Detective from The Future

Chapter 884: New clues

Han Bin said, "Then, do you know that she still has friends with before?"

"I know, but I also have a family, so I can't talk about other people." Zhong Xiuyuan sighed, "People, they are all mutual. There used to be other people around her, so I should just play with her. Later, she I broke up with that man, and I was sincere to her, otherwise I wouldn't let her live in the house."

"If you give her a house, your wife won't doubt it."

"My wife never cares about renting a house. I will help Dong Yubei pay the rent on time. She can't find out."

"Oh, you are pretty big-hearted."

Zhong Xiuyuan said helplessly, "Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, and I can't help it either."

"Listening to what you mean, cheating still makes sense. Tell me, why is there no way."

Zhong Xiuyuan licked his lips, "My parents are just a son like me. Before we get married, they arranged the house, car, and work for me. My only wish is that I get married and start a business and live a good life. My wife is my college classmate, and we two This is a free love, and my parents have never opposed it."

"Originally, my life was pretty happy, but after the age of thirty, my parents urged me to have a baby. I also felt that my age was almost reached, so they discussed with my wife about having a baby. But she was unwilling, saying she was fighting In the career stage, having children now is tantamount to destroying one's future."

"My daughter-in-law has her pursuits. She is a particularly independent person and can't be wrong. But my parents are not young anymore? I just hope that I have a child sooner, and they can help see the child. In their words , Are they so old? Live one day less? Their biggest wish is to see the next generation."

"I’m in a dilemma? I’m over 30 this year, and I think it’s time to have a baby. Pregnancy plus pregnancy will take another two years. When the baby is born? Both of us are almost forty. I’m fine with a boy. ?It's harder for women to have children after forty."

"I told my daughter-in-law a lot, but she just wouldn't listen? The more she said it, the more she felt that I was biased towards my parents? I was one mind with my parents? The more conflicted in my heart. Why do you want to have children? Let me have other women? She doesn't care."

"I've seen it through. Women can't get used to it. The more honest you are, the more dead you will be when she eats you. Don't you take you seriously? I don't think you are capable."

"How many friends do I have? I particularly like to play outside? Spend time. Their wives look more closely? Holding, respecting, pampering, what they want to eat, and what they want to do at night? For fear that their husband will not be home. "

"My wife is different. She doesn't take me seriously. Sometimes I want to be intimate. She says that she is tired from work and is not in the mood. She also says that I know that kind of thing in my mind all day, and I just want to do it She doesn't care about other women. She said I have no abilities, no man at all, and no woman can look at me."

Han Bin sat aside and was dumbfounded, I was just taking notes for you, and you've made a family complaint, can you be more serious.

However, Han Bin didn't interrupt him either. Although most of them were nonsense, this kind of complaint was just the truth, and he might be able to tell some important clues.

Zhong Xiuyuan said with emotion, "Comrade police, I'm telling you the truth, I'm really vomiting, holding in my heart for such a long time, you are the first person I talk to, and I feel much more comfortable."

Han Bin said, "You were with Dong Yubei out of revenge against your wife?"

Zhong Xiuyuan was stunned for a while, "I can't say that it's not good. There are various reasons. Let alone, since I was with Dong Yubei, I spent less time at home and didn't take the initiative to stick to my wife. At first, we both didn’t take the initiative to care about each other, but my wife couldn’t help it anymore. She took the initiative to show her okay, went home to cook at night, and bought qing fun underwear for the first time a few days ago. You said she If it had been this way, I would be where I am today."

"How did you and Dong Yubei meet?"

"I know the renter. Dong Yubei works as a real estate agency. I have a house for rent. It just happened that the last tenant stopped renting. Dong Yubei took the initiative to contact me to see the house, and I met once he came and went." At this point, Zhong Xiuyuan showed melancholy.

"Since she broke up with her boyfriend, I started to treat her sincerely. I was very happy to know that she was pregnant. I even thought about divorcing my wife. Who knows... she just left."

"Comrade police, how exactly did Bebe die? Who killed her?"

"The case is still under investigation. Please come here in the hope that you can provide some clues to help the police solve the case as soon as possible."

"On November 30th, after I left Beibei's house, I haven't seen her again. I didn't expect her to have an accident."

Han Bin's conversation turned, "Have you been to Wuhua Mountain recently?"


"November 30th, between 3pm and 6pm, where are you?"

"I'm at work, you can ask if you don't believe me." Zhong Xiuyuan swallowed, looking a little nervous, "Comrade police, you don't suspect that I am the murderer, I told you the truth, this time I told you the truth. Besides, Beibei is pregnant with my child, I am too happy to have time, how could I kill her."

"Which unit do you work in?"

Zhong Xiuyuan hesitated, "I'm from the Housing Management Bureau."

"Good unit."

"It's okay." Zhong Xiuyuan showed a worried look, "Comrade police, can we not tell our unit about this matter?"

"We will not disclose your privacy at will, but we need to verify your alibi."

Zhong Xiuyuan showed a begging expression, "Then you say that my tenant is dead. I'm just assisting in the investigation, let alone my relationship with her?"

Han Bin said perfunctorily, "I will tell the investigators."

"Thank you, thank you so much, I will be useful in the future, just say it."

Han Bin stroked his thoughts, "As far as we know, you and Dong Yubei have the closest relationship. Do you think she has anything unusual recently?"

"She's been very happy recently, nothing special. However, she had a conflict with someone some time ago and almost had a miscarriage, which frightened me."

"When did this happen?"

"November 20th. I also took her to the hospital for an examination. In the doctor's words, the child was almost gone. Let us be careful in the future and don't bump into it again."

Han Bin asked, "Explain the process of the conflict in detail?"

"She went to the supermarket that day. After coming out of the supermarket, someone reversed the car and bumped her. Fortunately, she avoided. Then she argued with the driver who was driving. The driver was a rascal. She didn't apologize for hitting someone. Saying that Beibei does not have eyes, Beibei scolded him a few words. The man got angry, slapped Beibei twice, kicked her, and drove away."

"Did you call the police?"

"I was so angry at the time, how could I not call the police. However, the people at the police station said that the driver used a licensed car, and the man ran away a long time ago and couldn't find it at all." Zhong Xiuyuan slapped himself, "all blame me , Too careless. I thought it was an accident at the time, although I was angry, I didn't think too much. Now I think about it, the person who hit Beibei at that time may be the murderer of Beibei."

"Please tell me the address of the crime and the police station where the crime was reported."

"Xinghai Road, Nanguo Supermarket, we reported the case at Xinghai Police Station."

Han Bin took the notes down, and then turned to ask, "Are you sure Dong Yubei is carrying your child?"

"OK." Zhong Xiuyuan nodded and asked, "What's the problem?"

"No problem." Han Bin took out a business card from his pocket. "Today's transcript does this first. If you think of any clues, you can contact me again."

Zhong Xiuyuan got up, walked a few steps, then turned around, "Comrade police, this matter...I am willing to assist you in the investigation, but please don't tell my wife, okay?"

Han Bin neither agreed nor refused, "Look at your performance."

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