Di Daughter’s Rebirth: Sheng Shi Wang Fei

Chapter 146: Piano and flute ensemble (4)

Chapter 146: Piano and Flute Ensemble (4)

"Let Chunmei follow, she was with Xueyan just now, it might help if she thinks about it!"

"No need, it's better for Chunmei to go back with you, I don't worry if you don't have anyone by your side!"

"It's okay, the coachman will take me back. Brother Shaodong, just let Chunmei go with you. With her here, I can rest assured!" Shen Jingshu insisted, and Qi Shaodong had no choice but to agree. , Shen Jingshu asked Chunmei Haosheng to help, and Chunmei naturally responded one by one. Qi Shaodong felt a headache when he saw this.

Shen Jingshu is gone, but Chunmei is still there, what will he do for a while?

Shen Jingshu didn't care about Qi Shaodong's headache, she originally wanted to see Qi Xueyan's embarrassed appearance with her own eyes, but Shen Jingshu knew that if she was here, Qi Shaodong would definitely have scruples, and it would be troublesome at that time. So she simply left, and as soon as she got home, she ran in in a hurry, looking for Banyan Tree, "Mother, it's not good, Xueyan is missing, mother, please go find someone to help!" Hehe, such a How about not making a big deal out of things?

Qi Shaodong, oh Qi Shaodong, but you asked me to come back yourself, so what if I don't give you a big gift?

"Shu'er, what's the matter? What's the matter with Xueyan?" Seeing Shen Jingshu coming back in a hurry, Shan Banrong was also very worried. Shen Jingshu simply said the matter, Shan Banyan also had a serious face, "This is not good Zhang Zhang, I will send some people to help, so as not to cause problems!"

"Okay, mother!" When she came back all the way just now, Shen Jingshu kept urging the driver to speed up her pace, and now she has found Shan Yuerong to rescue the soldiers as soon as she came back. She believes that it won't be long before the news of Qi Xueyan's disappearance will come. It spread like wildfire, and even if the Qi family wanted to hide it, they couldn't hide it.

Qi Xueyan, just wait for the day when you will be ruined! The shame you gave me in the previous life, in this life, I will definitely return it to you bit by bit!

Qi Xueyan finally found it, but because of anger and lack of cooperation, Qi Xueyan suffered a lot. Those people didn't know that they made a mistake, and Qi Xueyan certainly didn't dare to say that she was the one who bought it, otherwise it would be a big trouble. But what she didn't expect was that the person who found her was actually someone from the yamen. When Qi Xueyan saw Shen Wenhua, she was so angry that she passed out!

Shen Jingshu, I am at odds with you in this life!

Because the matter was deliberately made a big deal by Shen Jingshu, Shen Wenhua even dispatched people from the yamen. Although he tried hard to hide it, there were a lot of gossip. Some people said that Qi Xueyan was kidnapped and lost her innocence, while others said that Qi Xueyan was robbed of her wealth and sex, and now she is incomplete... The legend is getting more and more mysterious. Don't go, hide alone in the room and get angry, Mrs. Qi is also very guilty for this.

"Yan'er, would you like something to eat? I'm worried about you!"

"Get out, I don't want to see you!" If her mother didn't ask her to cooperate, how could she be so miserable?

Although Qi Xueyan hated Shen Jingshu, she also hated her mother's imprecise layout!

Although she wanted to use this opportunity to ruin Shen Jingshu's reputation, she didn't want to bear the consequences herself!

Thinking that she secretly spent more money to make those slaves suffer for Shen Jingshu, but she didn't expect that everything would happen to her, how could Qi Xueyan not be angry?

"Yan'er, your body is important, don't be too sad. I have suppressed this matter, and soon no one will bring it up, please don't be like this?" Mrs. Qi certainly knows how important a name is to a woman. But she never thought that the matter would be so big, even when Qi Xueyan was found, she was indeed disheveled, so many people saw it at that time, even if they and Shen Wenhua had issued a ban, nowhere could it really be banned ?

Mrs. Qi also regrets now, she shouldn't have dragged her daughter down with such a hasty layout!

"I don't want to see people anymore, mother, let me fend for myself, what can I do if the outside world spreads like that?"

"Yan Er, don't worry, there will be a way!"

"Is there any way, now that my reputation is ruined, what else can I do?"

"Don't worry about Yan'er, mother won't let you have trouble!"

Although Mrs. Qi tried her best to suppress the rumors, but for some reason, the rumors about Qi Xueyan spread more and more, and even became more and more excessive. Qi Xueyan's poor health was used as an excuse to send her to Zhuangzi and stay away from this place, so as to prevent Qi Xueyan from being really burdened by fame and ruining her life like that.

Mrs. Qi originally wanted to wait until the rumors disappeared before picking up Qi Xueyan back, but she didn't expect that in just a few months, Qi Xueyan's reputation in the south of the Yangtze River was ruined, and Mrs. Qi had no choice but to send Qi Xueyan to the capital. Qi Xueyan can start over!

Of course, this is something to say later, now that Qi Xueyan can't go out, Shen Jingshu is also happy at ease, and she is also happy not to see Qi Xueyan's hypocritical face that made her sick, Shen Jingshu is also happy. Now that the Qi family is busy with Qi Xueyan's affairs and they don't come to provoke her again, Shen Jingshu is even more happy. Seeing the spring passing and summer coming, Shen Jingshu's life is also very comfortable.

"The weather is very hot, and staying indoors all day is a bit boring. I heard that swimming in the lake at night is good and refreshing. Jingshu, why don't we go swimming in the lake tonight?"

"This is a good idea. Now the business of the clinic is gradually stabilizing. It's been a long time for us to relax. It's also good to go out and have fun! Jingshu, what do you think?" Yang Huilan and Kong Xinhe both Agreeing, Shen Jingshu of course has no objection, "Okay, I heard that the scenery on the Spring River is good, but I don't know how it is at night, so it's good to go!"

"Then it's settled, I'll go back and tell my parents!"

"Well, I'll ask my mother too!"

In the end, the adults agreed. Yang Huilan's family loves Yang Huilan very much. Of course, the Kong family hopes that the relationship between Kong Xinhe and the two eldest ladies will be as good as possible. Of course, they will not object. Although Shan Banyan is worried that it will be dangerous for women to go out at night , and just asked Shen Jingshu to bring more people there, and it would be fine. When the sun set later, a few people went to swim in the lake.

"Swimming in the lake at this time is really good. Seeing the afterglow of dusk shining on the lake, it's a special pleasure."

"It's too hot during the day, the whole person is lazy and doesn't want to move, but now it's refreshing and comfortable!"

"Look, what's in front of that?" Seeing a boat from a distance, a burst of fragrance came, and the girls immediately knew what it was, "Let's stay away, it's not good to encounter those bad luck!"

"Look, why does that seem to be Mr. Qi?" When something like this happened to the Qi family, Mr. Qi was also in a depressed mood, and Mrs. Qi was also a little dissatisfied, so these days she often hangs around the brothel.

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