She has always done this way, and everyone will naturally not suspect anything.

Mu Qingli also looked around in the reed marsh, and there was no danger.

Besides, with Xiao Ya'er around, he can be more or less prepared.

And she rides the big tortoise alone, puts things into the space, and then gets them out when she is close to the place and still zooms in on the back of the tortoise. The speed of the big tortoise can be brought to the extreme, and a little more than an hour is enough to go back and forth. up.

Back at the camp, the people who stayed in the camp were very happy to see that Mu Qingli brought back so many eggs.

For the villagers, wild eggs and wild duck eggs are more rare than meat.

If you can get a few wild eggs occasionally, there are even fewer wild duck eggs. Can you be unhappy to see Mu Qingli bring back so many baskets at once?

Mu Qingli also knew that everyone was happy, so she asked someone to carry three baskets and put them in the kitchen, and asked the aunts in charge of cooking to cook a fried duck egg with wild onions at night, and boil it with the shell in the morning, so that everyone can satisfy their hunger.

After the other three baskets were put into the warehouse, she went there again.

In the afternoon, I went here again. Seeing that it was getting late, I hunted two deer and came back with the others.

It took several days to pick up duck eggs in the reeds. After a light rain, many mushrooms grew on the grass. After two more days of picking mushrooms, I hunted a lot of prey and brought them back. I was only a mess on this large grassland. It's over.

Seeing the days passing by and the rainy season coming soon, Mu Qingli was still thinking about going to Yixiantian, so she discussed with everyone, should it be time to go back?

After all, it won't take long to go back, one month is for sure.

Women's footsteps are not so fast.

Everyone was busy, collecting all kinds of food day by day, and harvested a lot every day, without noticing the passage of time at all.

Hearing Mu Qingli mention it suddenly, he suddenly came back to his senses - it's not that he has been out for a long time.

I can't help but miss home a little bit.

After some discussion, they decided to leave in three days.

In that big warehouse, all kinds of things are piled up to the brim, which shows that these days have been rewarding.

Mu Qingli did some calculations, and compared to a population of more than 6,000, it is not enough.

However, there is still a year to go, and more salting and air-drying all kinds of jerky in winter is the most important thing.

Besides, there is next year, which is almost enough.

Just the day before everyone planned to leave, Mo Yunshen finally arrived here.

Early in the morning, when he appeared outside the camp, the women making breakfast saw him first, their eyes lit up and they were so unhappy, "The village chief, the village chief!" they yelled, beaming with joy.

Although Mu Qingli is also very powerful, in the eyes of everyone, Mo Yunshen is the backbone.

With him here, it's even more reassuring to go back this way.

Mo Yun greeted everyone with a deep smile, and went straight to Mu Qingli's residence.

Mu Qingli doesn't like to live with others, so Xiao Ya'er didn't share a room with her.

This happened to be cheaper for Mo Yunshen.

Mo Yunshen knocked on the door, and before the sleepy Mu Qingli could say anything, he hugged her and kissed her passionately.

Mu Qingli just heard the commotion outside, heard someone calling the village head, wondered if he was here, and then ran up to open the door, who would have thought that as soon as this person came in, he would pounce on him like a hungry wolf , really didn't make any progress...

After some lingering, Mu Qingli looked at his clothes stained with all kinds of mud and grass, and said, "You are driving overnight?"

Mo Yunshen hugged her and was not willing to let go. He smiled nonchalantly and said, "It's only one night away, and there is not much way to go. As a husband, I naturally want to hurry here. Resting here is better than going to the barren mountains and wild mountains." ? Lady, I'm so sleepy, why don't you sleep with me for a while?"

Mu Qingli didn't believe his lies about sleeping for a while, but felt that if she believed his lies at this time and lay down, she might not be able to get up at night.

"Well, you go wash up first, the hot soup is cooked outside, drink a couple of mouthfuls!" Mu Qingli talked about him.

Mo Yun gave a sinister smile, and said ambiguously, "What about Chang Chang's spirit? What to do? My lady, the husband's spirit is actually very good!"

"Get out!" Mu Qingli's brows stood on end, making Mo Yunshen laugh out loud, and lowered her head to sniff her body, um, it seemed that it wasn't very clean.

Then he smiled and said, "Lady, I don't have any clothes to change."

Mu Qingli brought him a set from the space.

Mo Yunshen picked it up, smiled and went to find a place to clean it.

After washing, I changed into clean clothes, and it was the handsome village chief again.

Seeing him smiling and moving closer to Mu Qingli, everyone secretly felt that the relationship between the village chief and Qingli is really good. But it's no wonder, seeing how kind Qingli is to him, she didn't forget to bring clean clothes for him when she came out...

Starting tomorrow, everyone will not go out to work today. At most, those who can't be idle will dig some wild vegetables on the nearby mountains. Even Xiao Ya'er and Xiao Luan didn't go out.

Only Mo Yunshen and Mu Qingli went out.

Tomorrow they were going to set off, and the two of them rode a big tortoise to hunt some prey and came back.

The food for fifty people is well prepared, and it is just a matter of raising your hand when the prey is infested.

Mo Yunshen's real purpose is of course not just hunting.

The man who was hungry for two or three months after eating meat could not be offended, and Mu Qingli had to be forced to have sex with him shamelessly.

The two returned to the camp at three o'clock in the afternoon. On the back of the big tortoise were four fat deer and four sheep, in addition to several small prey.

If it wasn't because he was on his way tomorrow, he would have to roast all the meat for tomorrow and store it up tonight, I'm afraid Mo Yunshen would not go back so early.

Lying in the soft grass, hugging my wife, kissing as much as I want, how comfortable and moist? How can there be such a good treatment when I go back! Even at night, you have to be careful not to let people listen to it, how can you let it go here?

Everyone hurriedly unloaded the prey from the back of the big turtle, slaughtered it by the stream, and disassembled it piece by piece on the temporary meat table, and then lit a fire to roast it.

Water was added to the cauldron on the earthen stove, and the big bones were put in to make soup. The washed fresh wild vegetables were placed in a bamboo basket beside it.

Next to it is steamed glutinous yam.

Roasted meat is easier to store and carry. If you have to go on a journey tomorrow, you will have time to hunt some prey when you set up camp in the evening. The food for tomorrow will have to be prepared tonight.

Roast the best whole piece of meat, sprinkle with seasonings and salt, put it in a clean bamboo basket, hang it under the eaves, cover it, and take it with you when you set off tomorrow morning.

After dinner, everyone rested early tonight.

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