Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 201 Wolong secretly exerts force, Fengchu has closed the net

"Who spread this? Let Monast investigate!"


Asna nodded calmly.

She knew in her heart that the source of this matter was probably that President Monaster accidentally chatted with them about Dean Loren's past in the student union room, and was then raped by one of Lanqi, Hyperion, and Frey. One person leaked the news.

And there is a high probability that it will be leaked into the hands of a pretty bad person.

Oh, then she knows what's going on.

But Asna didn't say anything.

The early morning sunlight shines in through the side window, perhaps after the rain has cleared, and it looks particularly dazzling at this moment.

That beam of light shined right into the side of Loren's face, making his gaze look even deeper and colder.


His eyelids twitched slightly, the expression on his face changed from calm to serious, and his lips pursed into a tight line.

Asna also felt this change. She placed her hands on the folder and remained silent.

There was only the ticking sound of the clock on the wall in the office, and the coffee on the desk was steaming slowly. In this atmosphere, time seemed to slow down, and every moment was extra long.

"No wonder our school's reputation has been deteriorating in recent years."

Loren calmed down for a while.

He always felt that the school's atmosphere had deteriorated again recently.

Although there were problems with the school's atmosphere, even the dean of the Alchemy Institute was sent to it.

"By the way, did Lan Qi agree to Adams' competition? How's it going?"

Loren has always known that blessings never come in pairs and misfortunes never come alone. At this time, he was particularly worried about what surprises Lan Qi would bring to him.


Asna was silent for a while.

Frey's side was exerting force in secret, while Lanqi's side directly closed the net.

Asna hesitated, thinking about how to organize the words to describe what happened to Loren.

During this brief moment of silence, suddenly, a melodious and loud bell pierced the closed space——

It's the communication terminal on Dean Loren's desk.

It was a magical instrument with a sense of history. Its base was made of heavy black painted metal, and the lines were thick and winding. It was connected to the main communication terminal of Icerite College and could be transferred to Dean Loren's office at any time.

Loren frowned slightly in confusion, slowly raised his hand, picked up the receiver from the base, and then gently put it to his ear.

"Juliana? What do you want from me?"

He had no idea why Juliana had contacted him so early in the morning.


The person on the other side of the phone was silent for a while, as if he was wondering why Loren would ask this question.

"How was the duel between Ranch and Adams?"

Juliana's voice was still so cold and arrogant, but it also concealed a slight expectation, and she was particularly concerned about one result.

Loren looked up and glanced at Asna.

He saw the expression on Asna's face that was about to give up.

Loren felt quite bad.

He knew that Adams's attitude of not bumping into Lan Qi and not looking back was just for him to suffer!

But Loren really didn't expect that Juliana would care more about this competition than him.

"I just returned to school and I haven't understood the situation yet."

Loren quickly explained to Juliana.


Juliana hesitated for a while longer;

"Adams didn't give me a report on the battle all day."

Juliana's voice was slightly confused.

It stands to reason that no matter whether he wins or loses in this kind of gambling battle with huge stakes, Adams should contact her as soon as possible.

As a result, there was no news for a day, and it was like losing contact.


Cold sweat began to break out on Loren's forehead;

“Don’t worry Juliana, I’m going to see what’s going on.

The information coming from the other end of the receiver was obviously not good news. As the conversation progressed, Loren's face gradually became heavier, his brows were furrowed, and his originally leisurely eyes were now full of worry and doubt.


Juliana replied in a crisp voice.

But soon, she added at the end of her voice,

"Whether you win or lose, I hope you can keep your promise."

"What promise?"

Loren felt more and more something was wrong and asked twice into the phone. However, when he asked the question, Juliana had already hung up the phone.

"Where is Adams?"

The first thing Loren did after putting down the receiver was to look at Asna and ask, with both determination and deep fear.

Asna was hesitant when she spoke just now, and he no longer had time to listen to her slowly.

"Seventh floor atrium."

Without enough time to ask Asna what happened, Loren's figure immediately disappeared into the office, leaving only the slight buzz of the ancient magic equipment in the office and the swaying shadow cast by the sunlight outside the window on the table.

Above Icerite Academy, there are often shadows of birds flying past in the usually blue sky like a sudden storm.

However, high in the sky at this time, the wind swirled around Loren, and his figure seemed to turn into a feather in the wind, becoming one with the wind and soaring rapidly.

The buildings of the college quickly shrunk in Loren's sight. He flew over the red brick and green tile buildings, the ancient oak trees and the lake, and in an instant he saw the learning and education building.

Loren's black coat rustled in the wind, and the corners of his clothes were like ghosts in the night, dancing with the wind.

His face was firm and his eyes were shining with light, as if he could see through everything in the world.

The wind in the high-speed flight rubbed against Loren's cheek, causing a slight heat, but he didn't care about it. He only had one goal in mind, and that was to get to the seventh floor of the atrium as soon as possible to see the situation clearly.

The current situation is actually not bad.

His body is upright and he is not afraid of his shadow being crooked.

Although there is a bit of scandal.

But he would not go to the Aloran Kingdom to look for Juliana specifically.

There was no official business that required him to go there in person, and the date was even more ridiculous.

Even if he steps back ten thousand steps and actually meets Juliana, there is no way the two of them will go on a date.

This kind of rumor will be self-defeating.

What he needs to find out most right now is what kind of job Lan Qi has done.

Loren walked along the sky above Icerite College and was about to go directly to the top rooftop of the Learning and Education Building when he suddenly caught two familiar figures in his sight.

Lan Qi and Hyperion were walking steadily on the wide stone path leading to the Sage's Courtyard, talking to a young student he was not very familiar with.

Loren's heart beat slightly faster, and he decided to stop the wind magic, gradually weakening its power and letting himself land gently.

As the soles of his feet touched the ground, the storm emerging from his feet began to slowly shrink, and eventually became invisible.

Falling lightly from mid-air to the ground, Loren then looked directly at the three students in front of him.

Lan Qi is still so calm and calm every day.

When Hyperion saw Dean Loren, there was a hint of alertness in her eyes, and she seemed a little guilty.

Next to the two of them, there was a student whom Loren didn't know. He looked very embarrassed, but he didn't seem to be from their school. He was probably a student from the academic visiting team of Aloran Royal Academy, and he seemed to be an honest person at first glance.

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