Zhou Yunshen tilted his head, and was about to say something to Mu Qingli, when Mu Qingli's face changed, and he whispered: "Not good!"

Sure enough, Elder Nahua suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed wildly. The laughter was deafening, making people's blood churn and heartbeat uncontrollable!

Especially the hidden guards who were close to him, some of them were so dizzy from the shock that they almost vomited blood!

"Damn it, you all should die!"

With a sound of "Boom!", Elder Hua actually shook the extremely flexible net away, and the hidden guards were affected, and they all screamed and retreated.

Elder Hua raised his head to the sky and screamed, his strikes were like the wind, and in a blink of an eye, the hidden guards fell down screaming one after another, dying of breath.

"Quick back!" Zhou Yunshen was startled, changed color and shouted sharply.

Elder Hua laughed sullenly: "No one can retreat! Because, I don't allow it!"

Zhou Yunshen became anxious immediately, his father gave him more than thirty top secret guards, all of them are here now!

If they all died here, he wouldn't be able to explain to the old man later - no matter what, he would have to leave a few to the old man.

"You have to be careful!" Mu Qingli flew towards Zhou Yunshen, and said in a low voice: "I just saw him stuffing some kind of pill into his mouth, it seems that there is more than one, and it is probably something crooked to improve his power. He is not easy to deal with right now!"

Zhou Yunshen nodded to her, answered "Yes", and flew forward without hesitation.

Seeing Zhou Yunshen approaching, Elder Hua stopped the killing, and smiled sinisterly at him.

Those hidden guards were almost killed by him, and the few remaining fish that slipped through the net were also seriously injured, so it wasn't worth his troubles.

In comparison, of course it was Zhou Yunshen in front of him that he valued more.

"Boy, you are not the old man's opponent. Go with the old man. The old man promises to spare you, otherwise, hum!"

Zhou Yun stared at him coldly, and saw that his eyes were red and his aura was obviously weird. He had indeed taken some forbidden drug and couldn't help but sneered.

"If you have the ability, you can beat me first, and then I'll talk! An old guy who relies on crooked methods, also wants to take down Gu, you think too much of yourself!"

"So what do you see? You have a bit of eyesight!" Elder Hua, with disheveled hair, smiled even more sinisterly, and said coldly: "You laymen, you just have a lot of problems. What is crookedness? As long as it works , it’s not a crooked way! Since you don’t want to, then the old man has no choice but to do it himself!”

Elder Hua shouted, and waved his palms to whip up a strong wind to attack Zhou Yunshen.

Holding a long sword in his hand, Zhou Yunshen responded with a cold face.

Do your best.

To deal with Elder Hua, even if he is at the end of his strength, he dare not take it lightly.

Zhou Yunshen was indeed not his opponent, but Elder Hua had been poisoned before, and it was all carefully developed by Mu Qingli, so it can be said that he got his hands on it.

By this time, the effect of the drug should have already started. It stands to reason that no matter how powerful Elder Hua is, it is absolutely impossible for him to have no effect.

Even if Zhou Yunshen couldn't beat him, procrastination could procrastinate him to death.

However, the bad thing is that the old guy took banned drugs!

Judging by the power he erupted, the effect of the banned medicine was enough to overwhelm the medicine that Mu Qingli gave him before, and it seemed to be even worse.

Although I don't know how long the effect of this banned drug can last, but it is undoubtedly very dangerous for him at this moment.

Mu Qingli couldn't help cursing secretly: This old thing has so many tricks, it's really despicable and shameless.

It was impossible for her to watch Zhou Yunshen being crushed and beaten by the old thing, and joined the battle group with a shout. The three of them fought thrillingly.

"Bitch, if you rush up to seek death, this old man will fulfill you! If this old man doesn't give you some flair, you don't know how powerful this old man is!" Elder Hua yelled furiously, glaring at Mu Qingli viciously, showing his murderous aura.

He wanted to make an example to the monkeys, and he wanted to kill Mu Qingli first, so as to frighten Zhou Yunshen.

In his opinion, no one is not afraid of death, and no one does not cherish his life.

When life has reached a certain height, the only thing people fear is time.

Fear of the silent time, take away the years, take away the energy of the whole body, let life lose and wither little by little, until the end.

Only by killing Mu Qingli will Zhou Yunshen feel fear, and Zhou Yunshen will tremble and surrender because of fear, and obey his orders.

Elder Hua grinned, his eyes fixed on Mu Qingli like a falcon, and with a long roar, his big palm slammed down on Mu Qingli's head with the momentum of Mount Tai.

His speed was too fast, his momentum was too majestic and huge, Mu Qingli was like a flat boat on the stormy sea.

Huge waves are coming, and she has nowhere to escape!

"Qingli!" Zhou Yunshen was about to tear his eyes apart, heartbroken, regardless of openings and defenses, the long sword stabbed at Elder Hua's vest regardless of everything.

He wants to force him to rescue him!

Even if it was him who was injured or even killed!

No, but Elder Hua didn't care at all, even though Zhou Yunshen's long sword had pierced into his skin and flesh, he still did not change his castration, and his determination remained unchanged, he just wanted to take Mu Qingli's life!

Mu Qingli couldn't help but secretly groaning and yelling at her for cheating! This bastard old man is really disgusting!

This feeling of being covered and beaten is really terrible.

Is he going to die in the hands of this bastard today? I'm really not reconciled.

However, with her strength, under the premise that the old man tried his best to get rid of her, she couldn't resist at all.

Just when Mu Qingli thought she was going to die, when Zhou Yunshen's liver and gallbladder were torn and his eyes were red, unexpectedly a gust of wind came gently, but it took off most of Elder Hua's palm at once.

Mu Qingli originally felt that her breathing was stagnant and her Qi and blood were not smooth, but at this moment she instantly relaxed, and the feeling of being locked up suddenly became brighter.

Her spirits lifted, she rolled on the spot reflexively, and quickly got out of danger, only then was she so frightened that she broke out in a cold sweat.

"Miss!" Zhou Yunshen's long sword was still piercing Elder Hua's body, and he didn't care to pull it out. He quickly rushed to Mu Qingli's side, hugged her and said in a trembling voice, "How are you? Is there anything wrong?"

His voice was terrified, his whole body was trembling slightly, his heart was clenched tightly, and his palms were covered with cold sweat.

For the first time in those deep black eyes that were always so calm, the calmness and composure were broken, full of fear.

He is scared!


He was afraid that this moment was an illusion, and that she had already suffered an injury that he could not save in time.

Mu Qingli stared at him blankly, her heart was full and her mind was empty.

She moved her lips, but couldn't speak.

She had never seen Zhou Yunshen like this before, but it made her unforgettable.

She thought that she would never forget this moment in her life.

She thought, even if she died like this, her life would be complete!

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