Devil's Love

Chapter 515

"I hope so! Some time ago, Bai Shao used a trick to get back the box stolen by Fujita Hao. I hope we can find out what can be found by combining the things in the box." ace sighed. After so long, the progress is too slow. Moreover, more and more people are involved, and everyone feels more and more headache.

Enron didn't say a word. He felt that the clues found these days had led them into a maze. There were roads everywhere, but he didn't know which was the way to live?

When situ Mo got the news, he also had some new directions in his heart. He looked comfortingly at the two women and said, "don't worry too much. You have to eat slowly, not to mention such a big mystery. Now so many people are helping you find it. Don't be too discouraged."

"Thank you!" ace said sincerely to situ mo.

Enron also thanked situ Mo for leaving for a while. Why did he feel sleepy?

Watching Enron yawn, ACE urged Enron to go to bed quickly. Don't waste the needles of the past two days, but it will kill her.

Seeing that Enron was going to rest, situ Mo wanted to continue to accompany him, but ace advised him: "go back and have a good rest. If you and Bai Minxi are tired, who will help us?"

Situ Mo found that he fell asleep in less than a few seconds. He couldn't have done it if he wasn't very tired.

"Yes, she's very tired and weak. Go back first. Someone will watch here at night and no one will come to trouble." ace said and pushed situ Mo out of the ward. I don't know whether it's right or wrong to tell him so much tonight?

After leaving the hospital, situ Mo got on the bus. He just asked about the bookstore where tengtian Hao and Gong Yunhuo found their connection. He took out his mobile phone and called Qiqi, asking her to find a time to feel the situation of the bookstore.

The news that the Gong family is colluding with the Japanese family is shocking!

He needs to digest it well. He has to go back and talk to his grandpa and grandpa about it, because the fact is too big. He is afraid that this conspiracy is not only aimed at settling down, but may be aimed at the four families in Kyoto.

After smoking a cigarette, he closed the window and stepped on the accelerator.

Not far away, Bai Minxi had already arrived. Looking at situ Mo's car, he waited at the door and didn't go in. After Bai Minxi's car left, he looked up at Enron's ward and found that the light in Enron's room had gone out. He dragged his tired body to leave, and his mobile phone rang.

"Come, where shall we meet?" the other party's voice was very simple.

Bai Minxi almost forgot the boy and asked the other party about his foothold. After hanging up, he called ace.

"Bai Shao, I haven't rested yet. Enron just slept." ace thought Bai Minxi was looking for Enron before calling her.

"No, I'm looking for you. I have something to trouble you. I know it's a little difficult at this time, but that person is a good friend of mine. I hope you can help." Bai Minxi knows that when Enron's health was not in trouble before, it can trouble Enron.

But now Enron has ignored himself and can only talk to ace.

As soon as ACE heard that he was Bai Minxi's friend, he said with enough righteousness: "it's all right. You send people here. Since you can trust them, they must be your own."

"Thank you for your hard work, ace. I have to take care of Enron and help my friend see a doctor. He was seriously injured by crazy sand this time, otherwise I wouldn't want to send someone to you." Bai Minxi said sincerely.

"The enemy of the phantom is our enemy. Send people here. I'm waiting for you." ace hung up the phone and told the people below to prepare. An emergency patient needs treatment later.

An hour later, Bai Minxi sent his good friend Cui Zai to ace's hospital again. He didn't expect that this guy was hurt so badly. He was lying down. Looking at Cui Zai's wound, his anger came up.

Ace was shocked to see Cui appear in front of her again. Many people don't know who Cui is?

Ace knows, because Cui paid him a lot of money to treat his injury. It was many years ago, and Cui is much more seriously injured now than at that time.

"Ace, it's a pleasure to meet again!" Cui didn't forget to say hello to ace at this time.

"I really don't want to see you. Every time I see you, it's not good." ace shook his head reluctantly and asked his men to send them to the operating room.

Fortunately, she had a good night's sleep. If she had come here yesterday and walked with her legs floating, how could she help the boy with surgery?

Because he was going to operate on Cui again, ACE called Mingsu, who had been busy all day.

Mingsu is so tired that she can't get up. She can't help but let Doudou come and carry a bag, so that the bones won't fall apart tomorrow.

Doudou was young but steady. When he came, he said hello to ace and went into Enron's ward with the computer in his arms.

Bai Minxi also went to see Enron with Doudou. Even if he could sit next to her for a while without talking, he felt very good.

"Don't worry, don't be me. I wear headphones to play games!" Doudou turned his back and began to tap the keyboard of his laptop.

In the corridor outside, a tall figure went to the next chair and sat down. He lit a cigarette, smoked a few, looked at the operating room and Enron's ward.

Kyoto is a troubled time. If there is no way, he really doesn't want to come to this ghost place. It's not so hard to be a coach on the island. When he comes to this ghost place, he has to start and use his brain, and deal with some old foxes all day.

Not long after, another tall man came. He walked to the side with coke in his hand and sat down: "ghost brother, when do you think this matter will have to be tossed?"

The person who sat down first was ghost fire. He glanced lazily at Sinan and asked, "when are you willing to face your broken things? Do you want to escape all your life?"

"You'd better not face it all your life. That place is my nightmare, but... It's also a nightmare I can't let go. I'm useless, I'm cowardly, I......" Sinan didn't know what language to describe his state of mind. He took a sip of coke and looked at the end of the corridor with his eyes slightly red.

Ghost fire patted Sinan on the shoulder: "don't worry, your revenge is the Revenge of the brothers. The strange old man said that when we are ready in a few days, we will go into the mountain with you and revenge your revenge first."

"Really?" Sinan stood up excitedly, and his voice echoed in the quiet corridor.

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