Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 130 Lanci successfully concealed Hyperion’s race

At noon, in the library of Lichtens Castle, eleven people gathered around the large writing desk, quiet and focused.

The subtle noise in this room seems to be absorbed by the densely packed books on the bookshelves and walls. Judging from the expressions and demeanor on the faces of the challengers, this issue is crucial.

Their eyes were focused, each thinking.

After a while of silence.

"Does anyone know about demonic magic?"

The young master of the Chamber of Commerce of the Kingdom of Canberra saw that the aristocratic mage girl of the Creju Empire had closed her book, so he could only look around at the crowd and ask.

The three clergymen from the Northern Continent were the first to shake their heads. Priests are not allowed to study the magic literature of different races privately, let alone demonic magic literature, which is quite taboo for humans.

The young master of the Chamber of Commerce knew that although his guard brother and sister were very smart and strong, they did not understand demonic magic at all.

And the noble girl who is the most proficient in magic among the three people in the Creation Empire does not know how to do it, so there is no need to worry about the other knights and minor priests.

Then only the black-haired lawyer with green eyes and the silver-haired girl who had been by his side had some hope left.

As for the missing detective...even if he could, he wouldn't be able to come back in the next two days.

In the worst case, one can only look up the meaning of the demonic magic text based on other tools and books in the library, and speculate and interpret this sealed magic book.

But there is no way of knowing how long it will take, how much key information can be deciphered, and whether the betrayer will snatch it away at night during the long deciphering process.

"I only know a little bit about demonic magic."

Hyperion looked up at Lanqi and whispered, seeming a little guilty that she was not useful.

It stands to reason that the person who can read two kinds of magic texts at the same time at this time should refer to her who is half of the demon blood. However, as long as she can remember, her mother has left the Kingdom of Hutton, so no one has taught her the demon clan. magic.

If the key step of obtaining intelligence was stuck here because of her lack of ability, then she felt like she was being held back again.

However, Hyperion remembered that Lan Qi said that he had studied demonic magic texts, so she could still put a glimmer of hope in Lan Qi.

"It's okay, I know a little bit about it."

As expected, Lan Qi smiled and nodded, still as steady as ever, just like he was in the painting classroom of level 3 of Demon Academy.

This familiar sense of security made her feel that the shadow world was stable again.

He is truly omnipotent.


Hyperion quickly nodded and quickly went forward to take the book from the mage girl of the Creain Empire and gave it to Lan Qi.

She knew that Lan Qi was not suitable to get close to anyone else. Dangerous matters needed to be handled by her, who had many life-saving abilities.

Lan Qi took the book from Hyperion, thanked him as he usually did when they were in class together, and then started reading the book without saying a word.

Different from the previous young master of the Chamber of Commerce and the imperial noble girl mage, Lan Qi's brows were always so relaxed, as if he was reading a casual storybook in the afternoon.

Generally speaking.

It is impossible to read such an obscure magic book in this state.

There is a high probability that you cannot understand it at all, so you can quickly flip through the pages at will.

The psychological pressure on everyone began to slowly increase again, and the dawn that was about to be seen was like being blocked by a stone brick.

Even if the detective can find out the identities of the two betrayers and complete [Mission Objective 1: Find the Betrayer 0/2] when he returns, the really difficult core task in the Shadow World has always been Mission Objective 2.

A large shadow world will have one bright line and multiple dark lines operating in parallel.

While all challengers are on the bright line to advance their tasks, the hidden line that no one knows about will also operate silently over time, undergoing changes that they are unaware of.

Mission objective 2 is often related to the undercurrent plot.

If they cannot detect the content of the hidden line and the latest progress of the dark line in time and seize the opportunity, it is likely that by the time they complete mission objective 1 and solve the puzzle, the shadow world will soon enter an irreversible runaway mode.

"What the power of the sun refers to is not explained even in this ancient book, but it probably means that it needs to be sealed when the sun is shining during the day."

At the moment when everyone felt that there was nothing they could do, Lan Qi's sudden words as he lowered his head to flip through the book made everyone look at him in surprise.

Can you really read it?

Isn't it just making it up to comfort everyone's emotions?

This was everyone's first reaction.

"The power of the moon refers to werewolves, but the already rare wolf tribe is almost extinct in this era."

Lan Qi continued to say slowly,

"Werewolves will not be weakened during the day, but they can be strengthened in the moonlight. Coupled with the strong regeneration power, even if they are singled out all night, they will not necessarily lose to the vampires."

"But the 'regenerative power' was ultimately no match for the 'immortality'. Over time, the werewolves were slaughtered by the vampires, and the vampires became the only kings of the night."

The "Wolf Tribe" mentioned by Lan Qi is a race that has been completely extinct in the modern world. There are few traces of it in the ancient shadow world many thousand or even ten thousand years ago, making all challengers feel strange.

It turns out that this race was exterminated because of the vampires.

Then there is a shadow world that records information about the wolf clan...

How long ago was it?

Just by successfully clearing such an ultra-ancient shadow world, its academic value will probably cause huge waves among various societies, and the copyright value of the information contained in their [Shadow World Record Program] is even more difficult to estimate.

"What the star describes is a witch, the origin of human magic. It seems to refer to both demons and humans. I browsed through it briefly and found that the author of this book should be a witch."

At this point, Lan Qi closed the book in his hand.

For him, who has always practiced a mixture of demonic and human magic literature, he was surprisingly able to understand this magic book written in a magic literature that was in the process of the evolution of demonic magic literature and human magic literature.

He hasn't looked at the specific magic part in detail yet, but only interpreted the information.

The challengers in the library looked at each other doubtfully, feeling that Lan Qi's interpretation was mysterious and mysterious, and even doubted its authenticity.

[Mission Objective 2: Explore the secrets and crises hidden in the castle - hidden information has emerged, challengers are asked to protect the werewolf and witch. 】

Ikerite College, in Jera Memorial Square.

The clock in the ancient clock tower has just turned past twelve o'clock at the top. Accompanied by the echo of the twelve bells on the campus that have not completely dissipated, the giant open-air screen surrounded by many teaching buildings in the distance is showing the shadow world of today's challenge. .

At this time, it was several times more lively than usual. Not only were the steps full of students, there were even many students passing by and staying on the surrounding roads.

"Isn't he making it up?"

“Strictly check the registration!!”

Many students thought that Lan Qi was actually playing psychological warfare and making up random information.

I didn't expect him to really know how to do it.

The information of mission objective 2 has changed, which means the interpretation was successful.

Although many students in Icerite Academy have heard that Lan Qi knows the sealing technique, all he did in the registered card maker exam were sealing cards.

But why is this guy so skilled in demonic magic writing?

Too much of a demon spy!

Shadow World, in the library on the second floor of Lichtens Castle.

This ancient library seemed to stop breathing for a moment.

Several people around the central desk were still. Their eyes were fixed on the back of the magic book in Lan Qi's hand by the window. The expressions on their faces changed, from confusion to understanding, and then from understanding to shock, as if they could feel other people. My heartbeat is speeding up.

The challengers looked at each other, and their eyes met. Some of them moved their mouths slightly, as if they wanted to say something but didn't know how to say it.

"Brother, you're not a half-demon, are you?"

The young master of the Chamber of Commerce looked at Lan Qi with surprise and amazement, breaking the silence, causing the male guard behind him to cough lightly.

This unscrupulous young man is not worried about offending the lawyer at all.

Generally speaking, it is easy to offend people in the Southern Continent if they suspect others of having demonic ancestry.

This made Hyperion on the side feel particularly embarrassed.

She is the real half-demon.

But since she stayed with Lan Qi, no one has ever questioned her bloodline.

This was a feeling that Hyperion had never experienced before.

It's like as long as Lan Qi's demonic light covers him, he will completely become a real human being.

"There is absolutely no question about my human ancestry. The priest can verify it for me."

Lan Qi smiled and replied without any concern.

Those who are clean will be clean by themselves.

Lan Qi has always believed in this truth.

He didn't explain much about why he did it.


This gives other people the impression that they know a little bit about everything and don’t need a reason.

Coupled with the aura about him, it makes sense.

"We believe you."

The priest spoke first and bowed briefly to Lan Qi.

No one did much research on Lan Qi, they just felt that besides the [Detective], this [Lawyer] was also a master.

Not only is he good at coordinating and calming everyone's emotions, he is also knowledgeable.

The ultra-progressive interpretation places a great burden on the betrayer's psychology.

"Then what is the relationship between werewolves and witches? Why should we protect them?"

The young master of the Chamber of Commerce still asked Lan Qi in confusion.

"The werewolf and the witch are obviously friends, because they are the key to sealing or unsealing the blood clan. The real purpose of the two betrayers in trapping us here is probably to find the werewolf and the witch among us. As for why The blood master who didn’t call them might have another hidden agenda.”

Lan Qi held the magic book and answered the questions for the students like a principal.

"As expected of Mr. Lawyer!"

The young master of the Chamber of Commerce had an epiphany and began to praise Lan Qi. He was now quite convinced of Lan Qi's ability as a bachelor. This temperament was exactly what he, who was always considered a stupid rich young man, had always desired but could not obtain.

At this point, all challengers already have an idea in their minds.

From the information revealed in Mission Objective 2, it is not difficult to further deduce a certain mission objective of the betrayer——

The challenger side wants to find the traitor [blood family member] hidden in the challenger.

The betrayer side wants to find the [Werewolf] and [Witch] hidden among the non-betrayers!

This mind game has escalated again for both parties.

At the moment when people are preparing to leave this place and return to the base level church hall.

In the midday sun by the library curtains.

Lan Qi stared at Hyperion beside him and felt her uneasiness.

"Lan Qi..."

Hyperion met Lanci's calm gaze and seemed to be preparing to express something to him.

Lan Qi just nodded slightly.

He signaled to her that she knew it.

And don't worry.

Lan Qi guessed it even though she couldn't see her information panel.

She is the witch, and she is also one of the most dangerous people in this shadow world.

That was a witch's narrative in the magic book that Lan Qi didn't read out——

[I am neither a demon nor a human being, but I will help and protect kind people, so please don’t be afraid of me].

In that era called the Blood Moon Bad Times.

The witch actually refers to an innate half-demon, a magician who will not suffer backlash even if she uses immature human magic.

This shadow world will not be slowly cracked day by day. Principal Lan will arrest people soon!

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