Dimensional Chat Room

Chapter 659 The Emperor’s Attack

Chapter 659 The Emperor’s Attack

Arrogance, greed, and destructive power.

I must be a wolf.

Kiana would occasionally say this about herself.

Before he came back, he was wagging his tail at the door,

If no one pays attention to you, your heart will break and you will become sad alone.

Then, it is inevitable to be defeated by Little Red Riding Hood.

It's a quiet morning.

The clock says 9 o'clock, and breakfast time has been missed.

It was a common thing to be woken up by hunger pangs. Instead of feeling a little embarrassed, it made her very satisfied.

Because as long as you open the door, you can definitely see the delicious food prepared by Meiyi.

But just continuing to relax and go back to sleep may be a good choice.

For Kiana, who did not return from her mission until 3 a.m., sleep is the biggest food now.

Looking back, I peeked out from the bed and saw the sky, which looked like a gray color painted with a paintbrush.

It was obviously morning, but the scene looked like evening, which made people melancholy.

Draw the curtains,

He lowered his eyelids and began to work hard thinking of a deep sleep.

Well, I still have my pajamas. I just need at least two more hours of being intimate with Mei in my dreams.

Consciousness gradually settled down,


As if he couldn't tolerate her little wish.

——Bang bang bang.

Fierce knocking on the door came like a violent storm.

"Kiana, wake up, Kiana!"

Ah—that old aunt Jizi!

Kiana turned over on the bed. She just wanted to use Kaslana's gun fighting skills to stuff the Water Fairy Type I into her mouth to stop her chattering voice.

Kiana turned over on the bed again, kicked off the sheets, rubbed her eyes and sat up pitifully.

"I know, I'm coming."

When Kiana opened the door, she found that everyone had put on tactical armor and was ready.

"Three emperor-level Honkaiju appeared in Kyoto and Hokkaido, ready to attack. The specific situation will be introduced in detail during the trip, so prepare for battle immediately."

"Eh? Three-headed emperor level?"


"Brother Ye You, Xi'er is also going. Xi'er, you'll do your best."

Watching the dark blue girl leave, the sudden Honkaiju summoned all the Valkyries from the Far East branch of Destiny, and even secretly borrowed help from Anti-Entropy, hoping that Einstein and the others could help at the critical moment.

After all, those are three emperor-level Honkai Beasts.

In this world, a catastrophic phenomenon called "collapse" occurs every hundred years, and the manifestations are unpredictable, such as wars, infectious diseases, climate disasters, meteorite impacts, etc.

Among them, if the beast is infected with the Honkai mutation, it will transform into a huge Honkai beast.

Honkaimon with a size of more than 10 meters requires a rail gun with a caliber of 270 mm or even a 430 mm to completely destroy it.

The currently appearing Honkaimon are roughly divided into three categories from low to high: Assault level, Assault level, Knight level, Knight level, Ballista level, Ballista level, Chariot level, Chariot level, and Temple level. Temple level, Emperor level, Emperor level, Judgment level, Seven types of Judgment level.

The Emperor level and the Judgment level are qualitatively different from the other five types. They are high-level Honkai beasts, and their bodies are extremely huge.

Although the emperor-level in the game looks small, just a ball of experience, in reality the emperor-level just moves, which is no less than a natural disaster.

Ye You stayed at St. Freya Academy, and Wendy, the Fourth Herrscher, was still here. Although Theresa was a lolita, she would not make the mistake of sending out all her combat power and causing her home to be stolen.

Out of trust in Ye You's strength, he was left alone in St. Freya.

At the same time, because of Ye You's extreme speed, he can serve as a reserve team to quickly support both sides of the battlefield.

"After the Moonlight Throne incident, there doesn't seem to be such a big movement."

Ye You flipped through "Hengkai III".

"Or is it that the Imperial-level Honkaimon is not impressive enough and is not worthy of being included in the main plot?"

Ye You frowned. Even if he didn't understand the mechanism of the appearance of the emperor-level Honkai Beast, he could still feel something strange.

Three emperors appeared in this small island country at the same time.

Did it happen naturally, or was there some human intervention involved?

Ye You came to Wendy's ward. She sat on the bed and looked out the window.

Raindrops fell from the gloomy dark clouds, hitting the glass windows and condensing into water droplets.

"What are you thinking about?"

Ye You walked in with a soft smile on his face.

"Another Honkaimon appears."

Wendy looked at Xiao Yu in concentration and murmured.

She was originally a Valkyrie with a kind heart, fighting to protect the beauty of the world and observing it as her own belief.

That’s why Wendy chose the frontal battlefield of Honkaimon.

You know, there are many kinds of Valkyries.

During the apprenticeship, Valkyrie will be exposed to various commissioned tasks, such as assassination, infiltration, reconnaissance, disguise, logistics, etc.

Fully explore their strengths, then focus on training the parts they are good at, and finally assign them to specific departments.

Not every Valkyrie will risk their lives on the battlefield to fight against Honkaimon, and there are also those who are engaged in missions that cannot see the light of day.

But as long as they choose to take the Shura path on the battlefield, they will be worthy of being heroic warriors.

So, at this moment, Wendy must be very depressed.

"I am lying here leisurely, while they are on the front line..."

"You don't have to feel guilty about this." Ye You said: "In fact, if everyone does what they can, it is already very remarkable."

"Ah, yes."

Wendy lowered her eyelids, so she sat here.

In order not to cause confusion to everyone.

However, I am still unwilling to give in.

"If you are unwilling, you must express it properly. If you suppress it in your heart, it will only give Honkai Will an opportunity to take advantage of it."


Ye You saw what Wendy was thinking, smiled, and continued: "Although your legs are paralyzed because of your desire for gems, you can still receive its power and walk again."

Wendy's pupils suddenly dilated, she squeezed her hands and said excitedly: "Really? Can I still walk according to my own will?!"

Ye You affirmed: "In the past, you felt that the desire gem was corroding your body, and you were subconsciously resisting it and fighting against it all the time. Now that its power has been released, you can try to accept it and let it be used for your benefit."

"Accept it..." Wendy opened her eyes in disbelief, "Let the power of Honkai belong to me... Is this kind of thing possible?"


Ye You opened his palms, and the crystal of the core of reason was suspended in his palms. "Look, I can do it, and so can Leiden Meiyi. You will be fine too."

Confidence is important, Ye You gave Wendy the direction and goal to move forward.

In an instant, Wendy's originally lifeless face became radiant.

She always felt that she was just a container to keep the core, a tool.

After releasing the power of the gem, Wendy became the existence she once hated the most.

Therefore, hearing Ye You's words at this moment and seeing Ye You using the Herrscher Core like a toy with her own eyes, Wendy was really inspired in her heart.

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