Detective from The Future

Chapter 872: Han Chaoyue

The news that Han Bin became the acting squadron leader of the City Criminal Investigation Brigade spread like wildfire and spread within the Qindao police system.

The City Criminal Investigation Brigade is one of the most important departments of the Qindao police system. The squadron leader level also has a certain influence in Qindao City, and is qualified to be a post-dinner talker for others.

That afternoon, Han Weidong learned of the news from other channels, and he was naturally extremely happy, even more happy than his promotion.

He is over fifty years old and can't do it for a few years. Now it doesn't make much sense to be promoted.

But Han Bin is different. Han Bin is only 26 years old this year. He has a great future. According to Han Weidong’s understanding, he should be the youngest squadron leader in Qindao City. More importantly, he is in the municipal bureau and is better than the districts. The leader of the squadron is high.

Han Weidong seemed to have won the lottery, and wanted to share the news with others, but for the same reason, if he really won the lottery, this kind of thing would not be easy to tell others.

In all fairness, if there is any good news, I should tell my son the first time. But the son himself knew now that he just took office, maybe he was busy with work, and he didn't want to disturb him.

This news must be told to his wife and made her happy, but Han Weidong wanted to go home and tell her in person.

Finally, after thinking about it for a while, Han Weidong called his father and told him the good news.

As for Wang Qingsheng, he hesitated, but still did not call.

The reason is simple. He knew the good news and wanted to share it with others. His wife will do the same if he knows. If he tells his brother-in-law, his wife will not be caught blind, and there will be no one to announce the good news.

After half an hour, Han Weidong calmed down and kept a low profile. The more at this time, the more low profile. This is how he usually educates his son? Can't I lose the chain at critical moments.

Han Weidong lighted a cigarette, poured a cup of tea, and sat in the office to have fun? Thinking about waiting to go home at night? Get some small dishes? Another bottle of Wuliangye and a few drinks with his son. No, 80% of my son has no time today? Give my brother-in-law a phone call? Let him go to drink at night.


Just like Han Weidong guessed, Han Bin is really busy now, although he has been promoted from team member to team leader and deputy squadron leader? But the post is obviously different from that of squadron leader.

The position of the squadron leader is more formal? More important? There are more procedures to go through.

The squadron leader has his own independent office? Han Bin thought about it and didn’t move in immediately? One is because Ma Jingbo is still in the hospital? There are still his things in the office. Out of respect for the old leader, Han Bin doesn’t want to move his things. When I move out, I don’t want to leave an impatient impression.

One more thing, his job as the squadron leader is still acting? After the acting two are removed by himself? I will move in in a fair way? Then no one will gossip.

As for how to arrange the night? That is also very particular. Han Bin naturally wanted to invite the leader to dinner, but Ma Jingbo is still in the hospital? Ding Xifeng has something tonight.

As for the captain of the first squadron, Tao Bo, he is now the deputy captain of the city criminal investigation team, and he can be regarded as half of Han Bin's leader. If he wants a treat, he will naturally be called. But now Ding Xifeng has no time and can only wait for another day.

The leader didn't have time, but couldn't hold back the booing of his men. Bao Xing, Zhao Ming, Zhu Jiaxu, Zhang Shungu and others shouted for Han Bin to treat him.

These people will be his direct subordinates in the future, and Han Bin will naturally not be stingy. In addition, he is not busy these days and has no important cases at hand, so Han Bin happily agreed.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Lao Liu's sheep and scorpion hot pot.

In winter, when the weather is cold, it is still enjoyable to eat hot pot. Lamb scorpion hot pot is also a category of hot pot. The lamb spine is cooked in the pot, which is soft and rotten. The bones are eaten first, and the rest of the bone soup is cooked. It's warm all over.

It’s a joy to celebrate Han Bin’s promotion today, but considering the impact, Han Bin did not let everyone drink. You can eat. If you have fun, you can avoid drinking.

This is his promotion banquet, not a celebration banquet. There really needs to be an urgent task. Everyone drank alcohol and it was impossible to justify.

Don't drink alcohol, and have enough food.

Zhao Ming took two Chinese cigarettes out of the car, one on a table. They could not finish smoking and take them away. They were very lavish.

He is undoubtedly the happiest for the promotion of the old leader, Han Bin. With this backing, he will not be as easy as a duck in the city's criminal investigation brigade.

There are cigarettes but no alcohol, although the atmosphere is a little bit less, but everyone still talked very happily, and it didn't end until after 8 o'clock in the evening.

When Han Bin got home, it was already nine o'clock in the evening.

Wang Ting was sitting on the sofa watching TV and stood up, "You're back, ah, it smells like smoke. Give me the clothes, and I will put them on the balcony to dry."

"I'll go by myself, don't touch your hands."

"I'll cut a fruit plate for you, what do you want to eat?"

"The hot pot to eat at night, let's have a dragon fruit."

After Han Bin washed, Wang Ting had already cut the fruit, took two toothpicks and inserted them, "Why do you think of dinner parties? Who treats you?"

Han Bin showed a wry smile and pointed at himself.

"Why are you hosting?"

Han Bin cleared his throat and said solemnly, "Comrade Wang Ting, formally introduce me. Standing in front of you, this is Comrade Han Bin, acting squadron captain of the Second Squadron of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Municipal Bureau."

When Han Bin came out suddenly, Wang Ting was a little dazed at first, and she heard surprise on her pretty face behind her, "Acting Squadron Captain, are you promoted?"

"Our horse team suffered a gunshot wound. We can't take charge of the team's work for the time being, so we recommended me to take over as the squadron leader."

Wang Ting asked, "Then what does this agency mean? It's temporary, or it can be normalized in the future."

"As long as there is no problem with the work, you can be competent for the post of squadron captain, and it should only be a matter of time before you become regular.

Wang Ting smiled, "Then you, Captain Han, are worthy of the name."

"The wife of the future squadron leader, do you want to open a bottle of red wine to celebrate." Han Bin went home and drank a little wine secretly by himself, and the nature of drinking a big wine with his men was completely different.

"It just so happens. I went shopping today and bought a good bottle of wine. I wanted to wait until Christmas to drink it, so it's cheaper for you."

"It's a good relationship. I'll go see what's going on in the refrigerator." Han Bin is happy today. He doesn't drink and always feels shortcomings.


The next morning, Yuhua Branch, Criminal Investigation Brigade.

As soon as Zeng Ping finished the meeting, he took a copy and entered the second group office.

"Team Zeng." "The captain is here." everyone greeted.

"Come here, everyone, let me say something."

Hearing Zeng Ping's greeting, everyone came over, but Li Hui sat in front of the computer and didn't move.

Zeng Ping walked over and knocked on Li Hui's table, "Hey, what are you doing, I look so fascinated."

Li Hui came back to his senses and probed, "Team Zeng, that kid Han Bin has solved the big case again."

Zeng Ping was not too surprised, "Is that the case of fake police robbery?"

"More than that, in addition to this serial robbery, they also cracked another homicide case. It is estimated that this time they can also be rated as second-class merit."

Zeng Ping took advantage of the situation to cheer everyone up, "Okay, this kid can shine everywhere, and we must work hard, and we can't let this kid fall."

Li Hui said, "Team Zeng, don't rush to talk, I haven't said the point yet."

Zeng Ping smiled and scolded, "If you turn your back, you dare to think that I rob you. I can't say one, two or three, let's see how I can deal with you."

Li Hui smiled, "This kid Han Bin has been promoted again and became the acting squadron leader of the Second Squadron of the City Criminal Investigation Brigade. You said, this is not a one, two or three."

" say it again, squadron leader...keep away, let me see for myself..." Zeng Ping opened his mouth and pulled Li Hui away, leaning to the screen to watch for himself, "Well, it's really good. team leader."

The other team members also came over. Most of these people are Han Bin's old men, and the new team members have also heard Han Bin's name.

Sun Xiaopeng showed an enviable look, "Team Zeng, is the team Han at the same level as you?"

Zeng Ping gave a wry smile without answering.

He wants to be at the same level as Han Bin. He is the squadron leader of the District Criminal Investigation Brigade, and Han Bin is the squadron leader of the City Criminal Investigation Brigade. The difference is big.

Zeng Ping had all the flavors in his heart. He knew that Han Bin was outstanding and might surpass him in the future, but he didn't expect that this day would come so soon...

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