Disaster Artist

Chapter 50: Stimulate the eye

In the time and space that Lu Qian is familiar with, in 1999, a pseudo-documentary "Blair the Witch" landed on the big screen, creating a box office myth of works shot by camcorders. $48 million at the box office.

Without a doubt, this is the highest-grossing work of all time.

Leaving aside the quality of the movie "Blair Witch", the marketing promotion of the movie is undoubtedly a very successful case.

Long before the movie was released, the producer had created an official website, and published various news reports about the missing person on the website, as well as the missing person's notebook, photos, family information, etc., while the offline team was on the website at the same time. Weekly magazines, magazines, and video stores have published missing persons notices, creating the illusion of a "true event".

Then, the producer also publicized that "Blair the Witch" is a real documentary, recording the whole process of the "exploration" of the three protagonists.

In the end, the viral spread was detonated and the box office was ignited, and at the same time, the new movie mode of "pseudo-documentary" was opened.

Lu Qian searched his memory. In this time and space, pseudo-documentaries are not new, but the marketing method of "Blair Witch" has not appeared. Then, "Unfriending" is also a pseudo-documentary, and the entire narrative method and movie content are related. Similar in effect, can they learn from it?

Of course, it is impossible to copy and paste completely. After all, "Blair Witch" was released in 1999, and the Internet information ocean has not yet formed a climate, but now the time and space where Lu Qian and Ji Xu are located, the social network has been very developed, the same propaganda way, it's easy to see through—

Then, if you shoot yourself in the foot, you may become the target of group ridicule.

However, they can also make full use of the characteristics of the Internet age to save publicity costs and create hot spots.

In June, the summer is hot, I miss the coolness of watermelon and sour plum juice, listen to the chirping outside the window, lie on the mat without moving all day, and look out of the window, there are large expanses of lush greenery Under the blue sky, the golden sunlight exudes a translucent halo.

On the world's largest knowledge sharing platform, the discussion of a question was pushed to the hot search.

"I can't unfriend my personal social networking site account, what should I do?"

A netizen with the online nickname "Tiaotou Liuli" asked a question and explained the situation.

She said that she and a group of friends set up a private chat room to chat, and a stranger appeared. They didn't know all of them, and they didn't know where the other party came from. Then they tried to kick each other out, but they didn't do anything. It was successful, and the stranger even befriended them.

Unable to cancel the friendship!

"It's in a hurry, wait online."

The question itself, there is nothing strange, it seems to be a normal technical problem in the Internet torrent, and the answers from netizens are also normal.

Some people say it's a hacker, some people say it's a system failure, some people say they have encountered a similar situation and it can be solved by complaining to the website customer service, some people complain that the subject should be a primary school student who doesn't understand anything, and some people write at length. A screen full of program code...

There are all kinds of strange answers, but they are not exaggerated. Not to mention the hot posts, not even a splash.

The only thing that is surprising is that such an ordinary question may not be answered by a few people in normal times. As a result, more than a dozen people responded, and then it spread in a small area, attracting a lot of "thank you for your invitation". "The answerer appeared, and it was a little too lively.

But this little anomaly didn't attract much attention, and it was drowned in a blink of an eye.

A similar situation is happening in the daily life of the Internet, every minute and every second.

However, things have a sequel.

A week later, the completely forgotten post was turned up again, because someone opened a brand new post saying:

"Does anyone really know what's going on? This 'Tiaotou Liuli' netizen has passed away."

In an instant, netizens started booing, some condemned not to fabricate news, some complained not to consume the dead, and some doubted how the other party knew.

Of course, there were also people who re-examined the previous post and the netizen, and then found out that this "Sweeping Liuli" netizen is an in-depth user who has been active on the website for a long time.

However, before he asked that question, this netizen had been very normal. He often asked some questions about cosmetics, movies, fashion and so on. There was nothing unusual about the questions he browsed. It was not until he asked the question that day that he appeared unusual.

In just two hours, the netizen not only asked questions, but also left messages in other posts, all asking similar questions.

It seems that either the account has been hacked, or it is really difficult.

So, how should the proof be obtained?

Following the vine, some netizens dug up this netizen's personal social network account—

Consistent with the "personality" felt by the knowledge sharing platform, this is an ordinary high school student, somewhat beautiful, often posting selfies, food, homework, and occasionally chasing stars and watching dramas, UU reading www.uukanshu.com and then Showing affection with your boyfriend is nothing special in the army of thousands of netizens.

However, the same night the high school student raised the computer problem, she also mourned the death of a high school classmate on her social network account.

That classmate's name is Jiang Qian. On this day exactly a year ago, she stood on the high-rise building of the school and jumped, drawing a stop for her life.

If things only develop here, it will be a little strange at most, and it will not be "hot", but the problem is that this is still not all.

A blogger with five million followers posted a shocking news:

"Six classmates from a high school suffered bizarre incidents on the same night and died in different ways. At present, the police are still seeking proof of the cause of death, and the specific circumstances cannot be determined for the time being."

According to common sense, people often question the authenticity of news, after all, it is shocking news, but it is a little strange that all comments and reposts are "condolences" and "candle emoticons", and they have started to observe a moment of silence. Netizens who do not know why They all thought the news had been officially confirmed, so they skipped the questioning link to express their condolences.

Subsequently, a blogger with tens of millions of followers and a blogger with 3 million followers forwarded it one after another, and further confirmed the "authenticity" of the news.

From a professional point of view, once a piece of news has been confirmed by two sources, it has reached the minimum threshold of "authenticity". Now there are three, and the conditions for "three people to become tigers" can all be met, so the matter It was determined, and the social network was sad.

Heavy, then came.

An unidentified source said, "Among the six classmates, 'Tiaotou Liuli' and her boyfriend are included."

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