I'm off today, so I'm reading a book to Chiara in the morning. The book is, of course, The Adventures of the Brave Murasaki Ichiro.

"Thus the brave Murasaki defeated the bad dragon, Cubikimyra.

The adventures of the brave Murasaki are coming.

"What do you think - interesting?

I'm telling you, it must have been funny.

I thought I'd tell you a princess story because I'm a girl, but I stopped because it's painful for me to read.

Well, let me read you more.

"If the brave Murasaki defeated a bad dragon, how dare a sword come out of its dragon body.

Isn't that the lost Holy Sword Delanceifa? It is a sword that blesses its owner and crushes every demon, what can be called a disaster for demons.

Why did that come out of Cubikimyra's body? There's a long, long reason for that.

Oh, you slept with Chiara.

Hehe, you cute guy.

Brave Murasaki seems to have existed. Then did the Holy Sword Delanceifa also exist?

And even though it's a dragon, Cubbi? Kimyra? Some strange demons.

Slightly further south than the central part of the Kingdom of Roland lies the immense Muriema Mountains, dividing Francia from the land south of it.

There are also several basins dotted in that mountain, one of which was apparently the territory of Cubikimyra.

Is there a demonic realm to the north and a giant mountain range to the south?

I guess this world is still a tough environment.

But given the great river flowing from that mountain range, I guess it still has to be.

The demonic realm is horrible and I don't want to go, but I want to climb the Muriema Mountains.

I'd like to try the magic of flying when it's available.

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