Did the Queen’s Vest Fall Out?

Chapter 258 The Consequences of Liu Dao Gone

What is the most valuable in these days?

One is the land and the other is the house.

Dijing dared to rent a mountain to build a house in a film and television base that was burnt to ashes, his ability is naturally extraordinary!

You know, all the scenes built by the crew themselves need to be dismantled after the shooting is completed, and the previous venues need to be cleaned up.

Therefore, the production team without money is also reluctant to spend money to make a good scene... Anyway, it will be demolished, so it is better to make it more shabby, save as much as you can, and save the money to add special effects in the later stage.

And the deep house built by Emperor Jing cost a lot of money, with curved corridors, small bridges and flowing water, antique corners of houses, luxurious and exquisite bricks, tiles and glass...

Such a large building must have communicated with the person in charge of Dijing and the film and television base, and it will not be demolished after it is built! Even, it is very likely to be provided to future crews for use in new scenes, which can be regarded as the shade planted by the predecessors!

The deep house is solemn and solemn, but the interior layout is luxurious and exquisite. A table, a chair, a beam and a tree are all very elegant.

Not to mention the purple sand pot used to make tea from Li Fei, the hollowed-out silver incense burner in the study, and the silk yarn hung on the soft bed in the bedroom, all of which are exquisite products! Especially the seemingly ordinary black jade paperweight on the table. It is said that Liu Daoyi's buddy who collects antiques specially lent it to the crew, and it is worth hundreds of thousands!

Starting from the gate of the Shenzhai, walking up a few hundred meters is the current shooting location of Group A.

Because it is close to the top of the mountain, there is no slope here, it is very flat, but the vegetation is sparse, and the loess is exposed. It looks quite desolate with cold sand and cold shadow.

In an area of ​​about two acres of land, the crew set up dozens of tents of different sizes, and deliberately made them a lot old. It seemed that there was a sense of haste in marching and fighting.

Groups A and B joined together to shoot a group scene. Director Qin had ordered the camera crew to move down the camera in advance last night.

At this moment, dozens of cameras are waiting for orders in different positions on a huge venue, and the ground is densely covered with darkness, which looks very spectacular.

When Bai Qi arrived, Director Liu was looking at the display with a frown.

Group A plans to shoot two scenes today:

In the first scene, the news of Chou Nu's battle to seal the city of Weiyang was sent back to the big account, and Nong Yin and Li Fei discussed whether to send troops to support them.

The second scene is a group play, which is about Li Fei and his dead men coming to the camp to find Nongyin, and the ugly slave recognizes Prince Qi.

Director Liu planned to finish filming the first scene in the morning, and when Bai Qi came over to finish his special effects makeup, he would be able to catch up with the group scene in the afternoon. If the pace is fast enough, maybe two more night scenes can be added in the evening.

After Xu Shi watched Bai Qi's performance, he was a little flustered, and he prepared a lot with confidence!

As a result, Lu Xinran's performance gave Director Liu a blow in the head!

Not to mention that this little ancestor was late in the morning, he put on his make-up in a hurry, thinking that this place is not beautiful enough, and the painting there is a bit rough! After pestering Mr. Mao Ge to change the makeup, he slowly prepared to shoot.


She forgot the words!

Not only forgot the words, every time after NG, Lu Xinran had to go to touch up her makeup first, for fear that she would not look good enough on camera!

To be honest, in the past, Director Liu might have tolerated it. After all, the role that the sponsor spent money in, just make it look better! How can I really expect her to have any acting skills?

Lovely, I am most afraid of comparison! If you let him eat five yuan instant noodles, he can accept it. But after you treat him to a luxurious feast of sea and land, and then serve him a bowl of instant noodles... no one can accept it!

Therefore, Director Liu was very dissatisfied with Lu Xinran's performance all morning, no matter how many times he NGed, he refused to give in and shouted.

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