Doctor Chen, Don’t Be a Coward!

Chapter 70: Who supports, who opposes!

  Chapter 70 Whoever supports, who opposes!



  Xu Maocai looked at the case and muttered to himself, full of praise!

   He didn't even notice that everyone around him was staring at him.

   He continued to look back.

   And Yang Hongnian was overjoyed.

  It seems... this time it's stable!

   Director Xu is really too face-saving.

   On the other hand, Wang Houpu did not say a word and looked at Chen Nan's case seriously.

   This boy!

   is really too bold.

   Upward vomiting and diarrhea.

   is really too bold.


   Wang Houpu squinted his eyes and looked at the treatment idea of ​​Zige Pill + Shibu Pill.

   It looks soft, but it is actually fierce!

   It looks fierce, but it is actually safe!

  Good plan!

   These two prescriptions really make the whole treatment idea come alive.

   However, when he saw Xu Maocai's expression, he couldn't help sighing, it seemed that he had to argue today!

   Worth it!

   For his own students.

  What about a quarrel?

  Thinking of this, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes.


   On the side, Meng Qingping, director of the Spleen and Stomach Department of the Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, saw Xu Maocai's expression and couldn't help showing a hint of disgust.

   Really misread Xu Maocai.

   I also said just now that we must give Chinese medicine doctors some opportunities, be fair and just, and give excellent cases a chance!

now what?

   This last case is obviously better.

  As the director of the Department of Spleen and Stomach Diseases, Meng Qingping has more say in this recipe.

   I even think that this can be used as one of the ideas for postoperative diagnosis and treatment of gastric cancer.

  After gastric cancer surgery, both qi and yin are deficient, and many people are afraid of their hands and feet.

   However, this doctor named Chen Nan did not prescribe any medicines.

   Instead, he used Zikumaru.

   However, what really made this plan come alive was Shibuwan.

   The five internal organs are weak, and the deficiency is not replenished, resulting in the accumulation of heat in the five internal organs.

   Prolonged illness damages the yang, yang deficiency and qi stagnation, and qi stagnation blocks the triple burner.

  Ten Tonic Pills may seem redundant, but they are actually laying the foundation for Zi Ge Pills.

   This is wonderful!

  What is the use of the two parties, divide them.

  The team has a wonderful work!


   Too seconds!

in particular…

   When he saw the diagnosis given by Chen Nan.

   Even suggested a gastroscope to the patient!

   "The granulation at the base of the tongue is prominent, shiny and skinless..."


   Meng Qingping got excited directly.

   He decided that today is a quarrel, and he must fight for this doctor named Chen Nan.

   Must be noisy!

   Because of this tongue diagnosis, he has really seen it.

   Even at the time, I was still in doubt for a long time and dared not make a diagnosis. Later, the results of gastroscope showed that the other party was gastric cancer!

   For this reason, Meng Qingping personally studied for a long time, and even consulted various ancient books.

   Come to a conclusion by yourself.

   The base of the tongue is raised, and there must be lesions in the stomach.

   This theory, Meng Qingping is still perfecting, has not told others.

   At that time, he wanted to use this theory to apply for a project, to do a project of combining traditional Chinese medicine diagnostics with modern medicine to influence diagnosis, and to improve the thinking of traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment.

   As a result, it was rejected by many people at the discussion meeting.

   believes that there are many drawbacks and deficiencies in the diagnosis of traditional Chinese medicine, and it is impossible to form evidence-based medical support with large-scale and big data.

   This made Meng Qingping depressed for a long time.

   After all, it is a very bad thing that your own theory cannot be recognized.

   But now, after Meng Qingping saw Chen Nan's thoughts, he seemed to have found a soulmate in his heart.

  Thousands of gold are easy to get, but confidants are hard to find!

   Meng Qingping slapped the table!

   Must fight!

   He wants to defend Chen Nan!


  Academic, not sophistication.

   Rivers and lakes, you have to fight for it.

  Sophistication is someone else's business, Meng Qingping, he must stand up today!

  Thinking of this, Meng Qingping's eyes became a little more sharp.

   Born to be a doctor, even if he can’t write a book and pass it on for generations, he must leave something for future generations.

   Chinese medicine is developing in progress.

   rather than compromise in development.



   Time passed by minute by minute.

  Xu Maocai read all the medical records of Chen Nan's diagnosis and treatment plans.



   Still more than enough!

   This is what modern Chinese medicine should look like.

   is also the way of thinking in the development of traditional Chinese medicine!

  A good neutralization law enforcement must be learned, and the method of vomiting and diarrhea cannot be neglected!


   That's great!

  Be bold!

   also dared to sing the opposite of the current mainstream.

   This spirit is what TCM should look like!

   They have been silent for a long time.

  Traditional Chinese medicine should have this pioneering spirit and this kind of adventurous thinking!



   Even if he offends Yang Hongnian today, he must protect this... Who is the doctor?


What is your name?

   At this time, Xu Maocai quickly looked back at the source of the case.

  Chen Nan!

  I just looked too seriously, Xu Maocai didn't pay attention to the name.

  Long time!

   was silent for a long time.

  Yang Hongnian sat on the chair with satisfaction, without looking at him, but his eyes were filled with steadfastness.

   The case of Liu Quan was recommended by him.

   is also what he wants to hold up as a team leader.

  Liu Quan is a loyal member of Yang Hongnian's team.

   Various tasks assigned by himself, he actively completed every time.



  Xu Maocai raised his head and looked at the crowd.

   At this time, Wang Houpu narrowed his eyes, leaned back on the chair, and said nothing.

   Meng Qingping's eyes were sharp, and he placed his hands on the table, ready to fight.

   Xu Maocai saw that everyone raised their heads.

   said directly: "Have you read it all?"

   Everyone nodded.

"finish watching."


  Xu Maocai nodded: "Let's start then!"

   "Director Yang, you are the director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, who do you support?"

   Xu Maocai's first sentence pointed directly at Yang Hongnian with a strong tone.

   Yang Hongnian said with a smile: "I support No. 3, Director Liu Quan's case!"

   "This case is a combination of modern medicine and traditional thinking, and the curative effect is remarkable."

   "With research value and exemplary role!"

   Xu Maocai heard the sound, squinted and smiled, and looked at the others.

   "How about everyone?"

"any recommended?"

The voice of    just fell.

  In an instant, another voice sounded in the room:

   "I recommend No. 7, Chen Nan!"

   "I recommend Chen Nan!"

"Number 7!"

   These three sentences blurted out almost at the same time!

   Even Wang Houpu and Meng Qingping were stunned.

   The three of them looked at each other, thoughtful, but they were all a little shocked.


  The three of them turned their mouths up at the same time.

   Although silent.

   But the firmness in his eyes explains everything!


  Let's fight!

   What about you, Xu Maocai! ?

   Even today is the master of Chinese medicine.

   How can we stop the universe in the chest of the three of us! ?

   Yang Hongnian frowned.

   He looked at the three of them, but he didn't expect that all three of them would sing the opposite of himself.

Ha ha!

it works?

  The main reviewer is still standing there without saying a word.

   Xu Maocai is the protagonist of today.

   So, Yang Hongnian smiled and looked at Xu Maocai: "Director Xu, who do you support?"

   As soon as the words came out.

   Wang, Li, and Meng all three reviewers looked at Xu Maocai.

   Get ready!

   And Xu Maocai suddenly laughed: "Heroes see the same thing!"

   Yang Hongnian was overjoyed when he heard this!

  Stable? !

   However, what Xu Maocai said next made Yang Hongnian stunned.

   "It seems that everyone supports No. 7!"

"hehe, me too!"

   "This Doctor Chen Nan is really talented!"

   "This case is the best case I've seen in the past few days!"

   "I support No. 7!"

   As soon as these words come out!

   Not only Yang Hongnian was dumbfounded.

   Even the other three were stunned.


in spite of!

   In a flash, everyone looked at each other and smiled.

"Ha ha ha ha…"


  ps: Hey, continue to ask for tickets, monthly tickets, recommended to go ha...

   Thanks to Yuntao outside the Great Wall for the 1500 reward.

   Thanks to book friends 160810004747305, carly123, want to live in your heart, the dream of a knight in the distance, and the reward of Kunlin Mountain, thank you all.



   (end of this chapter)

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