"Our village mainly lives by hunting, so there is nothing to be afraid of!"

Mo Yunshen ordered everyone to rest on the spot for a while, cleaned the battlefield, peeled off the wolf's skin, and left no meat, and then continued on the road.

Wolf meat is not tasty, guarding the huge forest with rich resources, there is no need to find fault for yourself to eat that bad food.

After this attack by the wolves, most of the villagers calmed down. Not only did they not dare to wander around, but even their own children took the initiative to arrest them.

Mo Yunshen and the guards finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Almost a month later, when they arrived at the stronghold in front of the wet forest, the people who had driven so many days in a row couldn't help cheering and moved into the stronghold.

The whole team will rest here for three days.

Not only did the villagers need rest, but the guards were even more tired and needed rest.

Otherwise, in the next itinerary, the combat effectiveness will be reduced, and the entire team will be finished.

After a month of long-distance travel, the team has run in and is much better than when it first started. This made Mo Yun deeply relieved.

There are a lot of wild vegetables around here, the women will go out to pick some at noon, and Mo Yunshen and the others will also hunt some fresh prey back.

Three days later, the people who had raised their spirits continued to move forward.

The road ahead is even more challenging.

There were twenty or so old people who couldn't stand such a long journey, so Mo Yunshen asked them to stay here to rest and follow the next group of people.

Two families and four guards were left behind to hunt for food or something.

As long as you don't go too far, it's generally safe here.

After all, with such a solid defense, no wild beasts can break in.

They are not that smart.

In the humid forest, everyone has suffered a lot, and they are more honest.

Out of the humid forest, in the open hilly wilderness, the refreshing contrast between the cramped humidity and the wide sky should not be too extreme, making everyone feel alive again.

Everyone was beaming and excitedly started unloading and cooking. The children ran happily and laughed, which made everyone's mothers, grandmas, and sisters yelling and looking for someone.

Their luck was really good. A herd of hundreds of deer with blood-red coral-like horns passed by not far away. Mo Yunshen laughed and said, "We can have a good meal of fresh venison tonight!"

He led two hundred people to outflank and hunt, and brought back seventy or eighty animals.

All the way forward, there was no danger, and all the twists and turns were passed safely.

It's just that at the second foothold, there were another twenty or thirty people who couldn't walk and stayed and waited for the next team. The others cheered up and rested for three days, then moved on.

On the way, I encountered many ferocious beasts, fought several times, and some did not fight, like a huge brown bear, who just stood not far away and watched the long line of them passing by intently, watching them all. After passing by, it turned around slowly and left.

From the very beginning, the villagers have been tempered calmly in the face of the screams and panics of the wolves, and the men can even find sticks and lift stones.

He didn't bat an eyelid at the sight of a bear, or a herd of wild boars.

The children pestered the members of the guards to practice martial arts. If they weren't dragged by their mothers and grandmothers, they would have wanted to follow and help beat wolves.

Only when passing Vientiane Valley is a bit troublesome.

The main reason is that those big guys are really too big. Compared with the incomparably tiny human beings who have to pass through their gaps, anyone can't help but have weak legs.

In the end, they had to be divided into groups of ten, accompanied by two guards, one group after another.

It took a full day to pass through this valley, and we had to camp at the mouth of the valley for one night.

When the cableway bridge is reached, it will be a test of courage.

It took two days to get everyone over.

Fortunately, a foothold was built at the other end, and there was a solid and reliable place to rest after frightened and weak legs and feet, comforting the restless heart that almost fell off the cliff, which made people feel more at ease.

The longest time to rest in this stronghold, rested for six days.

One is that after driving for such a long time, everyone's physical strength can't keep up, and the other is that they have to go to the water area next, and they have to cut wood to build rafts.

At this point, of course, there are no herds of bison or wild horses, and they cannot pass the cableway bridge.

Fortunately, there are not many food left in this place, even without them, it doesn't matter.

Mo Yunshen prevented some villagers from wanting to kill them and eat meat. He still remembered Mu Qingli's words, so he called a few people and gave them instructions on how to do it. Shan Fuji took them down and let them all go.

Many people felt distressed and sighed "It's a pity!" when they saw it, Mo Yunshen smiled lightly, but it didn't matter. The wife's words are the most important.

Many people worked together, and a total of fifty rafts were built. One can imagine how spectacular this large string is moving forward in the waters.

When they saw this huge body of water, everyone was taken aback and marveled again and again. Fortunately, they all had learned a little swimming, had some water skills, and some were talented enough to swim quite well, so they didn't panic.

Riding on a raft, you don't need to hurry, and you feel quite comfortable!

Here, even the beasts are gone.

Although Mo Yunshen reminded that there were big fish in the water, he also said that there were not many of them. If they encountered them, as long as they didn't panic, he and the guards would deal with them, and everyone didn't take it seriously.

Along the way, who hasn't been frightened a few times, who is afraid of a fish in the mere water!

However, when they saw the big fish that was bigger than the raft they were riding on, they all turned pale with fright and didn't dare to speak loudly.

Fortunately, the big fish didn't come over, and it disappeared after a while. Everyone patted their chests, and they were greatly relieved.

"so close!"

"My God, it's terrible!"

"There is such a big fish, God, I am not dreaming!"


In the evening of this day, if you work harder, you will be able to reach the other side of the water area. As soon as Mo Yunshen said, everyone cheered up and speeded up their boating.

Although taking a boat does not seem to be as tiring as driving, the sense of security has been greatly reduced, and it still makes people feel uneasy.

If you want to be down-to-earth, you have to be down-to-earth.

"Hey, look, there seems to be someone on the shore!"

Suddenly someone pointed to the distant shore and screamed in surprise and joy.

Everyone looked over, their eyes lit up and they were overjoyed.

"Really! I saw it too, it seems to be A Yuan, Xiao Song and the others!"

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