herrom Broadcasting Company was founded in 1723 and is headquartered in the city center of the imperial capital Herrom. It is the largest news media in the Protos Empire.

Although it is a public media that receives financial support from the Protos Empire, its management is handled by a regulatory committee that is independent of the Post Office and the House of Lords and House of Lords, and its independence and autonomy are guaranteed through the Protos Royal Charter.

In the downtown streets of the imperial capital Herrom, you can often see programs broadcast on the giant screen belonging to the Herrom Broadcasting Company.

"Meow meow meow?!"

The cat boss raised his neck in Lan Qi's hand and barked several times.

It is already an achievement to receive an invitation to plan a special talk show of Helrom Broadcasting Company. Unless the editor-in-chief, producer and committee unanimously recognize its topicality, you will not receive such treatment.

Now it can't imagine Hyperion in the brightly lit imperial capital of Herrom. Looking up, you can see the scene of Lanci wearing a suit and calmly accepting an interview with the host on the giant screen!

More than a month ago, I seemed to have remembered Xiubao's instructions to pay more attention to this guy's ambition...

Now it seems that I have indeed discovered that the situation is completely beyond my control...

I'm guilty, meow!

"Princess Cloris Berenhalder?"

The other lords were surprised.

"It's her, the best student in our school."

Lan Qi nodded calmly.

When several lords heard this, they secretly sighed. As expected of the Governor, he actually had contacts with members of Duke Berenhard's family.

Whether it is the holder of the [Original Slate - Undead], Duke Morodian Berenhalder or Princess Cloris Berenhalder, they are all important figures in the center of imperial power who are unattainable to nobles like them. .

If you hang out with the Governor, your future will be bright.


Lan Qi watched the subtle reactions of several lords, but unexpectedly this simple sentence made them respect him even more.

Obviously he was in the Kingdom of Hutton in the Southern Continent. His classmates saw him and the princess staying together every day, but they did not increase their respect for him at all. He gave Lan Qi a feeling of "Huberlian has been confiscated from the nobility." The illusion of membership.

After thinking about it carefully, I think it is more normal here in the Northern Continent.

This is the correct reaction when people learn that they know a princess.

People should respect the Duke's family more.

This trip to the Northern Continent brought Lan Qi a lot of work experience and insights, and he believed that he would be able to put them to use in the Southern Continent after returning.

Please do not overly force the connection between the two books. They are two independent stories, but there may be some easter eggs. No matter you don’t read one, it will not affect the reading of the other.

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