Disaster Artist

Chapter 40: hard choice

"...Let's go here."

Jiang Haowen raised his hand and stopped the screening. Before Ji Xu could pause the movie, Jiang Haowen had already turned on the lights in the room. The bright lights instantly disintegrated the atmosphere created by the movie.

Ji Xu also knew that there was no point in continuing the show, so he pressed the pause button and quickly exchanged glances with Lu Qian.

Previously, in Qiyang Media and Magic Pictures, the movie was stopped after only about five minutes of broadcast, and then got the answer of rejection. Today, it was broadcast for about ten minutes. Can this be regarded as a positive signal?

Ji Xu and Lu Qian both looked towards Jiang Haowen.


Jiang Haowen seemed to be thinking.

"I must admit that the use of light in the film is very clever, and the psychological atmosphere is created unconsciously, and it is definitely not just a jumping fright. The atmosphere of suspense and horror is very good, and it is easy to bring the audience into the situation. , and it all happened unconsciously.”

"This is very clever!"

Sure enough, it is Damen Films. At a glance, you can see Lu Qian's ability to control the film as a director, instead of only seeing the narrative form of the film like other companies.

Ji Xu's eyes lit up slightly.

Jiang Haowen raised his head and looked at Lu Qian, "Did you make those freezes on the computer screen intentionally?"

In addition to the light, Lu Qian also quietly inserted the number of frames of the computer screen freeze and blurry screen in the special nodes of the movie, creating a frightening fuzzy psychological suggestion, which is also a very energy-consuming part in the post-production, rhythm control, narrative Nodes and so on have put forward strict requirements.

Lu Qian was slightly surprised, because in the first ten minutes, there was only one freeze, which happened when the group of young people tried to cancel the chat room and then log in again, to see if the unknown user who could not see the avatar could be kicked out. , and then Lu Qian inserted a screen freeze.

According to common sense, the audience will definitely think that it is an ordinary computer that freezes in a flash, but Jiang Haowen still noticed this detail.

"Yes, I made it in post-production." Lu Qian nodded lightly in affirmation.

Jiang Haowen raised his chin slightly, "It can be seen that the fear brought by this movie should be on different levels, and it happened quietly."

Ji Xu pointedly said, "This is Lu Qian's intention. During the filming process, including the actor's performance and the use of sound effects, we can also see his ingenuity."

"Oh? And sound effects?" Jiang Haowen became interested, "I didn't pay attention to that."

Lu Qian explained with a smile, "It's actually the noise in the earphones or the sound of the computer fan. These trivial sound effects create an abnormal hint."

"Ah..." Jiang Haowen suddenly realized, "Not only is the filming method novel, but the entire presentation method has also been fully considered, which is really interesting."

For movies, these unnoticed details will surround the audience in the cinema space, creating a unique audio-visual experience.

Jiang Haowen looked at Lu Qian again and hesitated slightly.

For a rookie director, and it is the first feature film, to be able to show such skill is indeed worth looking forward to, and today has exceeded expectations.


What Jiang Haowen can't say is that today's interview has another purpose.

A special trip to face-to-face, and the whole process is officially carried out, is to make Ji Xu believe that the door film industry is serious, but the ultimate goal is to humiliate Ji Xu, hit Ji Xu hard, and let him know about the movie "Unfriending" It is absolutely impossible to release it.


In fact, Liuguang Films is discussing the cooperation of distribution channels with Damen Films, and Liuguang Films will help to bridge the gap, so that Damen Films can establish its own distribution channels.

Of course, this matter is not of much interest to the streamer film industry. It mainly depends on whether the conditions put forward by the door film industry can make the streamer film industry nod.

The two sides are in the preliminary negotiation stage, and things have been going on for several months.

Originally, Damen Pictures didn't notice that Lu Qian was looking for a distribution channel for "Unfriending". After all, he was just a nobody. How could they pay attention?

But insiders in the streamer film industry revealed the rumors and mentioned that the "Youth Training Camp" will be launched soon. This is the project they have invested the most energy in. They very much hope that their idols can make a name for themselves.

That's all.

The door film industry listened to Xianyin and knew Yayi, so they prepared this play. They can understand that the streamer film industry definitely does not want to see "negative news" like Lu Qian causing trouble for the "youth training camp". The best way , that is, snuffed out in advance.

Like a circus performance.

Of course, this does not mean that such a thing can promote cooperation. In terms of Lu Qian's weight, it is just a tidbit and an anecdote at most, and has no impact on the overall situation; but in the early stage of the negotiation, it can convey a positive, Friendly kindness, like a concoction after a meal, brings them closer to each other.

Human relationships are probably like this.

Anyway, for Damen Pictures, it's just a little effort. Even if it doesn't have any effect after doing it, it won't hurt; but if it does, it's worth a thousand dollars.

So, the matter was decided like this, and it fell on Jiang Haowen's head.

In the face of the major events of the company's future development pattern, Jiang Haowen naturally has no right to speak, and even his qualifications to intervene are a little worse.

He is just a thug, and UUkanshu www.uukanshu.com is responsible for the execution.

However, Jiang Haowen is already a middle-level leader of the department. He is not blind. He knows the priorities and the irreversibility of things. Although he does not like such things, he also knows how to choose between reason and emotion at critical moments. Today's events are already doomed.

Unexpectedly, Ji Xu came, and he also bought one get one free, and Lu Qian also came.

I didn't expect that Lu Qian was indeed a character. He talked and laughed calmly, and he left a deep impression on people in a short time.

I didn't even expect that "Unfriending" is indeed an excellent work, and Jiang Haowen personally likes it very much.

To be precise, it is really appropriate that "Unfriending" should be released by Damen Pictures.

So things got tricky.

According to the original plan, Jiang Haowen should humiliate Lu Qian, but...

"Lu Qian, I like this work very much, I'm serious..." Jiang Haowen knows what he should do. There are no solutions for some things. They are just shrimps. After all, emotions still need to give in before reason." but…"

Faintly, Lu Qian could sense something was wrong.

Mainly because of Jiang Haowen's expression, he was always struggling with a choked wrist. If Damen Pictures is willing to sign with them, there is no need to struggle; but the problem is that Jiang Haowen's appreciation of the film is also sincere, so why can't he sign a contract?

For the time being, Lu Qian couldn't think of the reason behind such contradictory thoughts, and then, "but" came.

"However, I'm very sorry that Damen Pictures could not sign a contract with you." Jiang Haowen's voice revealed a trace of regret.

It should have come, and it has come.

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