Disaster Artist

Chapter 501: bread milk

Latest website: No company, no matter how big or small, can rely on one person to operate. Division of labor and cooperation is the basis for building a company, and film companies are no exception.

Blue Whale Pictures can't rely solely on Lu Qian, nor can it rely solely on Ji Xu, not only the director's work, but in the future, the producer's work may also need to be slowly let go. The crew acts as a sign, but does not participate in any creative work; and the ultimate goal is to break away from Lu Qian and Ji Xu, and the company can also independently shoot and produce more projects.

Only in this way can Blue Whale Pictures be considered fully formed.

Of course, the ideal state is that commercial films form a relatively stable operating framework, and the replacement of directors, screenwriters, and actors will not have a huge impact, and the quality can still be guaranteed; while art films open up possibilities and allow different creators to show more Lots of possibilities.

In Lu Qian's view, if Hou Xiaochuan did not shoot "Fast Pursuit 2" for a while, and then had other creative inspirations, Blue Whale Pictures fully supported Hou Xiaochuan to transform his inspiration into reality first, and then go back to shoot "Fast" Chase 2", this is a good creative atmosphere.

Therefore, now Blue Whale Pictures is indeed on the right track. No matter how the fans protest, Lu Qian maintains a sober reason:

He doesn't know how to clone, he can't do everything, he can't be too greedy, he wants everything, and the result is that he can't do anything.

Guan Zhou also understands the truth—perhaps it is not so comprehensive and profound, and there is no problem with the basic truth; but after all, some things are still different.

After hesitating for a while, Guan Zhou still mustered up his courage and said, "But it's still different when the director sits on the set, because... the director is the director."

"Haha, thanks for the compliment." Lu Qian laughed cheerfully and made a joke, "To be honest, this is what Ji Xu asked you to say, right?"

Guan Zhou could also sense Lu Qian's ridicule, obviously Lu Qian didn't answer his question, but he still relaxed involuntarily.

A smile still bloomed at the corner of Lu Qian's mouth, but his words changed a little silently.

"I admit that I still have ambitions."

"'Raid 2' is not difficult for me, of course I can shoot, but I still want to explore, explore different expressive abilities in different themes, different stories and different genres, while I still have the creative energy, Push your limits."

"Frankly speaking, I'm not afraid of failure, and maybe it doesn't matter if the next work is scolded; but I'm afraid that I will lose the edge, the courage to explore and the determination to challenge."

"As for 'Raid 2', it's better to leave it to other directors to try and see if they can collide with different sparks. After all, the revival of the entire genre cannot rely on one or two directors, but requires the entire industry to generate interest, otherwise it will wait for the boom to pass. , genre films will soon be forgotten by the market again.”

"So, please forgive my selfishness. If I were a parent, I would obviously be unqualified and have abandoned my children."

The words were still light, and even had a kind of self-joking humor, but Guan Zhou could deeply feel the weight behind him, and the corner of his mouth pulled a smile, but he quickly calmed down.

Starting from the popularity of "Unfriending", in just one and a half years, Lu Qian's rise was too fast, but the foundation was too shallow, so that he was wrapped in a dazzling bubble, bustling and gorgeous And the splendor makes it difficult to see clearly, and you may lose yourself if you are not careful——

In the long history of Vanity Fair, how many people became famous overnight, and how many of them fell like shooting stars because their success came too quickly and too fiercely.

Since the Weihai Film Festival, "reverse effects" and "reverse effects" have appeared one after another. Tao Ran is just a trigger point. The same is true of the recent "raid 2" director trend. Dirty sight is breaking through the light bubble and gradually emerges.

If you don't pay attention a little, it may be irreversible. How fast is the "overnight fame", the "fleeting" speed can be ten times and a hundred times faster.

However, Lu Qian did not.

Among the flowers, Lu Qian has always maintained a dedicated and pure heart, and has always devoted himself to the film, which is so rare and so precious.

Not only "Raid 2", but the "Blacklist Project" as well. Every aspect is confirming that the blueprint in Lu Qian's mind is magnificent and magnificent that ordinary people can't see.

Guan Zhou quietly looked at the director in front of him, but behind the light clouds and wind was shining brightly, which made people yearn. People forget the youth of the director, and deeply feel the power that has settled down over the years.

Then, the smile that had not disappeared completely climbed up the corner of Guan Zhou's mouth again.

"Director, when you say this, I have already begun to look forward to your next work. I think those audiences who like you are in such a mood, so don't disappoint our expectations."

Rarely, Guan Zhou also teased Lu Qian in a small and playful way, which made Lu Qian have a deep smile in his eyes.

"Don't worry, there will be bread, and there will be milk."

"What's more, 'Raid 2' is not a child without parental care, don't worry, I said abandoning the child, it's not really just ignore it."

Hahaha, Lu Qian's words made Guan Zhou no longer able to control himself, and burst into laughter. It seems that with Lu Qian's words guaranteeing, those worries are not so important.

"Leave a little inside information in advance, just know it yourself."

"If nothing else, Qiao Fuyong should be selected as the director of 'Raid 2'. The final round of screening is currently underway, but Ji Xu has basically made a statement."

Qiao Fuyong?

This is an unfamiliar name, and Guan Zhou is a little unsure, "...Which director is that?"

Lu Qian was not surprised, "The director of the first season of 'The Two Heroes of the Criminal Police'."

Such a simple introduction~www.novelmt.com~ Guan Zhou immediately responded, "It's him!"

After being shocked and stunned, Guan Zhou immediately became confused, "However, why would he want to shoot 'The Raid 2'? I thought he wasn't interested in commercial films."

"Guan Zhou, in fact, we don't need to deliberately distinguish commercial films from art films. In the final analysis, their cores are the same, and they are all film works; the only difference is that they are aimed at different audiences, but they are not Because of this, the high and the low will be distinguished.”

Lu Qian gave Guan Zhou a big smile, and then the conversation changed.

"Of course, we also have to admit the reality. Film companies want to make money, so the profitability is what they care about, so the directors also have to care."

"I was lucky. 'Unfriend' solved the first fund for me at the beginning, and 'Raid' gave me no worries, but Qiao Fuyong was not so lucky. He had a script he wanted to make but couldn't find it. Investment, so he needs a form of apprenticeship to prove himself to Damen Pictures and other companies."

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