One called one, one passed the news to the other, and soon a guard team was formed, 300 people, and it was agreed to leave tomorrow morning.

Besides Mo Yunshen and his wife, there are also Gao Dashan and Zhao Xiaobai.

Four people lead the team.

The tortoise refused to go out in this weather, so Mu Qingli didn't force it. As for the big peacock, hehehe, it has never stepped out of the door, and its beautiful feathers will never be stained with dirty rainwater.

Mu Qingli and the others set off early in the morning. Three hundred or so people were all wearing coir raincoats and bamboo hats, walking in the heavy rain, which was really spectacular.

"Village Chief, where are we going?"

"It's not wrong to follow the village chief, why ask so many questions?"

"Hey, I've never traveled so far at this time, it's quite fresh to think about!"

"That's it!"

"I think it's better to go to Peach Blossom Valley, right? Last time Qingli and the bison we brought back are still in captivity, and they can be used to carry prey."

The closest to the village and the largest number of prey populations is the Peach Blossom Valley, and of course there are other places. After all, there is such a big forest, but the number of populations is not so large, and they didn't find it anywhere.

So, I decided to go there anyway.

First go around to the enclosed valley and lead the thirty wild oxen away.

The bison have rough skin and thick flesh, so they are not afraid of the rain. Although they have become wild again after being stocked for so long, they quickly became obedient in their hands.

In the outside world, domesticating animals such as horses, cattle and sheep for human use is a rare and common thing, but this is the first time in the world.

Those who haven't seen it all surround the bison to see what's new, discuss and point out, it's extremely rare.

When Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen saw each other, they were both funny and pitiful—if they lived here for a few more lifetimes, they would really become fools...

It is not an easy task to travel in the torrential rain, especially in this deserted forest.

Going down with one foot is equivalent to stepping in a puddle or mud.

There is the sound of rain in the sky and on the ground, and the big forest is full of large and small ravines and rivers formed by the accumulation of rainwater. The water is rushing, and it is very lively.

From time to time, one or two pheasants can be seen dragging their wet feathers into the thick grass, moving slowly and in a mess, very pitiful.

Everyone is wearing straw sandals, but they are not afraid of flooding.

Mu Qingli was wearing boots made of double-layer crocodile leather.

The boots were longer than the knees, and the cuffs were fastened with cloth strips so that not a drop of rain could splash in.

The most difficult thing is not to rush during the day, but to spend the night at night.

This rain does not distinguish between day and night, there is no such thing as working during the day and resting at night, and the momentum is still unabated, rushing down.

There is no way to rest on the ground, Mo Yunshen instructed everyone to climb up the tree, put on animal skins, don't take off the coir raincoat and bamboo hat, just sit and lean against the tree trunk for the night.

Fortunately, there were so many people, and it was such a horrible weather that the beasts didn't bother to come out to make a fuss, so there was no need to worry about safety issues.

As for food, well, each person carries a bag with him, including water, a small half bag of wine, steamed wild taro and yam, roasted meat, boiled eggs, and some fruits.

All the food for the few days on the road is here.

Although the conditions were very difficult, Mu Qingli didn't feel much about it. On the contrary, she felt that this was the most real side of the big forest.

Mo Yunshen felt sorry for his wife, but at this time, the things in the wife's space were useless. The only thing he could do for her was to build an extra piece of animal skin for her and find a place to sit down. A relatively comfortable tree branch.

Although everyone had already been impressed by Mu Qingli's toughness, they couldn't help admiring her when they saw that she was able to endure hardships and was not inferior to men at all.

The rush in this season was much slower than the previous trip that Mu Qingli led people to. It took a full four days to reach the Peach Blossom Valley.

There are many large and small caves in the peach blossoms. This night, everyone can finally light a fire and have a good rest.

You can't stay here for too long, you have to speed up your return after hunting, and you have to return to the village within two days, otherwise the prey will not be fresh.

Everyone rested for a night, went hunting in the early morning of the next day, and returned immediately afterward.

No one had any objection to Mo Yunshen's arrangement.

As a woman, Mu Qingli has nothing to say, and she doesn't hold her back. Do the elders still have faces?

The process went very smoothly. A total of more than 400 prey were hunted, all of which were tied on the back of the big bison, and the hands were basically free.

Urging the big buffaloes to hurry back, they returned to the village two days later.

Not all families are short of food, there is enough for twelve or three days.

In about twelve or three days, the rainy season should be over.

Back in the village, Mo Yunshen immediately became the hands-off shopkeeper again, and asked Gao Dashan and Zhao Xiaobai to lead the crowd to hand over the prey to Village Chief Zhao and Zhang Zishan for distribution, and then he took Mu Qingli and went straight to the house.

It caused the guards to laugh and laugh with malicious intentions, ulterior motives and meaningful laughter from behind.

Laughing so much that Mu Qingli felt a little embarrassed, but Mo Yunshen didn't care, he just pretended he didn't hear it, and the world is not as important as a lady.

How much has the lady suffered along the way!

"Look at you, I told you not to go!" Mo Yunshen looked at her and said, "You've lost weight..."

Mu Qingli laughed "Pfft!", this guy, is it too fake to say that?

Thin... thin?

"I like to go! I really don't feel anything! Besides," Mu Qingli blinked and said with a smile, "I'm not thin either. If you don't believe me, check it out..."

Mo Yun snorted deeply, hugged her and gritted his teeth: "How do you want me to check?"

Mu Qingli giggled and pushed him away: "I'll take a shower first!"

Mo Yun suppressed the evil fire in his heart, "Okay!"

She smiled helplessly. This woman used to blush when she was teased, and her shy and embarrassing appearance was fascinating. Why is she so thick-skinned now? Still stoke the fire! But, uh, more charming than ever...

Mo Yunshen washed his body casually with cold water, changed into clean clothes and gave up.

Mu Qingli was soaked in the large wooden barrel of agarwood, and the warm water wrapped her body, not to mention how comfortable it was. The faint fragrance of agarwood in the steaming steaming water vapor made people feel more lazy.

After soaking for a while, she slowly got up.

Xiao Ya'er and Xiao Luan have already prepared dinner in advance, steamed crystal translucent white fragrant rice, made Mu Qingli's favorite spicy chicken diced and chili stir-fried meat, steamed fish, and stewed fragrant big bone mountain Mushroom soup, stir-fried fresh bamboo shoots and wolfberry sprouts, the bright colors make people salivate just by looking at them.

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