Dimensional Ship Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 1118: Ealing shot

The appearance of the God of Storm brought a huge reversal of the situation here.

Originally, there were a few gods in separation, but now it has become the dominant one. This is definitely unacceptable to the original gods, but even if they feel unacceptable, they must accept it—because they are too weak.

If it is a **** who is not very powerful, it is fine, but now it is a powerful **** like the **** of storm, which makes their hearts start to tremble.

A long time has polished their vigor. Facing such an existence, they can't afford the slightest idea of ​​resistance.

Glancing at the silent gods around him, Dong Yun's eyes were full of mocking expressions, and seeing his mocking eyes, those gods only dared to curse in their hearts, never daring to say it.

Seeing this, Dongyun retracted his gaze, and it was no good for him to excessively provoke these gods.

This time he originally came here with injuries, although he could still easily kill these weak gods even with injuries, but it is very likely that his injuries will be exposed.

You must know that he is outside now, and as a **** who has existed for many years, his enemies are very many. If he was in perfect condition, it would be okay. Now his situation is likely to cause those The enemy dazzled his own head. At that time, his situation is dangerous.

So he should avoid fighting as much as possible, and don't let his current situation be exposed.

Although he must have the ability to escape, but now that he has exposed his identity as the president of the Explorers Association, then it will definitely cause a lot of trouble next.

Of course, no one will do anything before figuring out the exact situation. But if he ran away now, then his position as the president of the Explorers Association would definitely not be preserved, and his Explorers Association would definitely suffer a major impact.

The Explorers Association is something he has run for a long time, so he cannot easily give up the Explorers Association. Even if he is a god, there is competition among the gods, and the Explorers Association is his biggest external force.

In fact, according to the best choice, he should not reveal his identity, but his most trusted subordinates told him that this time there is a very important thing, as long as it can get it, it can greatly enhance the power of the Explorers Association.

He didn't believe this at first, but it was said by his most trusted subordinate after all, so he still hid his identity and sneaked over.

Although he is here, he still hides himself. If the thing is really worth his shot, he will definitely do it, but if the thing is not worth it, then he doesn't have to do it.

And he can take advantage of the fisherman's profit by hiding, just like now.

Originally, he was not ready to come out, but after seeing the characteristics of the faceless puppet, even he was a little moved.

The faceless doll is obviously a thing that can be manufactured in batches, and coupled with the feature of the faceless doll to absorb power, then he can quickly acquire a large number of soldiers, and it is the kind that is not afraid of death.

And he also noticed one thing, that is, no matter what kind of power it absorbs, the faceless doll can adapt in the shortest time. It can quickly increase its strength, and it can also quickly adapt to strength. This is simply the most perfect. war machine.

These faceless puppets are definitely worth his personal visit, and he would really regret it if he didn't come this time.

So after confirming that there were no other powerful gods around, he decided to do it immediately.

After the faceless puppets appeared, the information about the faceless puppets must have been circulated a long time ago. Maybe some gods are coming over now. At that time, he will **** these faceless puppets. It's not just these trash gods, so he has to fight quickly.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, and directly set off a gust of wind, rolling all the remaining faceless dolls in front of him, but he had not had time to put these faceless dolls into his storage space. Violent energy fluctuations hit him, as if to kill him.

Facing the sudden attack, Dongyun’s first reaction was that an enemy came to the door, and I don’t know why, these faceless dolls could not be stored in the storage space, and facing the enemy’s attack, if he still carries These faceless puppets are bound to drag him down.

Of course, if he left alone, these faceless dolls would definitely be attacked and destroyed, so the moment he avoided, he also threw these faceless dolls away. As long as there is a faceless doll that can be saved, then It's okay.

And the moment he dodged, the attack that had originally rushed to him suddenly turned, turning around and rushing to the faceless puppets thrown out by him.

And this change also proved one thing, that is, the target of this attack was very much the faceless puppet in his hands at the beginning, the previous attack on him was only deliberately disguised.

After thinking about this, Dong Yun's face became difficult to look. He didn't expect him to be tricked, and only then did he clearly see who the person in front of him was.

It's just that when he saw the person before him clearly, his angry expression was withdrawn a bit, but his face was still very ugly.

Although the person in front of him seemed to be just a little girl, their gods were all related to each other, so he easily recognized the identity of the person in front of him.

"Poseidon, what are you doing here?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, he found that the eyes of the people around him looking at him became weird, even the eyes of Yi Ling looking at him were a little weird.

This caused Dong Yun to send a message to his hand in an instant while wondering, but even though he was puzzled in his heart, he was also an old fritters after all, so he couldn't see any embarrassment on his face.

Soon he got a response from his subordinates, and he also knew what a stupid question he asked just now. If he continued like this, he would definitely lose face, so he changed the subject directly.

"Why do you want to destroy those dolls, or do you want to hide the secrets of invisible people, or do you mean that the appearance of these faceless dolls is directly related to you?"

Dong Yun is worthy of being an old fritters for many years. As soon as his words came out, everyone's eyes immediately turned to Yi Ling, even the gods.

These faceless puppets attracted everyone's attention as soon as they came out, and even many people were killed because of the faceless puppets, so now they urgently want to know where the faceless puppets came from.

Therefore, as soon as Dong Yun's words came out, everyone's spearhead was directed at Yi Ling.

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