Devouring Myriad Ghosts System

Chapter 174 Beiyang University

Beiyang University is ranked 912th among the more than 1,000 universities in Chiyang Star. It is a bit of a compliment to say that it is a top-notch university.

To be precise, it is not in the stream.

In the office of the principal of Beiyang University, Zheng Binghe smiled and introduced the situation of the school to Qian Changhai. The latter listened to his beard and stared, wishing to rush up and beat his old friend on the ground.

Before that, Zheng Binghe only told Qian Changhai that Beiyang University had a long history and had produced many celebrities. The school had a profound cultural background and was very famous in Chiyangxing.

But when he got here, Qian Changhai found that this was not the case at all. Not to mention the dilapidated and old facilities in the school, there were very few students in the school. Along the way, there were almost no people on the narrow and short main road of the campus.

Occasionally, one or two lecturers walked by with weak breath and confused expressions, and they didn't even reach the Qi gathering place.

Zheng Binghe joined the army with Qian Changhai back then, and fought on the front line for several years. The two can be said to have a life-threatening friendship.

Qian Changhai naturally had great trust in Zheng Binghe, who knew that this old friend would also fool him.

Zheng Binghe's state of mind was completely opposite to that of Qian Changhai's. Knowing that his old friend was unhappy at Lanwanxing and even lost his pension job, Zheng Binghe moved his mind and wanted his old friend to come to Beiyang University to take up a job.

Regardless of Qian Changhai's character or level, Zheng Binghe couldn't be more clear that Beiyang University lacks everything, but the most lacking is teachers.

There are only a dozen or so lecturers in the lecturer team, all of them are junior lecturers, and Zheng Binghe is the only professor at the professor level.

When Qian Changhai asked Zheng Binghe for help, he didn't want to agree to all the requests of his old friend, but he only made one request, let Qian Changhai come to Beiyang University to serve as the dean of the Cultivation College.

Beiyang University may not be popular, but Zheng Binghe himself has two talents. With his ability, he does not have to stick to such a university. It is not difficult for him to enter a first-class university at the early stage of Jindan cultivation.

The reason for a person like Zheng Binghe to stay at Beiyang University for 20 years is not complicated. This is his alma mater, where he met his wife, and where his dream started.

Twenty years ago, the wife who had been the teaching director of Beiyang University only said one word to him when she died of illness. If she lived again, she would still want to meet him under the banyan tree by the May Pond of Beiyang University.

Zheng Binghe has done a lot for Beiyang University in the past 20 years. However, the source of Beiyang University students has not been good, and there is no financial allocation. A penny is hard for a hero. In recent years, half of the hardware facilities of Beiyang University have been purchased by Zheng Binghe himself. .

Zheng Binghe still has to give lectures and lead students, wishing he could split himself in half, but the reality is cruel.

Without good conditions, there will be no good lecturers willing to take up the post, and it is even less likely for talented students to apply for the exam.

Year after year, a vicious cycle, Zheng Binghe tried his best but couldn't bring it back, but it was not without any achievements. Twenty years ago, Beiyang University was almost downgraded to a junior college. With support little by little, from Chiyang Star to the number one, it has increased by more than a hundred ranks.

Beiyang University was ranked in the top five in Chiyangxing more than a hundred years ago. When Zheng Binghe entered the school, it was also a good school in the top ten. Of course, that was already 80 or 90 years ago.

Seventy years ago, the principal of Beiyang University was also Zheng Binghe's mentor, because of his upright and strong personality, he offended the then Vice Minister of Education of Sihuan Star, and Beiyang University began to decline since then.

The boundaries of the school are constantly shrinking, and the financial allocation is shrinking every year. However, the lecturers who teach at Beiyang University will be difficult to take the qualification examination, and the promotion path is almost blocked. Many talented students are attracted by other schools with generous treatment. .

In less than ten years, Beiyang University declined rapidly in Chiyang Star, and quickly disappeared from people's sight. Nowadays, almost no one knows that there is such a former federal "Project 199" college in Chiyang City.

Zheng Binghe talked freely for half an hour, turning a blind eye to his old friend's gloomy expression.

"Brother Changhai, this is the basic situation of the school. If you have any questions, you can ask me directly.

From tomorrow onwards, you will be the dean of the Cultivation College of Beiyang University. You have the final say on all affairs of the Cultivation College. Have a good drink bro. " Zheng Binghe said with a smile.

Qian Changhai's heart was full of fumes, but all the people had come, all the formalities had been completed, and he had already boarded the thief's boat, so it was impossible to get off the boat at this time.

Qian Changhai had no interest in the dean of the Cultivation Academy at all. The reason why he agreed to Zheng Binghe's appointment was so that Li Daochong could transfer to Beiyang University.

It’s just that after such a long time, Zheng Binghe didn’t say a word about Li Daochong’s transfer. All he said was to introduce the school’s situation and the progress of teaching, and he focused on Qian Changhai’s job.

"Binghe, you know the purpose of my visit this time..." Seeing that Zheng Binghe wanted to end the conversation, Qian Changhai opened his mouth to get to the point, but was interrupted as soon as he spoke.

"Chang Hai, the things I promised you have already been settled. This little brother's student status and transfer issues have been settled long ago. You can just come to school tomorrow. After you join the job, you will be the dean of the cultivation school. How do you arrange for this little brother? You can do it yourself, don't ask me." Zheng Binghe said bluntly.

Zheng Binghe greeted Li Daochong and shook hands when he first met him, but then he forgot about Li Daochong and focused on his old friend.

What Zheng Binghe wanted was Qian Changhai, and as for Li Daochong, he just applied for an old friend with additional conditions.

Li Daochong's situation was made clear to Zheng Binghe when Qian Changhai contacted him. Zheng Binghe expressed deep sympathy for Li Daochong's broken spiritual root, and there was nothing he could do except regret.

Without the realm of transforming gods, it is impossible to restore and heal the broken spiritual roots.

Zheng Binghe also comforted Qian Changhai, don't blame yourself, people have misfortunes and fortunes, and it can only be said that Li Daochong was hit by this.

Zheng Binghe seemed indifferent to Li Daochong, not because he looked down on Li Daochong, but because he had too many things on his hands. Anyway, Qian Changhai was already the dean of the Cultivation Academy, and Li Daochong was brought by him, so he would naturally arrange it properly, and there was no need Worry about it yourself.

After hearing Zheng Binghe's words, Qian Changhai finally understood his old friend's intentions, so he didn't ask any more questions, and took Li Daochong to go through the formalities.

After completing the formalities, Li Daochong officially became a transfer student in the sophomore year of Beiyang University, and Qian Changhai also became the dean of the School of Comprehension of Beiyang University.

Qian Changhai wanted to give Li Daochong some preferential treatment, but Li Daochong refused.

Facing the new environment, Li Daochong felt very relaxed. The conditions of Beiyang University were far inferior to Xuancang University, but everything here gave Li Daochong a very simple feeling.

The single dormitory is very spacious. After Li Daochong moved in, he entered into a state of meditation until the next day when he had classes.

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