Zhong Xiuyuan agreed to come to the police station, but he didn't have time in the morning and he could only come in the afternoon.

Han Bin approached Zhu Jiaxu and asked him to take someone to the Hejing community to check the house where the deceased was rented before his death to see if he could find clues to the suspect.

Han Bin led the investigation of Lou Hexiang.

Lou Hexiang's ID card and mobile phone number address are the same, both are in Guomao District, Room 301, Building 1.

At eleven o'clock in the morning, Han Bin led people to the Guomao district.

This is an old-fashioned community, the community is not big, there are only six buildings in total, each building is six stories high, and one of the buildings is equipped with an elevator outside, which looks a bit nondescript.

Han Bin looked around the community and pointed to Wang Xiao on the side, "Wang Xiao, you lead people to stare at the community. Others follow me."

The group went up to the third floor and Bao Xing knocked on the door of Room 301.


"Who is it?" A woman's voice came from the room.

"We are from the Public Security Bureau."

It is not necessary to disguise their identity every time they go to the home of the person involved in the case, but to make a specific analysis.

"Crack..." With a sound, the door opened.

A woman in her forties was standing at the door, looking at Han Bin and others with some wonder, "Why don't you wear police uniforms?"

"We are the criminal police of the Municipal Public Security Bureau." Bao Xing showed the police officer's card.

"Aren't your detectives catching criminals? Why did you come to our house?" The woman blocked the door, without letting Han Bin and others enter.

Bao Xing answered the question, "Is Lou Hexiang here?"

"That's my son, why are you looking for him?"

"What's your name?"

"My name is Lou Yuenan."

Han Bin smiled, "Aunt Lou, is your son here? We want to see him."

"Yes, you are here just right, I just want you to take care of him."

"What's up with him?"

"What's the matter?" Lou Yuenan snorted, "I don't do anything every day. I just sit in front of the computer and play games. Go and take a look. There is no more people. I can't control it. You can help me. If it doesn’t work, take him away for a few days. As long as I can help him quit online banking, I’ll give you a pennant."

Bao Xing "..."

Han Bin and others also looked dumbfounded.

Auntie, aunt? We are criminal police officers. You don't take us seriously. If your son lets us take away? It won't be a matter of a few days.

Han Bin said? "Auntie? I will help you persuade, provided that you have to let us see him first."

"It's okay, but what are you looking for? I'm a mother must know, right? I can't tell the neighbors when they ask." Lou Yuenan held her chest with her hands? Still blocking the door.

Han Bin can't use the strong either, and put it next, "Do you know Dong Yubei?"

"Humph." Lou Yuenan snorted? "What kind of cat or dog? I don't know."

When I heard this tone, I knew it? Not just cognition? I guess they are still a bit contradictory.

"Auntie? What is the relationship between your son and Dong Yubei?"

"Oh? Don't mention that woman to me. I get a headache when I mention her. If it wasn't for her to dump my son, how could my son be like this? The whole person would be ruined. Let me tell you? You want me to see She? I have to'fuck her' a few big mouths."

"When did your son and Dong Yubei break up?"

"I don't know exactly when the two of them were divided? But? I guess it's been half a year. At that time, my son started to have something wrong. He stopped working and started playing on the computer at home." Lou Yuenan asked?" Comrade police, you are looking for this woman, who came to the wrong place. She and my son have long been separated, so you should leave now."

Han Bin smiled and said, "Auntie, don't you want us to persuade your son not to indulge in computers all day, so why let us go now?"

"I want you to persuade you. When you met him, when you asked about Dong Yubei, he was getting worse. I'm going to talk to someone to reason."

Han Bin didn't want any more ink marks, and said directly, "Dong Yubei is dead."

"What, it's dead!" Lou Yuenan seemed to be frightened, and took a step back, "How did she die?"

"The case is still under investigation. It is not convenient to disclose it temporarily, Auntie, we have told you so much, we should let us see Lou Hexiang."

Lou Yuenan blocked the door more tightly, "Then I can't let you in. Dong Yubei died and had anything to do with my son. They broke up six months ago."

"If you don't let us take notes at home, we can understand, we will take him to the police station for investigation."

"No, you can't go to the police station."

Lou Yuenan's voice is not small. If Lou Hexiang is really in the bedroom, he should be able to hear it, but if there is no movement for so long, Han Bin feels something is wrong.

"Auntie, either you call Lou Hexiang out or we go in. If you are obstructing us, you are obstructing law enforcement and we will take you away together."

"Catch me? Why are you arresting me? Even if you are the police, you can't arrest people."

All that should be said was clear, Han Bin was too lazy to ink with her again, winking at Li Qin on the side.

Li Qin understood, stepped forward and pulled Lou Yuenan away. Han Bin and others entered the living room. This was a two-bedroom room. The door of the master bedroom was open, there was no one inside, and the door of the side bedroom was closed.

Han Bin walked over and tried to unscrew the door. The door was not locked and opened directly.

A strong smell of sweat wafted out of the room, and a man was sitting at a desk playing on a computer with headphones on his head.

After Han Bin walked into the bedroom, the man reacted, "Who are you? Why did you come to my house."

"We are the police."

The man did not respond, took off the headset, and asked, "Who are you anyway?"

"We are the police!" Bao Xing shouted.

"Why are you shouting so loudly? The police are amazing. No, why are you coming to my house?"

Han Bin did not answer. He picked up Lou Hexiang's earphones and listened. The sound was indeed loud. No wonder the other party could not hear the movement outside.

Bao Xing showed the police officer ID, "Lou Hexiang, where were you between 3 and 6 yesterday afternoon?"

"What does it have to do with you? What are you doing in my house?"

Han Bin said sternly, "We are here to investigate a case related to Dong Yubei."

Lou Hexiang's eyes widened, "Beibei, what's wrong with her?"

"Dong Yubei is dead!"

"Beibei is dead!" Lou Hexiang murmured, showing a sad expression, "No, you lie to me, no, how can Bebe die? We only called yesterday."

"What did she tell you?"

"She didn't say anything at first, it was just me. Later...she borrowed money from me...I...I'm sorry."

"Why do you say that?"

"I haven't worked for several months. I loaned her the money from somewhere. If I had it, I would definitely lend it to her, but unfortunately I didn't. Then she hung up the phone." Lou Hexiang's voice was choked. , "If... I had money at the time and gave the money directly to her, maybe she wouldn't have any trouble."

"How did Bebe die? Who killed her?"

"The case is still under investigation, and we don't know for the time being. We came to you, hoping that you can provide some valuable clues so that we can solve the case as soon as possible."

Lou Hexiang hugged his head, "You let me slow down, I really can't believe how Beibei died. She is so good and so young, she shouldn't have died like this."

After a while, Han Bin continued to ask, "What is the relationship between the two of you?"

"She is my girlfriend. No... ex-girlfriend."

"When did you two break up?"

"On August 24 this year."

Han Bin was a little surprised, "Remember so clearly?"

Lou Hexiang sighed, with a hint of helplessness in sorrow, "I will never forget that day, even if I want to forget it."

"Why did you two break up?"

Lou Hexiang shook his head, "Blame me because I am not capable and can't give her the life she wants."

Han Bin asked, "Do you know someone named Zhong Xiuyuan?"

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