The people from Wanshanbao are much more reliable to the young master than those from the Deng family. Perhaps the future of the young master is not as bad as he thought.

Deng Yunji smiled, and asked Zhang Zishan and Zhao Xiaobai to come and ask them to help resettle the members of the Deng family.

Find an inn and arrange dinner. Not too good, but not too bad either. The inn is best to find a place with a better location and a place where people come and go.

Afterwards, he ordered Butler Deng to go down and make arrangements.

Song Guo couldn't help being angry: "Those people are so hateful, the shopkeeper, you still arrange room and board for them? I don't think beating them up is taking advantage of them!"

Xiaoluan and Huzi nodded in agreement.

Deng Yunji smiled and said: "For us to do business, word of mouth is the worst. If word of mouth is bad, there will be many constraints in doing things in the future, and you will understand in the future. Besides, just this time, in the future, they will have no chance Come again!"

Xiaoluan seemed to understand but not understand.

Let's say that everyone in the Deng family was complaining, when the door of the mansion opened suddenly, Zhang Zishan and Zhao Xiaobai came out with five or six brothers in the same green clothes, and said that Steward Deng was kind enough to take them to settle down.

All members of the Deng clan heaved a sigh of relief, and felt a little proud again: Well, how could Deng Yunji really ignore them? In the end it was his elders!

All of them became proud again, asking all kinds of questions, where are they going? What's for dinner? When will Deng Yunji come to see them? and so on.

Zhang Zishan and the others didn't give them a good look, and they didn't answer these questions. They all said they didn't know and asked them to follow.

"Why is there no carriage?" one person asked.

Zhao Xiaobai laughed out loud.

The man was making fun of himself, and no one dared to ask any more questions, so they had to follow behind.

Such a large number of people ostentatiously passed through the market, which naturally attracted a lot of inquiring eyes. Many passers-by stopped and couldn't help but take a few more glances and asked and discussed in a low voice.

Everyone in the Deng family felt a little ashamed, being pointed out like this all the way. But I can also see that these people will not buy their account at all, so they have to accept it.

In the past, they could still put on the airs of the masters of the Deng family and reprimand the servants, but now - they are not the servants of the Deng family!

When they arrived at the inn, they settled down and asked them to go back by themselves after opening the city gate the next morning. They said that the host had assigned Butler Deng to do things, and Butler Deng would leave early tomorrow morning. They don't have to wait.

Everyone in the Deng family looked at each other, before they could ask anything, Zhang Zishan and others had already left.

The next day, they didn't dare to go to the door to make trouble again, and even if they went again, they might not even be able to enter the door of the house.

A group of people had no choice but to go out listlessly.

In Minzhou City, the news of their business quickly spread.

How he was bought by Mrs. Deng before, and how he came to the door to beat the autumn wind when he heard Deng Yunji came back...

But he didn't expect that Deng Yunji had already signed the deed of sale to Wanji, and the members of the Deng clan did not put on the right airs, making a big joke. He was kicked out by the Wanfu people.

It was still Deng Yunji who was kind enough to arrange a place for them regardless of previous suspicions, but who would have complained about his inconsiderate arrangements...

Last night, such a group of people swaggered through the market. Many people saw and heard this with their own eyes, and they couldn't help lamenting the lack of greed and heartlessness of the Deng family.

Deng Yun, a business genius, suffered a great change, had no choice but to sell himself as a slave in order to survive. It's so easy to get the boss's attention, but who knows that Deng's people came to make trouble again - they even went to the boss's house, it's really speechless.

No wonder Deng Yunji didn't ask anyone when the accident happened, he closed his eyes and only recognized the benefits but not the people...

Regarding these, everyone in the Deng family still doesn't know. This trip didn't reap any benefits. Seeing Deng Yunji's behavior, he didn't intend to take care of them in the future, and everyone was even more angry.

The next day the clan discussed whether or not to expel Deng Yunji from the clan.

Now that Deng Yunji has signed the deed of selling himself, the Deng family will lose face and should be expelled.

But he seems to be highly valued by Mr. Wan, maybe one day he will be recruited by Mr. Wan as his son-in-law. If he is expelled from the clan, wouldn't it be a big loss?

After discussing for a long time, nothing was discussed, but Deng Yunji was discussed.

He was also accompanied by a master in the yamen.

The members of the Deng clan were proud at first, they only thought that Deng Yunji had come to make amends and give Yin Zi.

If this is the case, let's see how much sincerity he shows. If the sincerity is enough, it is not impossible to let go of the expulsion from the clan.

What they didn't expect was that Deng Yunji didn't come to make an apology, nor did he come to give money, but he invited himself out of the clan, and his master was the witness he invited.

Deng's Manchus were stunned.

When I came back to my senses, I was angry and scolded Deng Yunji for being unfilial.

Deng Yunji had already thought up his argument, signed the contract of selling himself, shamelessly faced his ancestors, and insisted on leaving the clan.

The Deng clan trembled with anger, made a lot of noise, and finally agreed.

Once the contract is completed, Deng Yunji will no longer have any relationship with the Deng family.

As for the memorial tablet of his parents, he will invite it back one day, and in the future, his own branch will start a family, and it will be regarded as another Deng family.

The members of the Deng clan were not reconciled, and smeared Deng Yunji everywhere. Unexpectedly, gossip in Minzhou City spread earlier, saying that they were shameless and rascals making trouble for no reason. Don't invite yourself out of the clan to avoid being implicated by their troubles in the future.

As for their smearing—if you are making such a fuss, they have set up good hotels and entertained them with good meals, what else do you want?

Not to mention one-sided limelight, it is definitely not good for the members of the Deng clan.

Coupled with the fact that all kinds of old stories about being favored by Deng Yun and his father and son in the past and now turning their faces and ignoring others were revealed, everyone in the Deng family looked sideways for a while, and they got a bad reputation.

Several marriages in the clan that were about to be settled finally fell through.

From then on, at least within a few years, marriages in the Deng clan will probably have difficulties.

Knowing this, Deng Yunji sneered coldly, and never asked about it again.

It's just a small reward. In the future, if the Deng family doesn't come to provoke him anymore, they will just let it go. If someone who doesn't have long eyes dares to provoke him again, don't blame him for being rude!

He and his father had been aggrieved for so many years, and it finally cleared up.

Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen rode the Yaying, and three days later in the evening, they landed in a mountain near Hangzhou.

"It's Jiangnan after all. It's beautiful scenery. You can see some beauty that you can't see anywhere else on any mountain!" Mu Qingli couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Mo Yun embraced her deeply and boasted with a smile: "My wife's eyes are as bright as a torch!"

"Stop flattering me!" Mu Qingli laughed.

The cliff eagles were not suitable for appearing in the city, so they could only be allowed to stay here, and the two of them went down the mountain.

At this time the gate of the city was closed, and the two stayed overnight in the inn on the pier, and hired a carriage to enter the city early the next morning.

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