Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand three hundred and ninety-two. Bandits

1392. Bandits

"My ancestors are 'Uncle Chengyi' - Liu Ji and Liu Bowen are the same!"

The old man's words were only filled with pride, and his voice did not consciously rise. The words naturally fell into the entire central hall, causing the surrounding diners to look here frequently, and there was also a hint of excitement in their eyes. Respected by many.

These eyes were what made the old man happiest. He unconsciously puffed up his chest, as if he didn't want to lose the pride of his family.

How could Liu Hao not know what he was thinking? But he didn't look down on the other party at all because of this.

On the contrary, I think it was probably a release from the old man's concealment of his birth for a long time. It was not just to say that his ancestors had done something wrong, but because of a true sense of pride.

The Qing Dynasty fell, and braids naturally disappeared, but it didn't last long, and short-haired people accounted for the majority on the streets.

But the bun on top of the old Liu Bowen descendants in front of him is enough to prove everything.

The most likely possibility is that this guy probably established a Taoist temple in his own home, which is why he saved his gray hair. It’s no wonder that when he saw his Taoist dressed up, he immediately stopped him. Obviously, the other party was definitely full of words. I have been hiding it in my heart for too long, so I continue to find someone to vent to.

Liu Hao didn't do calculations, so he couldn't really guarantee that what the other party said was true, but when he thought about it, it didn't seem to be a big deal.

Regardless of whether the flag the old man raised was true or false, his actions were enough to make Ren respect him.

Compared with him, the Holy Duke Kong Jiayan of Qufu felt more ironic. I guess Fang Yun and the many Confucian and Taoist monks he brought here must have felt uncomfortable when they saw it, right?

When you read history in books, you may only feel sorry for its misfortune, but when you see the effects with your own eyes, the hatred in your heart will definitely be magnified too much.

Not to mention anything else, there must be people from the Confucian family in the sage world of Confucianism and Taoism who followed Fang Yun. Seeing this scene, they will definitely become irritable and blush.

There are so many sage families of Confucianism and Taoism. In the five thousand years of history, it seems that apart from the Confucian family, which one has been preserved?

In other words, even if they are lucky enough not to appear forever, which one of them can continue their wealth to this day?

It seems that after counting, there is only one family named Lao Kong.

But how did people get their wealth?

I'm really ashamed to say it!

Although Liu Hao did not observe the changes of the Confucian family in Qufu up close, he knew very well that even if the Confucian family from the sage world of Confucianism and Taoism came, they would definitely look down upon these people, and perhaps they would regard them as having the same surname of Kong. , providing food and clothing, but that’s all.

No matter how many students there are, other aristocratic families and other students from the sage world of Confucianism and Taoism will definitely look at the Kong family in a different light.

For a 'noble family' that values ​​their family's reputation more than anything else, they absolutely cannot afford to be treated differently.

In other words, after the fall of the Qing Dynasty, the Kong family in Qufu definitely did not have any more privileges than other people. Whatever they wanted to get in the future, they also had to fight for it themselves.

They will not even have the ability to 'cry' to the outside world, because the Confucian family members who have arrived as the sage of Confucianism and Taoism will definitely suppress them severely for a period of time, and will not stop until the new atmosphere of the Central Plains is completely consolidated.

During this period, their ability to change their minds will become the only possibility for them to rise again in the future.

Otherwise, the Kong family, the sage of Confucianism and Taoism, would not mind packing them up completely and dragging them all into Liu Hao Earth or the sage world of Confucianism and Taoism. In these two worlds, their identities, But no one will pay attention to you.

On the other hand, the old man in front of him mentioned his 'ancestors'. Perhaps the biggest factor was to vent his centuries of repression, but there was definitely another layer of calculation hidden in it, that is, he wanted to be with those who suddenly appeared. Fang Yun and his gang got in touch.

He probably didn't know how to get in touch with this group of people. Going to Beijing was an attempt on his part, and now raising his identity loudly was also a way to build reputation for himself and even his family.

Of course, you can't say that he is definitely 'taking advantage' or 'speculating'.

At least Liu Hao believes that there are definitely more than just the old man in front of him. There may already be many such people in other places, and there won't be many more people like him.

Liu Hao also knew that Fang Yun was probably happy with the appearance of such people, so he went through the selection process to remove the real speculators among them. Those who remained might have some ideological problems, but they were definitely members of the 'advanced elements' , if used properly, the same effect is not small.

While the old man in front of him was boasting so high and mighty, he also looked carefully at the other man's eyes, and really didn't see the slightest hint of dodge.

This also gave him a little more trust in the other party's words.

Liu Bowen, the founding minister of the Ming Dynasty, has many legends. He was also a Taoist. The other party's image was also chosen just right. It's no wonder that the other party wanted to have a drink with him when he saw him. Looking at the attracted crowds around him, it was enough to prove that the other party even It's pure calculation, and the effect is very good.

Since the other party can draw him in, it can be regarded as an opportunity. Liu Hao is also happy to help the other party, but he has to think about how to help him.

Now that he is a Taoist priest, it is naturally impossible for him to give an invincible inheritance. If you think carefully, it seems that the "Tai Chi inheritance technique" obtained from the world under one person and from King Wudang is also very good.

After all, the Tai Chi pattern in the Taoist robes on his body is still in public, which can be used as an excuse.

How far the old man can extend this inheritance in the future depends on the other party's own abilities.

Furthermore, even if Liu Hao could, he wouldn't really pass on his brilliant legacy. No matter how someone else's luck had already been sealed, there was no reason for him to be a poacher. There are so many people in the world. There is no need at all.

With a decision in his mind, he felt more relaxed. When listening to the other party's eloquent remarks, he would often give a small nod in response, as if he had received support. The old man was even more cheerful when he spoke, and his saliva was almost flying. .

"I don't know who drove that Tatar from the throne of the emperor. I have so many gratitudes in my heart that I hurriedly rushed to the capital.

Although I don’t have much wealth, I still have some accumulation..."

The old man talked a lot, and the words inside sounded respectable. This donation of his entire wealth, even if it was really for speculation, was the biggest investment.

The surrounding listeners all cheered loudly, and this high praise also made the old man laugh. It sounded very open-minded, but in Liu Hao's eyes, there was no artificiality at all.

"I feel ashamed to say it, but I forgot to introduce myself. I, Liu Fang, haven't you asked fellow Taoist Taoist number yet?"

"The poor 'Ziwei'!"

Liu Hao introduced himself very concisely. As he spoke, he also observed the other person's eyes, because he knew that anyone who has really studied Taoist culture for a long time will definitely know what the word "Ziwei" means.

As soon as he said this introduction, the old man, that is, Liu Fang's eyes shrank slightly, because he knew very well what the meaning of 'Ziwei' was? I have never thought that any Taoist priest would dare to take such a 'Taoist name'.

It would be fine if he was a fake Taoist priest, but Liu Hao didn't look like a fake Taoist priest. Even he, an old guy who had lived in seclusion all year round, felt that Liu Hao's strong Taoist aura made him unconsciously want to get closer. .

But now that the Taoist name came out, it made him think all over the place. He couldn't figure out which sect Liu Hao's inheritance came from, and which teacher would give such a 'Taoist name' to his disciples.

Could it be that he became a monk halfway?

Could it be that he felt that this Taoist name was good and chose it casually?

Many questions flashed through Liu Fang's mind, and he expelled them one by one. Maybe it was possible before, but Liu Hao's "Tao Yun" cannot be faked. Even if he didn't understand it before, he must know it now. Ming, now that you know it, you should make changes even if you made a mistake before, and there is no reason to continue to use such a Taoist name.

He really couldn't figure it out. Reality is not fiction, and things that should be taboo must definitely be tabooed. Especially the more people understand the origin of it, the more they must obey it.

"Could it be that the person in front of me who looks like he is a fake Taoist priest?"

In the end, Liu Fang could only get such an answer, and there was also a hint of confusion in his expression. Liu Hao saw all of this one by one, and he felt a little more trust in his heart.

He guessed that Liu Fang in front of him would probably discuss Taoist knowledge with him next to confirm his suspicions, but Liu Hao didn't have much interest in these. He smiled sarcastically, and while the other person was stunned, he raised his hand towards the other person's eyebrows. At one point, he gave the Wudang inheritance of the "World Under One Man" that he had thought of, and then he stood up and left.

When the old man came to his senses, Liu Hao had already disappeared into the street on his donkey. Little did he know that he had met a 'true god' today.

But he still couldn't be sure in his heart whether he was the legendary 'Emperor Ziwei', and he didn't dare to make a clear conclusion lightly.

Not to mention what happened next for the old man, Liu Hao was in a very good mood when he left on his donkey.

He felt that this time was really good. If the Qing Dynasty continued for another hundred years, it would be extremely difficult for individuals and families like Liu Fang to continue to persist in their wishes and beliefs, and they would even have to disappear in a long time. Become part of the 'slavery mentality'.

Do you think that Fang Yun's divine thoughts that came here also have this feeling of happiness in their hearts?

Don't think that everything will be fine if Fang Yun arrives with many subordinates and sends away all the senior officials of the Qing Dynasty.

How is this possible? After being ruled for hundreds of years and with a population of three generations, the Qing Dynasty’s ‘slavery ideology’ was deeply rooted in the bones, but it could not be washed away in an instant.

Coupled with the rise of some careerists, the land of the Central Plains seems peaceful on the surface. How could Liu Hao not know what is actually going on?

After leaving the capital and walking only a few dozen miles to the west, he saw bandits roaring towards him. There were about 180 people around him, especially the long braids on their heads that were still very dazzling.

You don't need to think too much to know what the people in front of you are paying attention to.

Regardless of whether the other party is a remnant of the vested interests of the Qing Dynasty, a sympathizer or adherent of the Qing Dynasty, or simply robbing families with the help of this brand, the fact that they are still here proves that this group of people is by no means a good person. thing.

There are more than a thousand square kilometers of land left over from the Qing Dynasty in the Central Plains. Even the many monks brought by Liu Hao cannot pass through the mountains one by one.

Perhaps those larger-scale careerists and bandits have been suppressed, but just like this, a small group of bandits who randomly chose a mountain top or a few mountain ranges will definitely not be less numerous.

For these bandit teams to truly and completely disappear, it takes more than just a little time.

It requires many factors to work together. For example, the improvement of people's thinking and the emergence of ownership account for most of the factors.

But this factor is often the most time-consuming to achieve.

Liu Hao could also understand Fang Yun's approach. He knew that the reason why the other party did not form a large-scale local "armed police force" was not because of distrust of local people, but because he knew that such a thing could not be done in a hurry.

In addition, isn't the large-scale road construction organized by Fang Yun's people compressing the living space of these small-scale bandits?

In other words, if Liu Hao had not chosen this small road today, his safety would still be very certain. Then when Liu Fang entered the capital, he would have brought a lot of money with him. Wouldn't his journey have been smooth?

He wanted to get rid of these bandits with a wave of his hand, but after thinking about it, it seemed that it would be good to encounter them. He could just send them to his door, and also see what groups made up of this group of people, and how many of them were forced. So far, how much evil has been hidden.

He was already dressed in luxury, and he pretended to be flustered and frightened. Before the bandits could get close to him, he hurriedly took out a few gold ingots and threw them out.

Under the sunlight, the shining golden object blinded the eyes of many bandits. They didn't bother to rush up to kill Liu Hao. In just a few breaths, the original team was completely in chaos. He rushed towards the direction where the gold fell, as if whoever picked it up would own it.

The mess was very ugly, and what disgusted Liu Hao the most was that the bandits who seemed to be the leaders finally joined in. Liu Hao hardly needed to guess, and they already told him that they were just a rabble.

Such greedy and unorganized bandits made Liu Hao lose his interest almost instantly. Almost instantly, he knew that most of these people were from the mansions of the former Qing nobles. 'Coated slaves'.

This group has no skills at all. They are used to following their masters to show off their power, but their own strength is even worse than that of many common people. They are just relying on the master behind them to bully the common people.

After losing their master, such 'coated slaves' can only be completely eliminated by society. When they are entangled together, it makes sense that they will turn into bandits.

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